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Take Cornell notes in your notebook

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1 Take Cornell notes in your notebook
Cell transport notes Take Cornell notes in your notebook

2 Cell membranes and transport
L.T: I can identify the structure of a cell membrane. I can predict movement of substances through the cell membrane. I can define diffusion and osmosis. Notes = pre lab: Take notes on the following slides for your pre-lab No pre-lab…no lab! Notebook check off when done- 10 pts

3 Osmosis and Diffusion:
Osmosis: the movement of water through a membrane Diffusion: the movement of any substance through a membrane Particles ALWAYS move from high to low concentration

4 Solutions: Hypertonic solution: a solution with MANY particles
Hypotonic solution: a solution with FEWER particles Isotonic solution: a solution with the SAME number of particles on each side.

5 Movement of Particles:
Selectively permeable membrane: a membrane (like the cell) where some things can cross and some things cannot. Particles ALWAYS move DOWN the concentration gradient (from high concentration to low) Practice problems wksht: Try to figure out the problems. Put these in your notebook as part of your pre-lab

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