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Portfolio of Invisible Assets. Primary Assets consist of:

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1 Portfolio of Invisible Assets

2 Primary Assets consist of:

3 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Primary Assets consist of: –Baptism of the Holy Spirit

4 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Primary Assets consist of: –Baptism of the Holy Spirit –Pre-designed Protocol Plan of God (P 3 G)

5 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Primary Assets consist of: –Baptism of the Holy Spirit –Pre-designed Protocol Plan of God (P 3 G) –Equal Privilege and Equal Opportunity

6 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Primary Assets consist of: –Baptism of the Holy Spirit –Pre-designed Protocol Plan of God (P 3 G) –Equal Privilege and Equal Opportunity –Unique Royal Commissions

7 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Primary Assets consist of: –Baptism of the Holy Spirit –Pre-designed Protocol Plan of God (P 3 G) –Equal Privilege and Equal Opportunity –Unique Royal Commissions –Unique Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age

8 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Primary Assets consist of: –Baptism of the Holy Spirit –Pre-designed Protocol Plan of God (P 3 G) –Equal Privilege and Equal Opportunity –Unique Royal Commissions –Unique Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age –Indwelling of the Trinity

9 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Primary Assets consist of: –Baptism of the Holy Spirit –Pre-designed Protocol Plan of God (P 3 G) –Equal Privilege and Equal Opportunity –Unique Royal Commissions –Unique Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age –Indwelling of the Trinity –100% Availability of Divine Power.

10 Secondary Assets: Portfolio of Invisible Assets

11 Secondary Assets: –Positive volition toward Bible Doctrine Portfolio of Invisible Assets

12 Secondary Assets: –Positive volition toward Bible Doctrine –Production Assets = Residence in the P 3 G (Fruit of the Spirit) Portfolio of Invisible Assets

13 Secondary Assets: –Positive volition toward Bible Doctrine –Production Assets = Residence in the P 3 G (Fruit of the Spirit) –Suffering for Blessing Portfolio of Invisible Assets

14 Secondary Assets: –Positive volition toward Bible Doctrine –Production Assets = Residence in the P 3 G (Fruit of the Spirit) –Suffering for Blessing –Invisible impact blessings Portfolio of Invisible Assets

15 Secondary Assets: –Positive volition toward Bible Doctrine –Production Assets = Residence in the P 3 G (Fruit of the Spirit) –Suffering for Blessing –Invisible impact blessings a. Personal impact – blessing by association Portfolio of Invisible Assets

16 Secondary Assets: –Positive volition toward Bible Doctrine –Production Assets = Residence in the P 3 G (Fruit of the Spirit) –Suffering for Blessing –Invisible impact blessings a. Personal impact – blessing by association b. Historical impact - national blessing (Pivot) Portfolio of Invisible Assets

17 Secondary Assets: –Positive volition toward Bible Doctrine –Production Assets = Residence in the P 3 G (Fruit of the Spirit) –Suffering for Blessing –Invisible impact blessings a. Personal impact – blessing by association b. Historical impact - national blessing (Pivot) c. International impact - association with Client Nation to God Portfolio of Invisible Assets

18 Personal Asset: –Operating in your Spiritual Gift

19 Portfolio of Invisible Assets Personal Asset: –Operating in your Spiritual Gift Unique Asset: –Indwelling of the Trinity

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