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By: Avinash Jagmohan. Kingdom Kingdom: AnimaliaAnimalia Phylum: ChordataChordata Class: MammaliaMammalia Order: CarnivoraCarnivora Family: FelidaeFelidae.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Avinash Jagmohan. Kingdom Kingdom: AnimaliaAnimalia Phylum: ChordataChordata Class: MammaliaMammalia Order: CarnivoraCarnivora Family: FelidaeFelidae."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Avinash Jagmohan

2 Kingdom Kingdom: AnimaliaAnimalia Phylum: ChordataChordata Class: MammaliaMammalia Order: CarnivoraCarnivora Family: FelidaeFelidae Genus: Lynx Specie: Pardinus

3 Species profile Taxonomy group: Tetrapods (Animals), Amniotes Known as: The Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus), Pardel Lynx, or Spanish Lynx Can be found in Spain and/or Portugal (but presence is uncertain)

4 More stuff about the Iberian Lynx!!! 220 lynxes left in Spain (estimate) In Portugal a sign search, camera trapping and box trapping survey conducted in 2002 by the Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza failed to detect a single lynx Lives in Mediterranean woodland and maquis thicket (basically terrestrial)

5 More Interesting Facts!! Favors scrub for shelter and open pasture for hunting rabbits 90% of daytime resting spots used by lynx were located in thick heather scrub The most endangered feline/cat specie in the world

6 Major Threats! Agricultural Development Due to the planting of Mediterranean scrublands with pines and eucalyptus This lead to the moving of the Iberian Lynx from one part of Spain, to the Western part of Spain

7 Major Threats!!! Industrial Development Road buildings, dam constructions, and the building of residential homes This took away and destroyed the Iberian Lynx's natural habitat of forestry, woodland area

8 MAJOR THREATS ! THE RABBIT! There is a decline in rabbit populations, because of habitat changes and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease It sent the rabbit population down and the Iberian Lynx’s only source of food They are being hunted by hunters

9 Major Threats!!! MAN! They are being hunted by man for their rich fur and tasty good meat They are being hunted by hunter

10 Food Web

11 Classification Map

12 The red dear, Canada Lynx, and Ethiopian Wolf all belong in the same phylum with the Iberian Lynx which is Cordata because they all share almost the same bone structure, and they all have back bones

13 Consequences If the Iberian Lynx went extinct, it would be one of the few feline extinctions in the world Also, it would affect the economical side because there are different programs around the world that spent about $3.4 million dollars trying to help keep the Iberian Lynx from going extinct and save It would affect humans because they wouldn’t learn about the Iberian Lynx, and they wouldn’t be able to get close to it and learn the many things there are about it

14 SOS LYNX! Is a conservation camp for Iberian Lynx to reproduce and have a home Help to fire up a breeding program Prevents any other further development in Iberian Lynx areas

15 Bibliography /Lynx_pardinus?searchTerms=Iberian+lynx /Lynx_pardinus?searchTerms=Iberian+lynx 0 0


17 MR.KAAASSSSSS! Hey Mr.Kass, I know that this slide may be inappropriate for the project but just to let you know, I used the first 2 websites forspecies profile, major threats, food web, classification map, and consequences, Redlist and Grzmieks

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