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Rock River Coalition Citizen Monitoring Certification.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock River Coalition Citizen Monitoring Certification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock River Coalition Citizen Monitoring Certification

2 To educate and bring together people of diverse interests to protect and improve the environmental, economic, cultural and recreational resources of the Rock River Basin To educate and bring together people of diverse interests to protect and improve the environmental, economic, cultural and recreational resources of the Rock River Basin

3 What management practices are needed? How do we get the best water quality possible? Rock River Basin Water Quality Issue Team Point or nonpoint? How can we get people involved?

4 Water Quality Issue Team Citizen Monitoring Citizens to better understand their local water resources New baseline and trend information about water quality in the basin Better ways to address our water quality problems

5 Rock River Basin Monitoring Citizen monitoring program based on WAV Four Local Coordinators At 56 sites in Washington, Dane, Waukesha, Rock, Dodge, Columbia, and Walworth

6 Spring Confluence 1 st Saturday in March talk about successes plan future actions advanced training replenish chemicals & thermometers checked first chance for experienced monitors to be certified

7 1) Where should you store your HACH dissolved oxygen kit? 2) Name two ways you can protect yourself from chemicals. 1.___________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________ 3) What should you do if chemicals splash into eyes? Onto skin? 4) Name three major factors in getting reliable dissolved oxygen results with a HACH kit. 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ 5) Individual / group demonstrates the following tasks: 1. Collects sample with no bubbles. Slowly immerses sample jar, caps, and removes from water. Prepares sample using reagents (DO1, DO2, and DO3). Opens DO1 and DO2 Uncaps sample jar and holds stopper. Adds DO1 and DO2. Shakes and lets settle halfway……. 6) How should HACH kit chemicals be disposed of ? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___Oral test ___Written test ___Performed task Certified by:________ Date_______HACH dissolved oxygen certification for _______(year) INDIVIDUAL OR TEAM____________________________________________________ COUNTY/GROUP________________________________________________________ STREAM_______________________________________________________________

8 Certification in the Rock River Basin New Monitors Workshop Baseline Monitoring with expert Two months of ‘good’ data submitted Veteran Monitors Some protocols at Confluence Workshops During baseline monitoring Permanently certified after three years of active participation and data entry unless protocols change

9 Thank you For more information Contact Suzanne Wade UWEX Jefferson County 920/674-7295

10 Citizen Monitoring Slide Program Developed by the University of Wisconsin-Extension Photographs by –Suzanne Wade, UWEX –Sue Millin, Washington County LCD –Ruth Johnson, Bill Volkert, Lisa Rees, Dan Hunt; DNR –Carolyn Johnson, UWEX –DNR and UWEX file photos

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