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The Sun By Jamie L. FactsPictures. Planet Facts 1 The sun is 149.6 million km. away from Earth. The number of planets the sun has is nine. The order of.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun By Jamie L. FactsPictures. Planet Facts 1 The sun is 149.6 million km. away from Earth. The number of planets the sun has is nine. The order of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sun By Jamie L. FactsPictures

2 Planet Facts 1 The sun is 149.6 million km. away from Earth. The number of planets the sun has is nine. The order of the planets names are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The length of the sun’s day (rotation period) is 30 days! It takes 27 days for the sun to go around the galaxy center. The diameter of the sun is 865,000 miles long!

3 Planet Facts 2 The sun is a gas giant. The temperature of the sun is 10,000 F and 5,500 C! The sun’s gravity is 28 time that of Earth’s! The mass of the sun is 330,000 times that of Earth! The solar wind speed is 3 million km./hr. Solar cycle of the sun is 8-11 years.

4 Planet Facts 3 Sun spots are a strong magnetic storm that appears as a black spot. The sun is about 4.6 billion years old! The sun has 7 layers. The solar core is made up of a extremely hot and dense gas. The density of the core is 160,000 kg/m 3. The sun was worshiped by 19 religions.

5 Planet Facts 4 The Egyptian sun god was Re. The Celts sun god was Lugh. The Aztecs worshiped two sun gods named Tonatiuh and Huitzilopochtli. The Greek and Roman sun god was Apollo. The African sun god was Liza. The Chinese sun god was named Ten Suns.

6 Planet Facts 5 The Polynesian sun god was Maui. The Japanese sun goddess was Amaterasu. The Sumerian sun god was Shamash. The Navajo sun god was Tsohanoai. The Inca sun god was Inti. The Hindu sun gods were Surya and Garuda. The Inuit sun god was Malina.

7 Planet Facts 6 The Mamaiuran sun god was Kuat. The Norse sun god was Freyr.

8 This a picture of the sun in a visible light. This soft x-ray telescope. is a x-ray picture of the sun taken with the This is a picture of a sunspot This is a picture of the sun with that solar flare coming off it This is a picture of the sun taken with a extreme ultraviolet telescope

9 This is a picture of a solar flare. This is a picture of a solar eclipse This is a picture of a red corona. This is a picture of the sun taken with an ultraviolet telescope. Picture taken from the U.S. National Observatory. Taken with an extreme ultraviolet imaging telescope. More Wonderful Pictures of the Sun

10 Bibliography Solar System Dr. Harry B. Herzer Windows to the Universe University of Michigan Copyright Date 2000 r_solar_system/solar_system.html

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