Kansas Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator Project Funded by a federal cooperative agreement with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator Project Funded by a federal cooperative agreement with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator Project Funded by a federal cooperative agreement with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services

2 Kansas Health Insurance Marketplace Consortium Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging & Disabilities Kansas Hospital Education and Research Foundation Kansas Association of Local Health Departments Kansas Insurance Commission Kansas Association for the Medically Underserved (KAMU serving as project grantee)

3 Project Goals Recruit, train, certify and support 250 Navigators across Kansas Assist 48,000 Kansans with the Federally Facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators Help consumers understand the MP, establish eligibility and enroll in health insurance coverage Provide outreach and education to raise awareness about the Marketplace.

4 Requirements to be a Navigator with the Kansas Marketplace Consortium Grant Project: Successfully pass a background check Read the Conflict of Interest plan, complete and sign Work under the supervision of an organization that has a signed Navigator Support Agreement with KAMU Complete 20 hours of on-line training Requirements for Certified Navigators with the Grant Project

5 Navigator Project Coordination Map As of December 31. 2013—157 Certified Navigators, 58 in training

6 Problems with Navigator Training Site Training that didn’t cover the many different household structures and the mixed tax filing status of family members Problems with the Healthcare.gov website Inconsistent answers from the Call Center The public’s lack of accurate information about the Marketplace Little time to build the infrastructure, before the Navigators needed resources Challenges

7 Accomplishments 11,717 Kansans participated outreach and education events provided by Navigators 5,041 Kansans received assistance from a Navigator 2,127 Kansans fully completed and enrolled in a health insurance plan through the federally facilitated Marketplace 1,652 Kansans fell below 100% of poverty resulting in them not being eligible for Premium Tax Credits or Cost Sharing in the Marketplace 429 Kansas Consumers were eligible for Medicaid/CHIP 130 Kansas Consumers were referred out of scope to TriCare, Medicare, etc. These numbers do not reflect the number of consumers who received assistance but went on to consider or finish the process on their own.

8 Amazing individuals who have stepped forward to become Navigators. Navigators participating in a monthly statewide Navigator Call Navigator Notes – bi-weekly update providing resources and guidance On-line Calendar of Assister Events on the InsureKS.org website Navigator Quick Guide developed by Gina Maree, training consultant for the FQHC’s In the Loop – an on-line community where assisters post questions, share best practices, and resources. Navigators participating in weekly calls and emails from CMS on timely issues with the Marketplace A Consortium that meets regularly to consider project issues and discuss ways to provide additional support and assistance to the project. The expanded capacity provided by the staff of KAMU who take time every day insure the success of the project Keys to Project Accomplishments

9 Statewide Enrollment Campaign Text: InsureKS To: 69866 & March 2 - 8 Cover Kansas Health Insurance Marketplace enrollment events across the state

10 Amazing Dedicated Don’t give up when things don’t work Patient Compassionate Are good people Go the extra mile Have learned a lot in a short period of time Know there is much more to learn Hurt when they have to tell someone that they fall in the Medicaid gap and that their income is too low to benefit from a premium tax credit or cost sharing in the Marketplace Take time to explain Are making a difference for uninsured and underinsured Kansans Are my heroes Lessons Learned Kansas Navigators

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