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By Dr. Shahzadi Tayyaba Hashmi DNT 356. Infection control Infection control is a way to minimize the transmission of microbes in the dental office The.

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Presentation on theme: "By Dr. Shahzadi Tayyaba Hashmi DNT 356. Infection control Infection control is a way to minimize the transmission of microbes in the dental office The."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Dr. Shahzadi Tayyaba Hashmi DNT 356

2 Infection control Infection control is a way to minimize the transmission of microbes in the dental office The purpose of infection control in a dental surgery is to prevent the transmission of disease-producing micro- organisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi from one patient to another patient, from dental care provider to patient, and from patient to dental care provider or other dental staff.

3 reduce implement simplify protect

4 Universal precautions Definition: Universal precautions are control guidelines designed to protect workers from exposure to diseases spread by blood and other body fluids Observing universal precautions means you consider all human blood and certain human fluids infectious for all blood borne pathogens

5 Universal precautions Universal precautions include: Detailed medical history Consider every patient a potentially infected patient Hand washing instructions at least 30-40 seconds, rubbing all surfaces of hand Personal barrier protection o Gloves o Protective eye wear o Face masks, face shields o Hair protection ( head cap) o Protective over garment



8 Infection control measures Laboratory aspects Disposal of clinical waste Sterilization and disinfection Personal protective equipment

9 DEFINITION: Specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for protection against infectious materials (OSHA)

10 Personal protective equipment in a dental office

11 Types of PPE used in Dental healthcare settings Gloves (Protect hands) Masks (Protect mouth/nose) Eye wear ( Protect eyes) Face shields : (Protect face, mouth, nose and eyes) Gowns/aprons : (Protect skin and clothing)




15 PPE for Hepatitis patients Double mask Double gloves Eye wear

16 Needle stick injury Needle stick injury includes injury with needles or other sharp objects( e.g scalpel blade) that may have been in contact with blood or blood stained body fluids Needle stick injury includes injury with needles or other sharp objects( e.g scalpel blade) that may have been in contact with blood or blood stained body fluids

17 Prevention of needle stick injury

18 How to deal with needle stick injury at work 1. PERFORMING FIRST AID: Encourage bleeding at the side of puncture (by running cold water over the bleeding area for several minutes, potential infectants are expelled from wound area and risk of their entry into bloodstream is minimized Wash the wound (Gently cleanse the site of the needle stick or sharps entry with plenty of soap. This will help to kill viruses and bacteria, removing sources of infection and reducing the chance of infection. Do not scrub the wound while you're washing it. This can make the injury worse Dry and cover the wound (Use a sterile material to dry the wound and immediately cover the wound with a waterproof plaster or dressing. Flush splashes of blood and needle contents on other parts of your body If the contents of the needle splashed to nose, mouth, face or other skin areas, wash them well with soap

19 How to deal with needle stick injury at work 2. Seeking medical attention: Blood tests to determine whether further treatment is needed or not In the case of known exposure to other pathogens, immediate treatment will be administered. This could involve antibiotics or a vaccination The risk for hepatitis transference is much higher than that for HIV (about 30% for Hepatitis B and about 10% for Hepatitis C), so swift action is essential, as well as preventative measures (i.e., being vaccinated against Hepatitis) 3. Follow up 4. Workplace prevention and knowledge

20 Sterilization and Disinfection Sterilization: Is defined as, “the process by which an article, surface or medium is freed from all living microorganisms either in the vegetative or in the spore form” Disinfection: Destruction of most of the pathogens except the spores and can be accomplished by use of certain chemicals

21 Disposal of clinical waste Used needles, syringes or sharp instruments, surgical blades, damaged endodontic files should be discarded in the sharp container Contaminated gloves, masks and other items should be discarded safely

22 Laboratory aspects Impressions should be : rinsed thoroughly to remove visible blood and debris Sprayed with disinfectants Sealed in a zip locked bag by sending to laboratory


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