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Approximating Graphic TSP with Matchings

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1 Approximating Graphic TSP with Matchings
Tobias Momke and Ola Svensson Royal Institute of Tech., Stockholm Presented by Amit Kumar (IIT Delhi)

2 Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Given weighted graph G, find a tour visiting all vertices of min. cost.

3 TSP Find min. cost Hamiltonian cycle in the metric completion of G. 3

4 Graphic (unweighted) TSP
Min. the number of edges in the tour. Find an Eulerian multi-graph with min. number of edges. 4

5 Some History Apx-Hard. (1.0046) [Papadimitriou, Vempala 2006]
1.5 approx [Christofides 1976] Held-Karp LP Relaxation (1970). Best lower bound on integrality gap : 4/3 upper bound : 1.5 [Williamson, Shmoys 1990] 5

6 Some History (Graphic TSP)
1.487-approx for cubic 3-edge connected [Gamarnik et. al. 2005] 4/3-approx for cubic graphs, and 7/5-approx for sub-cubic graphs [Boyd et. al. 2011], [Garg, Gupta 2011] approx. [Gharan, Saberi, Singh 2011] 6

7 This Paper 1.46-approx for Graphic TSP
4/3-approx for cubic (and sub-cubic) graphs. New techniques … 7

8 Talk Outline Christofides’ algorithm 4/3-approx for cubic graphs
Idea of removable pairs, and how to find large number of such pairs 4/3-approx for sub-cubic graphs Help-Karp LP Relaxation Extension to general graphs 8

9 Christofides’ algorithm
Start with a MST (cost at most OPT) Construct a matching over the odd-degree vertices in the shortest path metric. 9

10 Christofides’ algorithm
Cost of matching · OPT/2 Total cost · 1.5 OPT 10

11 Talk Outline Christofides’ algorithm 4/3-approx for cubic graphs
Idea of removable pairs, and how to find large number of such pairs 4/3-approx for sub-cubic graphs Help-Karp LP Relaxation Extension to general graphs 11

12 2-connected graphs Can assume that the graph is 2-connected. 12

13 Cubic 2-connected graphs
Any cubic 2-connected graph has a perfect matching. Adding a perfect matching makes it Eulerian. 13

14 Cubic 2-connected graphs
3/2n + 1/2n = 2n edges get used. Can we remove some edges ? so that only 4/3 n edges remain ? 14

15 Edmonds’ Matching Polytope
x(±(v))=1 for all vertices v x(±(S)) ¸ 1 for all odd sets S xe ¸ for all edges e Theorem[Edmonds] Any vertex corresponds to a perfect matching. 15

16 Edmonds’ Matching Polytope
Set x(e)=1/3 for all edges e. S : odd set |±(S)| ¸ 2. |±(S)| must also be odd. 16

17 Edmonds’ Matching Polytope
There exist polynomial number of matchings M1, …, Mk such that any edge appears in exactly 1/3 of these matchings. 17

18 2-connected cubic graphs
Take E U M, where M is a random matching drawn from the collection M1, …, Mk Total number of edges = 2n Which edges can we remove ? 18

19 2-connected cubic graphs
v Construct a DFS Tree The matching M contains exactly one edge incident to v : three cases arise 19

20 2-connected cubic graphs
v v v 20

21 2-connected cubic graphs
v v v Expected number of edges removed = n/2 . 2/3 . 2 = 2n/3 Number of remaining edges = 2n-2n/3=4n/3 21

22 Talk Outline Christofides’ algorithm 4/3-approx for cubic graphs
Idea of removable pairs, and how to find large number of such pairs 4/3-approx for sub-cubic graphs Help-Karp LP Relaxation Extension to general graphs 22

23 Removable Pairs G : 2 connected R : subset of edges P µ R X R
each edge in R is in at most one pair in P the edges in a pair are incident to a vertex of degree >= 3 removing a subset of R such that at most one edge from each pair is removed does not disconnect G. 23

24 Removable Pairs G : 2 connected R : subset of edges P µ R X R
R could have edges which are not in any pair. 24

25 Removable Pairs Theorem : There is aTSP tour with at most
4/3 |E| - 2/3 |R| edges. 25

26 Proof idea Transform G to a 2-connected cubic graph G’,
such that (R,P) maps to a removable pair. 26

27 Proof idea Transform G to a 2-connected cubic graph G’,
such that (R,P) maps to a removable pair. 27

28 Proof idea In the cubic graph, pick a random matching
and with prob. 2/3 we can remove 2 edges for each pair in P. 28

29 Finding Good Removable Pairs
Can start with any DFS Tree. 29

30 Finding Good Removable Pairs

31 Finding Good Removable Pairs
w Tw If k (¸ 1) back-edges from Tw to v, can add one pair to P and k+1 edges to R 31

32 Finding Good Removable Pairs
Given a DFS Tree, Make it 2-connected by adding as few back-edges as possible. The back-edges should be “well-distributed” for many tree-edges, there should be corresponding back-edges. 4/3|E|-2/3|R| 32

33 Some Notation v in-vertices v i w w Sub-divide tree edges.
|R|=i 2 I 0 or B(i) +1 33

34 Circulation Problem v in-vertices i (1,1) (0,1) w
Edges with non-zero (integral) flow form a 2-connected graph. 34

35 Min-cost Circulation Problem
v in-vertices i (1,1) (0,1) w Cost of flow=i 2 I min(0, f(B(i))-1) 35

36 Removable Pairs from Circulation
in-vertices i (1,1) (0,1) w C=|R|-2|P| E=n+|R|-|P| 4/3E-2/3R=4/3n+2/3C 36

37 Main Theorem v in-vertices i (1,1) (0,1) w
Given a circulation of cost C, there is a TSP tour of cost at most 4/3n + 2/3C 37

38 2-connected sub-cubic graphs
v Send 1 unit of flow on all back-edges. C=0 38

39 Talk Outline Christofides’ algorithm 4/3-approx for cubic graphs
Idea of removable pairs, and how to find large number of such pairs 4/3-approx for sub-cubic graphs Help-Karp LP Relaxation Extension to general graphs 39

40 Held Karp LP Min e xe x(±(S)) ¸ 2 for all S x ¸ 0

41 Integrality Gap Example
LP Value = 3L, Opt = 4L

42 Obtaining a circulation
Solve the Held-Karp LP A basic solution will have non-zero xe values for at most 2n-1 edges. Using this basic solution, construct a DFS Tree Bound the cost of circulation by LP value

43 Constructing the DFS Tree
When at a vertex v, pick the next edge with the highest xe value. v 0.5 0.2 0.9 w 0.3

44 Bounding the cost of circulation
v Exhibit a circulation of low cost. 0.5 w For each back-edge e, send xe amount of flow on the unique cycle formed by adding e to the tree.

45 Bounding the cost of circulation
v 0.95 w If flow fe on a tree edge < 1, then send the remaining (1-fe) unit on any cycle containing e and one back-edge

46 First circulation v i At most n back-edges. w
0.5 i At most n back-edges. w No. of back-edges into i at least f(B(i))/xvw Allows us to bound i min(f(B(i))-1,0) in terms of e xe

47 Second circulation v w If not enough flow on a tree-edge, the LP
0.95 w If not enough flow on a tree-edge, the LP solution must be putting high x value on this edge.

48 Final Theorem Cost of circulation is at most

49 Open Problems 4/3 approx for general graphs.
Better than 3/2 for weighted graphs.

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