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The Metric System.

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1 The Metric System

2 Background Information
Used all over the world (except USA) Common language of scientists Based on 10s S.I. Units: International System—standard units agreed upon by everyone.

3 Linear Measurement Definition:
Measuring in line (distance, length, width, etc.) S.I. Unit: Meter (m) Common Units: Centimeter (cm) cm = 1 m Millimeter (mm) mm = 1 m Kilometer (km) 1000m = 1 km Tools: Meter stick, ruler

4 Measurements are always read to the certain markings AND then estimated one place beyond that marking. This line reads as 3.5 cm cm This line reads as 2.85 cm cm

5 Volume Measurement Definition: The amount of space an object takes up
S.I. Unit: NO S.I. unit Common Units: Liter (L or l) Milliliter (mL or ml) mL = 1 L Cubic centimeter (cm3) 1 cm3 = 1 mL Tools: Graduated cylinder or ruler

6 Other facts/notes Meniscus
Meniscus: the curve that forms on the surface of a liquid. Meniscus Read volume at the BOTTOM of the curve

7 Temperature Measurement
Definition: The measure of the motion of particles in a substance. The more motion, the higher the temp. S.I. Unit: Kelvin (K) 0 K = absolute zero 0 K = -273 oC Common Units: Degrees Celcius (oC) Tools: Thermometer

8 Other facts/notes Water freezes at 0 oC Water boils at 100 oC
Normal room temp is 20 oC Normal human body temp is 36 oC

9 Mass Measurement Definition:
Mass is the amount of stuff (matter) in an object S.I. Unit: Kilogram (kg) Common Units: Gram (g) g = 1 kg Milligram (mg) mg = 1 g Tools: Triple beam balance

10 Other facts/notes 1 ml of water has a mass of exactly 1 gram
When using a triple beam balance: Always “zero” the balance first Move the largest (100 g) mass first, Then move the 10 g mass, Then slide the smallest mass until it balances. Read balance to nearest .01g


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