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The Gospel Call To Love “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gospel Call To Love “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gospel Call To Love “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35

2 h?v=hGaOQKJik-s Excess in our Culture…. O &list=PLe5mjTmy8HxT0b9RmfEyE6HfWuhi3jFGs& index=7 &list=PLe5mjTmy8HxT0b9RmfEyE6HfWuhi3jFGs& index=7 O

3 What is Christian Culture? O Christian culture is based on developing loving relationships with God and others. Some examples of loving relationships are: ____________,_________, and ____________. O People who are highly influenced by Christian culture develop an __________ towards life that rates spirituality, God, and others higher than ____________. Thus all people are treated with _______________. O (things, church community, friends, attitude, family, respect)

4 O Christian culture tells us to follow the message of __________. His message was that the ___________ are the way to true happiness for _____________. O People with a Christian culture attitude, are more likely to think about long term happiness. They may spend leisure time _______ others, but they still tend to be concerned with the _________ of others. O (Beatitudes, Jesus, needs, everyone, with)

5 O What do you think the Christian Culture motto would be?

6 Pray for strength from God so you can be as loving as possible and be as generous as possible.

7 What is consumer culture? O Consumer culture is based on consuming or getting material things. Some examples of material things are: _________, _________, and __________. People who are highly influenced by consumer culture develop an _________ towards life that rates material goods and personal appearance as more important than inner ___________ and relationships. O (food, attitude, cell phones, development, clothes)

8 O _____________ provide status, happiness and worth, and people are treated with less ___________ than objects. Advertising suggests that having _______________ is the way to personal success and_________. O The people with this attitude want instant gratification, and spend leisure time ________, and tend to be less concerned with the _________ of others. O (respect, needs, objects, cool stuff)

9 O What do you think the consumer culture motto would be?

10 Take as much as you can get and give as little as possible.

11 ch?v=poMfnKesRqg


13 Journal #12 Identify and describe 3 challenges you face in trying to keep Christian Values when Consumer Culture interferes, and how you can keep from “buying in” to Consumer Culture. (3 paragraphs) Examples: television programs, peer pressure, media messages, self-image…

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