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Gospel Based Discipleship 1  is not a program.  is not Bible Study. Matthew Mark Luke John.

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Presentation on theme: "Gospel Based Discipleship 1  is not a program.  is not Bible Study. Matthew Mark Luke John."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gospel Based Discipleship 1  is not a program.  is not Bible Study. Matthew Mark Luke John

2 Gospel Based Discipleship 2  is an encounter with the Gospel.  is designed to engage people with the Gospel (either the Gospel appointed for the day or the Sunday proper).

3 Gospel Based Discipleship 3  Depends on participants being willing to share responses to these three questions:  What words or ideas did you hear?  What is Jesus (the Gospel) saying to you?  What is Jesus (the Gospel) calling you to do?

4 Gospel Based Discipleship 4 Expectations and Outcomes  Call to mission  Groups that use GBD regularly should expect to begin to see their call to mission differently.

5 Gospel Based Discipleship 5 Expectations and Outcomes  Benefit to the Community  Some congregations use GBD as a way to focus on what God is calling them to do in their community.

6 Gospel Based Discipleship 6 Expectations and Outcomes  Spiritual friendship  As people become familiar with the process and each other, spiritual journeys are shared and people know one another in a new way, not based merely on similar likes or dislikes, but as disciples on a journey together.

7 Gospel Based Discipleship 7 Expectations and Outcomes  Encounter the Gospel  The entire faith community encounters the Gospel as peers.  This encounter leads to a vision of the community gathered around the Scripture.  Sermon is the place where critical commentary and teaching can be applied to the Gospel.

8 Gospel Based Discipleship 8 A Description of Use  GBD can be used:  by a regular study group  to begin a meeting  as a form of worship  as a personal devotion

9 Gospel Based Discipleship 9 A Description of Use  No right or wrong answers.  Engagement with the Gospel; not with a leader.  Experienced leaders are not required.  Leadership should rotate.  Seek the truth by hearing what the Gospel says to us individually and corporately; no ‘correct’ answers.

10 Gospel Based Discipleship 10 A Description of Use  Statements like “that's not what we believe” or “you're wrong about that” are not helpful.  Statements that elicit response such as “Could you say more about that” or “I've never thought of that before” keep the discussion going.

11 Gospel Based Discipleship 11 A Description of Use  The questions are designed to elicit personal reflection, sharing and discussion:  What words or phrases did you hear?  What is Jesus (the Gospel) saying to you?  What is Jesus (the Gospel) calling you to do?

12 Gospel Based Discipleship 12 A Description of Use  The questions:  are rooted in African Bible Study & base Ecclesial Community movements.  Place the authority for the interpretation of the Gospel in the context of the people gathered around the Gospel.  Are the core principle of Gospel Based Discipleship.

13 Gospel Based Discipleship 13 A Description of Use  Consistent practice of GBD will lead to new insights and revelations.  The ultimate goal is a changed understanding of your baptismal covenant as a “living disciple”.

14 Gospel Based Discipleship 14 Materials  Gospel  Two or three translations  The Message, by Eugene Peterson(NAV Press)‏

15 Gospel Based Discipleship 15 Materials  Gathering Prayer Card  For Small Groups and Individual use  Contains:  Gathering Prayer  Guiding Principles  Rule of Life  Apostle’s Creed

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