PBS Runyon Elementary School-Wide Positive Behavior Support April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "PBS Runyon Elementary School-Wide Positive Behavior Support April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBS Runyon Elementary School-Wide Positive Behavior Support April 2008

2 Why did we ask for PBS? We have many superb students that need to be recognized for positive behavior. Creates a uniform system for behavior management. We will be able to see data that shows improvement and can be shared with the parent community.

3 Why is PBS necessary? Positive role models and actions are key to student success Much like academic growth, social growth must be defined, modeled, practiced, monitored, and acknowledged

4 Who benefits from PBS? Students –Increased motivation for positive behavior. –Firm understanding of school wide expectations. All Staff Members –Every staff member is united together to promote positive change. Parents –Shows our community we are committed to reinforcing positive behavior and fostering academic success.

5 Runyon School-Wide Expectations R esponsible and A ppropriate Choices for M e and My S chool

6 Responsible Rams Behavior Matrix

7 How will Runyon implement PBS? We have implemented the following expectations and acknowledgements for positive behavior: Direct teaching of RAMS Expectations throughout the year Classroom recognition Individual student recognition Discipline data analyzed regularly to continue to identify problem areas and to continue to be proactive in our approach to discipline

8 Classroom Recognition Related to school-wide expectations Based on class-wide compliments received for appropriate behavior Individualized by teacher/classroom –Examples hangman, spell responsible, etc. Class reward is determined by individual classrooms/grade level All staff watching for and acknowledging positive behaviors When class meets their responsibility goal, the class name is acknowledged during announcements

9 Individual Student Recognition Teacher observes positive behaviors based on school- wide expectations Teacher places ram and lanyard on the desk of a student before school During morning announcements, all Responsible Rams are called to office to receive their Responsible Rams card Child wears lanyard during the day, receiving compliments and acknowledgements During afternoon announcements, names of Responsible Rams are read Throughout the year Special PBS Boosters occur in which we acknowledge ALL students in each classroom.

10 The Role of the Teachers Distribute class compliments to promote Responsible Rams. Recognize individual students for their appropriate choices Model positive behaviors as role models in the school. Strive for Five (five positives for each negative)

11 For More Information Visit… www.cde.state.co.us/pbs/ www.pbis.org www.pbismaryland.org PBS TEAM MEMBERS Trudy Meisinger Jennie Loehding David Hilliard Pam Watanabe Cindy Graybeal Tarren O’Brien Carol Zimmerman Kelly Thiel Marian Hattaway

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