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Marketplace Transformation My Story

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1 Marketplace Transformation My Story
Barbara Chan Harvest Evangelism Hong Kong 27 June 2009

2 The 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation
Ed Silvoso teaches that there 5 Pivotal “Paradigms” or “Mindsets” that enable us to transform the Marketplace

3 1. We are called to Disciple Nations Not Just Individuals
Matt. 28:18-20 Jesus said, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.”

4 2. The Marketplace Has Been Redeemed, Now it Needs to be Reclaimed.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.” Luke 19:10 All that was lost include the marketplace Having been redeemed we can claim it back for Christ

5 3. Every Christian is a Minister and Labor is Worship
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Col 3:23

6 4. Take the Kingdom of God to where the Kingdom of Darkness is entrenched and Jesus Will Build His Church “Upon this Rock I shall build my church and the Gates of Hades shall not overpower it; I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven” Matt 16:18-19

7 5. Nation Transformation Must be Tangible
5. Nation Transformation Must be Tangible. The Key Indicator being the Alleviation or Elimination of Systemic Poverty Why Poverty Gen 3:17-19 “Thorns & Thistles” “Jesus wore a crown of thorns” Luke 4:18 “Good News to the Poor” Acts 4:34 “No needy one amongst them” Acts 20:35 “We must take care of the needy” Gal 2:10 “Take care of the needy”

8 Ed Silvoso teaches 4 types of Poverty: Material Spiritual Relational
5. Nation Transformation Must be Tangible. The Key Social Indicator being the Alleviation or Elimination of Systemic Poverty. Ed Silvoso teaches 4 types of Poverty: Material Spiritual Relational Motivational

9 5. Nation Transformation Must be Tangible
5. Nation Transformation Must be Tangible. The Key Indicator being the Alleviation or Elimination of Systemic Poverty. The Son of God appeared for this purpose that He might destroy the works of the devil 1John 3:8b

10 From Conversion to Marketplace Ministry
Conversion experience – God loves me and He is real What is My Calling From Missionary to Marketplace Minister “Serve Me in your Profession – Law in Hong Kong” Every sphere of influence belongs to God Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s. . .”

11 Calling to Minister in Law
Legal Aid Department – ministry to poor, oppressed, under-privileged – eliminating systemic poverty Transfer to Judiciary Small Claims Tribunal Adjudicator District Court Court

12 District Court Criminal Trials
Oops, never done a criminal trial before God you are responsible to help me Prayer for supernatural wisdom and help – God answered my prayer Stress of criminal cases, responsibility to make the right decision White collar crime – conspiracy to defraud

13 Understanding Spiritual Forces in the Marketplace
Behind the obvious - there is an unseen spiritual scenario. Be alert to pray, to take ground through prayer. Worked in the Master’s office, pre-trial hearings in the High Court. Difficult time - did not fully understand - it was spiritual warfare

14 Understanding Spiritual Warfare In the Marketplace
Rescue, God asked intercessor to pray for me It was not only natural causes, but spiritual warfare Learn to be equipped to serve God. Spend time with Him. Grow in relationship with Him. Serving God in the marketplace place is serious because we are doing God’s work Spiritual strongholds in the Marketplace

15 God Sent His Servants to Mentor Me
Preparation through inner healing, spiritual cleansing, intercession training. City Reaching training in Argentina – through Ed Silvoso. Luke 10 how to change the spiritual climate through Prayer Evangelism Jesus said, “I saw Satan cast down from heaven” The power of speaking peace and blessing

16 God Sent Me to the Masters Office Again
Equipped to war Scripture proclamation – sword of the spirit 21 days binding spiritual forces Bless all colleagues each morning by name The devil is cast down – trample on him

17 Back to the District Court
Invited Jesus to be Lord and to preside Praying for His presence and power Praying for parties, lawyers and cases Binding spiritual forces that cause people to lie. Amazing testimonies

18 Miracles in the Courtroom - Jesus has redeemed, now re-claimed
Bind forces of deception case Nepalese partners reconciliation case Case of Man who kept changing his evidence Case of young business entrepreneur sued by auditors

19 The Kingdom of God Is Expansive Walking Out 5 Pivotal Paradigms
Other Judges take the power and presence of God into Court, reclaim what Jesus redeemed Mentorship for marketplace transformation in judicial work Discipling judging, according to biblical values Judges are ministers and labor is worship God’s kingdom come, He builds His Church Glory be to God who does all things well!

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