Oxygen Ward Audits 2014 Linda Pearce Respiratory Consultant Nurse West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust.

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1 Oxygen Ward Audits 2014 Linda Pearce Respiratory Consultant Nurse West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

2 Participated annually in BTS National Audits of the Emergency Use of Oxygen since baseline audit in 2008. Initially Trust performance compared very favourably against the National findings, although the 2012 audit appeared to show falling standards Results for the 2013 audit were generally above the National performance reported by the BTS Patient Safety and Implementation Group keen to improve oxygen prescription and administration Agreed junior doctors to audit oxygen therapy as part of established ward audit programme Use standard BTS audit tool

3 March, June, October 2014 Aim: snapshot audit conducted on all Inpatient wards on one day 11 wards participated 2 medical and 2 surgical wards did not participate no patients on oxygen on a further ward

4 March 2014 Ward Audit % June 2014 Ward Audit % October 2014 Ward Audit % Total in-patients on ward 281 307 246 Total patients on Oxygen 411542146727 target range 94 - 98% 215125603349 target range 88 - 92% 12298192030 other target range 3700710 patients using O2 by other order 004912 patients using O2, no prescription 5125 69 signatures for O2 - observation chart 8161876714469

5 Observation rounds should have taken place 374 255 287 O2 saturations actually monitored 37199271106316110 Number of patients on Oxygen with target range 37 39 62 SPO2 within target range 308131794369 SPO2 below target range by 1% 132512 SPO2 below target range by 2% 130000 SPO2 below target range by >2% 131323 SPO2 above target range by 1% 130058 SPO2 above target range by 2% 131358 SPO2 above target range by >2% 254106 Total patients for whom not applicable 4 3 5 March 2014 Ward Audit % June 2014 Ward Audit % October 2014 Ward Audit %

6 proportion of patients maintained within target range fell by 10% (69%) compared with the previous audit level - still above the BTS audit average (63.6%) Of the 19 patients maintained outside target range, 16 were above target range The result for patients using oxygen without prescription improved compared with the previous two audits (March/June 12%, Oct 9%). The improvement in percentage of signatures to drug rounds found in the June audit was maintained – up a further 2% to 69%. NB. considerably higher than the national data for October 2013 (21.4% signatures to rounds). Results for planned monitoring of O 2 saturations excess monitoring level (110%)

7 Watch this space… Going paperless this Autumn

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