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Point process and hybrid spectral analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Point process and hybrid spectral analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point process and hybrid spectral analysis.
Bijan Pesaran Center for Neural Science New York University

2 Overview Specifying point processes using moments Factorial moments
Non-stationary measures: JPSTH Spectra; Asymptotic properties; Fano factor Interval spectrum Hybrid moments Periodic processes; F-test

3 Analyzing point processes
Conditional intensity Probability of finding a point conditioned on past history Specifying the moments of functions Correlation functions and spectra

4 Point process representations
Counting process Interval process

5 Poisson process Spike arrival is independent of other spike arrivals
Probability of spiking is constant

6 Renewal process Determined by interspike interval histogram
Analogous to simple Integrate-and-fire model of spiking Reset membrane potential after each spike

7 Conditional intensity process
Probability of occurrence of a point at a given time, given the past history of the process This is a stochastic process that depends on the specific realization. It is not a rate-varying Poisson process Probability of spike in t,t+dt

8 Methods of moments Specify process in terms of the moments of the process First moment: Second moment: Nth moment:

9 Factorial moments; Product densities
Moments contain delta functions when times are simultaneous Remove delta functions to get factorial moments

10 Product densities First product density: Second product density:
Poisson process, event times are independent Interpretation: Joint density of getting spikes at certain times irrespective of other events

11 Occurrence density and product density
Product density: Specifies spikes occur at certain times Joint density: Specifies spikes only occur at certain times

12 Correlation function of a point process

13 Spectrum of point process
Spectrum is the Fourier transform of the correlation function High-frequency limit: Poisson process:

14 Low-frequency limit

15 Number covariation Low-frequency limit of the coherence is the number covariation

16 Illustrative point process spectra
Poisson Periodic Refractory

17 Features of spike spectrum
Dip at low frequency due to refractoriness Rate-varying Poisson process

18 Example spike spectrum
Not Poisson process Not rate-varying Poisson process

19 Spike correlation and spectrum
Multitaper spectrum NT = 8 Auto-correlation fn

20 Interval spectrum Spectrum of the inter-spike intervals
Detects deviations from renewal process

21 Area LIP Example Correlated doublets

22 Parietal Reach Region Example
Correlated triplets

23 Joint peri-stimulus time histogram
Measure of association between two spike trains Gerstein and Perkel (1969) Gerstein and Perkel (1972)

24 Spike cross-correlation and coherence
Multitaper coherence 9 trials, NT=9 Cross-correlation fn

25 Hybrid moments Moments between point and continuous processes
Spike-triggered average Spike-field coherence

26 Example correlation - coherence

27 F-test for harmonic analysis

28 Linear regression

29 Linear regression in spectral domain

30 Linear regression in spectral domain

31 F-test for significance
Set significance threshold to be 1-1/N where N is the length of the original time series Zero-pad data sequence by large factor (32 or more)

32 Linear regression in spectral domain for point processes

33 Linear regression in spectral domain

34 F-test for significance
Set significance threshold to be 1-1/N where N is the length of the original time series Zero-pad data sequence by large factor (32 or more)

35 F-test overview Model deterministic periodic signals
Allows suppression of these signals by subtracting them from data Useful for line noise removal and other artifacts Useful for characterizing periodic stimulus response (see Multivariate lecture and Sornborger lab)

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