1. Views sin primarily in terms of relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Views sin primarily in terms of relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6zdihmwy1M

2 1. Views sin primarily in terms of relationships

3 2. Stresses doing the positive

4 3. Focuses on overall life patterns as well as specific acts

5 4. Emphasizes sin as being an offense against God and neighbor

6 5. Recognizes the social dimension of sin

7  An attitude of not getting involved, not caring  Not acting when action is being called for.  The Gospels speak more about “doing” or what we need to “do” rather than what we should be avoiding.  Apathy is sinful.

8 The Christian life is often a matter of “we” not “I.”

9 A term comparable to “structures of sin” referring to sinful structures resulting from personal sin and leading to social conditions and institutions that do not embody God’s law of love.

10 1. Sinful social structures:  Ways that societies are structured resulting in unjust distribution of power, benefits, and privileges.

11 2. Social behavioral patterns: that encourage or support sin

12 3. Societal values that cause harm…a “me first” attitude.

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