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The Flowering of Romanticism A’isha Sharif Madi Hill Braeden Perkins.

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1 The Flowering of Romanticism A’isha Sharif Madi Hill Braeden Perkins

2 Events In The World The Flowering of Romance

3 1790-1830 1799- Coup d'état establishes Napoleon dictator of France(crowned Emperor in 1804) 1803- U.S. president Jefferson buys Louisiana territory form France. 1804- Haiti gains independence from France. 1805- Napoleon begins conquering most of Europe (to 1812); Muhammad Ali begins rule and modernization of Egypt. 1808- U.S. abolishes slave trade 1814- Congress of Vienna opens seeking to remake Europe after Napoleon’s downfall and prevent spread of French ideals of democracy (to 1815). 1816- Zulu chief Shaka begins rule over large kingdom in southeastern Africa (to 1828) 1817- Ludwig van Beethoven, nearly deaf, begins composing monumental Ninth Symphony (to 1823) 1821- Spain’s Latin American Empire begins collapse as Mexico, several Central American states, and Venezuela win independence. 1823- U.S. president Monroe issues Monroe Doctrine to keep Europe out of Latin America 1824-1825: Simon Bolivar liberates last Spanish colonies in Latin America. 1829- Greece wins full independence from Ottoman Turks

4 1798 to 1832

5 1790: British diplomats assemble Second Coalition (Britain, Austria, and Russia) hoping to drive Napoleon from power in France 1800: Act of Union passed, creating United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1805: British fleet defeats Napoleon’s navy in the Battle of Trafalgar off the Spanish coast, ending Napoleon’s hoped of invading Britain 1807: British Slave Trade abolished 1811: George III declared permanently insane; eldest son George, Prince of Wales, named regent 1812: Britain fights US in War of 1812 1815: British and Prussian armies under British leader Wellington defeat Napoleon at Waterloo 1818: Crossing of Atlantic Ocean by steamship 1819: “Peterloo Massacre”- 11 killed in St.Peter’s Field, Manchester, when cavalry charges social reformers1820: Regency ends with the death of George III and crowning of Prince of Wales as George IV 1821: Engineer George Stephenson begins work on the world’s first railroad line (passenger service starts in 1825) 1829: First water- purification plant built in London; Catholic Emancipation Act passed, freeing Catholics from restrictions 1830: George IV dies; reign of brother, William IV, begins (to 1837) 1832: First Reform Bill extends voting rights to middle-class men but affects only 5% of population

6 1790-1832 Events in British Literature

7 1798: William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge publish “Tintern Abbey” and “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” anonymously in the book Lyrical Ballads. 1800: Dorothy Wordsworth begins keeping Grasmere Journals 1811: Jane Austen’s Sense and Stability published anonymously 1812: Lord Byron wins fame with first two sections of Childe Harold’s pilgrimage 1813: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice published anonymously 1814: Sir Walter Scott anonymously publishes Waverly 1818: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein published anonymously 1819: Percy Bysshe Shelley writes “Ode to the West Wind”; John Keats writes “Ode on a Grecian Urn” and “To the Autumn” 1821: John Keats, age 25, dies of tuberculosis 1822: Percy Bysshe Shelley, age 29, drowns off coast of Italy 1823: Lord Byron joins Greek war for liberation from Turks 1824: Byron, age 36, dies of fever

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