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Resolve. I believe : that a life can be changed in the briefest of moments – for better or for worse.

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Presentation on theme: "Resolve. I believe : that a life can be changed in the briefest of moments – for better or for worse."— Presentation transcript:

1 resolve

2 I believe : that a life can be changed in the briefest of moments – for better or for worse.

3 I believe : that even when you think you have little or nothing to give… when a student cries out to you… you will find the words and the strength to help. that even when you think you have little or nothing to give… when a student cries out to you… you will find the words and the strength to help.

4 I believe : that all the great mysterious of the world are contained in the imagination of a child

5 I believe : I can and do make a difference.

6 Kristy: …problem children do not exist, only children who have problems so big, they don't know how to deal with it. questions, comments and ideas

7 Ashton: I Like the idea of thinking out side the box and the classroom. I think that many times the kids would learn more about things with real life experience....for example, burning the ants. (Even though that could offend some parents i suppose, but kids would LOVE it!) and Yes, like you said, they would really remember it as well! I like that you mentioned to be more of a "craftsman" rather than a "technician" in the classroom. It makes a lot of sense especially when you think of how kids learn. questions, comments and ideas

8 Kiley: I enjoyed seeing other people’s thoughts and ideas, they helped to inspire me and my desires as a teacher. It is neat to hear some of their personal experiences about the way they learned, the reason they want to be a teacher, and how they want to reach EACH child. questions, comments and ideas

9 Jennifer: Everyone got acknowledged and recognized for thoughts/comments! We as teachers need to make sure we let everyone feel they are a contributing and a smart member of the classroom. I love this class and the different views I get for thinking outside the box of the curriculum we are given. It makes me excited for all of the different possibilities. It is so important to be able to reach every individual in your classroom and you can’t do that simply by teaching directly from the text. There is so much more to it.

10 questions, comments and ideas Tawnie: Wow! I love finishing a methods class and feeling the same excitement about becoming a teacher that I had when I first decided I wanted to teach. I have always wanted to have that classroom where students are excited to learn and have many fun opportunities. I won't lie, after starting the ELED program, some of my classes have zapped that excitement from me and have actually made me a little scared about teaching. This class has restored my hope! I love having a professor that tells me to be goofy and silly at times. The teaching style that we have discussed will not only let me enjoy my job, but will help the students enjoy their time in my class.

11 questions, comments and ideas Sandi: I need to start out stating the fact that note taking is not my strong point. I find that I get caught up trying to write word for word and I miss the next important thought. Technician Vs Craftsman - This was a good example of a person who knows their job versus the person who not only knows their job but feels it, loves it, and lives it. I want to be that kind of teacher! You can tell which teachers love what they do and those you are there for other reasons. I am encouraged and overwhelmed at the same time knowing that I can and should teach outside the box. I am grateful for technology and the resources we have at our disposal because I wouldn't want to have to come up with extraordinary lessons on my own.

12 questions, comments and ideas Boshea: I love that you brought up that fact that even though we have core standards we can still think outside the box to implement them, and by applying things to real world senses students will have a better connection to them. If we do this our students will have a greater experience than if we "idiot proof" our teaching methods.

13 questions, comments and ideas Calleen: I love the idea of being craftsmen though. You can use your talents to help the students learn the same lessons but you can custom make them for the students. That is so important for their growth! It reminds me of my husband who used to work in his families custom cabinet shop. They would craft the most beautiful cabinets and furniture and each piece was unique. Now I really have a hard time going to a generic furniture store and picking out something that looks just like everything else. I am used to the quality of work that comes from a custom cabinet shop.

14 questions, comments and ideas Tiffani: I was excited about the idea of a "book themed classroom!" It makes my mind go crazy thinking of all the integrated activities I could do. (Thank Sandi - it was her contribution to the discussion) video and print will not be doing the job! After hearing about the nintendo generation and how it is limiting our real world experiences...I put our Wii away for a while! We live on a ranch, so my kids get a lot of "outside experiences" but i still got freaked out by the fact that 80% of reading comprehension comes from real world experiences!! Needless to say, my kids are outside right now, experiencing the world, and doing their chores.

15 questions, comments and ideas Janni: During the ELED program, I feel like we are given a mixed message. Partly to help us develop our own beliefs about education. but.. mostly because our professors focus on their own beliefs and pass them down. Whether you are a technician or a craftsman can really shine through on the things that you focus on. I have had professors that get really hung up on classroom management. I have a professor now that insists that students need to meet one expectation. She is almost thrown off guard if a student observes a different response than the one she wants generated. I have a professor that values student opinions and prompts questions that can lead to ahh Ha! moments. I have a professor that fishes for answers but never really explains what they are looking for. When I give a response that could actually take the conversation into a great area, they dismiss my comment and keep fishing. There are so many different ways to focus your attention. You can’t be every teacher.. you have to be YOU.

