Early Modern English Alphabet 1- Most EModE alphabet are like those of PDE. 2- “th” replaced “þ”. “Shakespearian Alphabet” Shakespeare’s plays from the.

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1 Early Modern English Alphabet 1- Most EModE alphabet are like those of PDE. 2- “th” replaced “þ”. “Shakespearian Alphabet” Shakespeare’s plays from the First Folio do not use “y” in words like “ye”  “THE”. 3- As in ME, “v/u” are used interchangeably to represent both vowel and consonant. “v” is mostly used initially  “vnfashionable” “u” is used elsewhere  “proue” = “prove” This changed in the 17 th century and the modern distribution was developed. 4-“vv” is occasionally used for “w”  “vvhich”=“which”

2 Early Modern English Alphabet 5-“y”is sometimes used where we would have“i”in PDE  “poynt” = “point” “Shakespearian Alphabet” 6- “j” is rarely used except in Roman numerals  “vij” = “vii” = 7 7- “i” is used instead of “j”  “maiesticall”=“majestical” 8- “c” is generally used as in PDE but sometimes varies with “s”  “choise” = “choice” 9- Final PDE “-ic” appears as “-ick/-icke”  “physick”=“medicine”

3 Early Modern English Alphabet 10- “æ”and“œ”sometimes appear in EModE as a result of the adoption of Latin  “Æglogue”“Œconomie” “Shakespearian Alphabet” 11- “ph” is sometimes used where PDE has “f”  “phanaticall” = “fanatical” 12- “-ie” is used instead of PDE final “-y”  “ortagriphie”= “orthography” 13- Final “-e” is added by printers to justify the lines or as a decorative feature  “poore”=“poor” 14- “z” had an uncertain status in EModE. It remains uncertain in PDE “-ise/-ize”  “emphasize/emphasise”

4 Early Modern English Pronunciation EModE pronunciation can be confusing: PDE spelling can be used as evidence of its pronunciation Do not worry much about EModE pronunciation There was a wide range of accentual variation The language was in a state of instability

5 Early Modern English Pronunciation “VOWELS” Short vowels of late ME [ I, ɛ,a,,υ] were stable in EModE The vowel [] emerged as a distinct phoneme after EModE times, thus should not be distinguished from [υ] *Short Vowels: *Long Vowels: Most EModE long vowels were changed drastically. This change is called The Great Vowel Shift

6 Early Modern English The Great Vowel Shift

7 Early Modern English The Great Vowel Shift

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