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1 Measurement of transmittance and absorbance

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Presentation on theme: "1 Measurement of transmittance and absorbance"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Ultraviolet/visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

2 1 Measurement of transmittance and absorbance
2 Beer’s law 3 The effects of instrumental noise on spectrophotometric analysis 4 Instrumentation

3 1 Measurement of Transmittance and Absorbance

4 2 Beer’s law 2-1 application of beer’s law to mixtrures
2-2 limitation to beer’s law

5 3 The Effects of Instrumental Noise on spectrophotometric Analysis
3-1 instrumental noise as a function of transmittance 3-2 sources of instrumental noise 3-3 effect of slit width on absorbance measurements 3-4 effect of scattered radiation at wavelength extremes of an instrument

6 4 Instrumentation 4-1 instrument components 4-2 types of instruments
4-3 some typical instruments

7 Applications of Ultraviolet/visible Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

8 1 the magnitude of molar absorptivities
2 absorbing species 3 application of absorption measurement to qualitative analysis 4 quantitative analysis by absorption measurements 5 Photometric titrations 6 Photoacoustic spectroscopy

9 1 the magnitude of molar absorptivities

10 2 Absorbing Species 2-1 absorbing species containing π,σ,and n electrons 2-2 absorption involving d and f electrons 2-3 charge-transfer absorption

11 3 application of absorption measurement to qualitative analysis
3-1 methods of plotting spectral data 3-2 solvents 3-3 detection of functional groups

12 4 Quantitative Analysis by Absorption Measurements
4-1 scope 4-2 procedural details 4-3 derivative and dual-wavelength spectrophotometr

13 5 Photometric titrations
5-1 titration curve 5-2 instrumentation 5-3 application of photometric titrations

14 6 Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
6-1 the photoacoustic effect 6-2 photoacoustic spectra 6-3 instruments 6-4 applications

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