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Surfaces of finite types Chihchy Fwu Department of Mathematics Soochow University November 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Surfaces of finite types Chihchy Fwu Department of Mathematics Soochow University November 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surfaces of finite types Chihchy Fwu Department of Mathematics Soochow University November 2001

2 How to visualize abstractly defined surfaces?

3 What is the configuration space of the following linkage [W. Thurston 1982]

4 It is a surface of genus 3 Vertice = 8  6 / 4 = 12 Edges = 8  6 / 2 = 24 Faces = 8  = 12 – 24 + 8 = 2 ( 1 – g )

5 Outline Review classical surfaces Type number Computation application

6 Circle Group SO(2) X =  cos t sin t   -sin t cos t  X ” + X = 0

7 Orthogonal group SO(n) X = ( x ij )  R n  n Killing form ds 2 = - tr( dX dX t ) Orthonormal basis of Lie algebra E ij = e i e j t – e j e i t Casimir operator  E ij 2 = - I Maurer Cartan form  = dX X t Structure equation d  =    Laplacian  X + X = 0

8 Spectrum of a Manifold Eigenfunction  with eigenvalue   +  = 0 Eigenvalues 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < …. E( k ) space of eigenfunctions is a finite dimensional vector space

9 Immersion of homogenous space M = G / H Riemannian homogeneous space G compact Lie group H acts on T [H] M irreducibly. {  1,  2, …,  N } an orthonormal basis of E( k ) The evaluation map  : M  R N  (x) = (  1 (x),  2 (x), …,  N (x) ) is an isometric immersion and   = k .

10 Some examples Sphere S n = SO(n+1) / SO(n) S 2n+1 = SU(n+1) / SU(n) S 4n+3 = Sp(n+1) / Sp(n) Projective space RP n = SO(n+1) / S(O(n)  O(1)) CP n = SU(n+1) / S(U(n)  U(1)) QP n = Sp(n+1) / Sp(n)  Sp(1)

11 spherical harmonics E( k ) consists of harmonic polynomials homogeneous of degree k in x, y, z dim E( k ) = 2 k +1 k = k ( k + 1)

12 E( 1 ) = { x, y, z } canonical immersion

13 E( 2 ) = { x 2 - y 2, y 2 - z 2, z 2 - x 2, 2xy, 2yz, 2zx } Veronese surface as an immersion of the real projective plane RP 2  R 5  S 5 = S 4  R 4

14 Roman Surface ( 2xy, 2yz, 2zx )

15 Crosscap ( 2yz, 2zx, z 2 -x 2 )

16 E( 3 ) Immersion of the 3rd degree

17 E( 4 ) Boy surface immersion of degree 4

18 Boy surface viewed from bottom

19 Boy surface viewed from top

20 3 different views of Boy surface

21 Harmonic immersions of Flat torus T 2 (a,b)   S 1 ( a ) × S 1 ( b )  S 3  R 4, a 2 + b 2 = 1  (u,v) = ( a cos u, a sin u, b cos v, b sin v ) The harmonic functions on a flat torus are ordinary trig polynomials

22 Anchor ring = Flat torus under stereographic projection

23 Flat torus under spherical harmonic immersion of degree 2

24 Another spherical harmonic immersion of Flat torus

25 Type number X : M n  R N is a Riemannian manifold. E( k ) is the space of kth eigenfunctions of the Laplacian. The position vector has a Fourier expansion X =  X k Type number = # { k | X k  0 } All previous examples have type number either 1 : homogeneous spaces, or 2 : flat torus

26 QUESTION Is type number necessarily finite ? What is the type number of a surface ?

27 Spectral problem Eigenfunction  with eigenvalue   +  = 0 Rayleigh quotient Q(  ) = |  | 2 / |  | 2

28 Rayleigh-Ritz Approximation parametrize the surface in a single patch  = I  I with boundary properly identified. subdivide  into cells {e k } by a grid {x k } define a finite element  k at each vertex x k approximate the function  by  u k  k with coefficients vector u=(u k ) k ≦ K set K = 1600

29 Generalized eigenvalue problem Replace the Rayleigh quotient with the discrete form  Au, u  /  Bu, u  SVD gives A U = B U D U = ( u 1 … u K ) the matrix of eigenvectors, and D = diag( 1 … K ) the matrix of eigenvalues A u = B u

30 Determine the type number discretized position vector X = U Y Y = ( Y 1,Y 2, Y 3 ) Fourier coefficients y = Y 1 2 +Y 2 2 + Y 3 2 = ( y k ) Type number = # { k | y k > residue} Here residue = 10 -6

31 Surfaces to be investigated sphere flat torus a class of anchor rings a class of that under inversion a class of knotted tori a surface of genus two

32 Reconstructed sphere

33 Reconstructed Roman surface

34 Reconstructed flat torus

35 Reconstructed flat torus with higher degree eigenfunctions

36 Class of anchor rings

37 Generators are the geodesic circles at (1,0) of H 2

38 Type numbers of anchor rings

39 Class of inversions T 2 (a,b)  S 3  S 3   R 3  R 3 O(1,4) is the conformal groups of both R 3 and S 3 Inversion : x, u  R 4, | x | = 1  ( x ) = u – ( |u| 2 –1) / | x- u| 2 (x - u )

40 Inversion of an anchor ring



43 Type numbers of inversions

44 Class of knotted tori tube around a torus knot





49 Type numbers of knotted tori

50 Surface of genus 2 type number > 1525

51 Surface of genus 3 type number = ?

52 Surface of genus 5 type number = ?

53 All surfaces are of finite type, but some are more finite than the others [rephase George Orwell]

54 Surface of higher genus Uniformization : a surface M g of genus g > 1 is covered by the unit disk  M g =  \ SL(2, R) / SO(2)  =  1 ( M g ) fundamental group =  a 1, b 1,… a g, b g | [a 1,b 1 ][a 2,b 2 ]…[a g,b g ] = 1  M g  CP 3  R N

55 Fundamental domain ( g = 2)

56 Riemann surface of genus 2

57 View from bottom


59 View from top

60 謝謝聽講

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