16 questions, comments and ideas Cynthia: Great class tonight. I really liked the emphasis on teaching to the one instead of the masses. I really liked the understanding shown to the boy whose dad had just passed away. I didn't know you could just disregard incomplete assignments when kids are having a difficult time. I think that is really awesome. Kids truly do come first. I hope to be able to incorporate the multiple intelligences theory in my lessons. I am overwhelmed when I think of trying to change all of my lessons each day to accommodate all of my students, but I realize that it doesn’t have to be complicated and that small and simple things will help the lessons come alive.

17 questions, comments and ideas Natalie: I really liked this class. I think it’s so important to bring some life to the core. It can seem to be a daunting class, but it is amazing how the creative juices get flowing once you get started. I think this is where collaboration with other teachers comes into play. You don’t have to create it all on your own. You can use the ideas of other teachers to integrate into your own classroom. Teaching is a process of creating and sharing and with others. When we really and truly remember we’re teaching children and not programs or curriculum we can take some pride in our lessons and teach to multiple intelligences and multiple senses. I LOVE the charts for multiple intelligences. These will really help me in creating my own lesson plans.

18 creating a fun classroom (creating an inquiry based classroom) / Kids love to have fun, and they love to feel smart. Science has the potential (more easily than any other subject) to let kids have fun and feel smart. (science’s big vocabulary words can be a teacher’s best friend)

19 questions, comments and ideas Anonymous thought: As a student this is one of the reasons why I hate to raise my hand. I do not want others to hear my answer if it is wrong. I would rather have someone else look bad. And I don’t like to admit this, but I still feel this way as a college student. Most of this comes from bad experiences in grade school when others made fun of me as I was reading aloud.

20 creating a safe classroom (creating an inquiry based classroom) / Establishing an atmosphere of safety and inquiry / Class rules - keep them positive (Discovery Creed) / Establishing an atmosphere of safety and inquiry / Class rules - keep them positive (Discovery Creed)

21 Discovery Creed We are Discovery! We are committed to excellence through persistence, practice and patience. We listen for understanding. We respect differences. We speak carefully. We are united in friendship. We are Discovery! We are committed to excellence through persistence, practice and patience. We listen for understanding. We respect differences. We speak carefully. We are united in friendship.

22 creating a safe classroom (creating an inquiry based classroom) / Establishing an atmosphere of safety and inquiry / Class rules - keep them positive (Discovery Creed) / Safe, positive questioning/inquiry / Establishing an atmosphere of safety and inquiry / Class rules - keep them positive (Discovery Creed) / Safe, positive questioning/inquiry

23 questions, comments and ideas Danyel: I understand that research is important however, so many of the studies contradict each other so how are we as teachers supposed to sift through them and find the truth?

24 Research/Experience / Good teachers are always learning - they learn from research and from their experiences - they pour over the research / apply it where possible and tweak it as needed. It is an ongoing process and really makes the profession grow and makes our lives fresh and exciting

25 Research/Experience / Take workshops: / Utah State Office of Education sponsored – Math Academy or Science Academy / Project Wild, Project Learning Tree, Project Wet (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) / Take workshops: / Utah State Office of Education sponsored – Math Academy or Science Academy / Project Wild, Project Learning Tree, Project Wet (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources)

26 Research/Experience / I had been teaching this way instinctively for 20 years when someone told me I was following the constructivist model - I had to go look up what it meant. / Good teaching is a combination of theory, research, a lot of hard work and creativity - but mainly going with your instincts. / I had been teaching this way instinctively for 20 years when someone told me I was following the constructivist model - I had to go look up what it meant. / Good teaching is a combination of theory, research, a lot of hard work and creativity - but mainly going with your instincts.

27 questions, comments and ideas Megan: I really liked these chapters, and I especially liked how this reading is perfect for our teaching overall, not just one subject. I don’t pick vocabulary up from text very well. In fact if I don’t know a word I generally just skip it, terrible I know. When do you fit teaching vocabulary into the day? And how long is recommended? In a class last semester we learned that we should only teach 7-9 new words a week, so is the rest of the time just spent on giving them multiple exposures? I guess I am just more confused on the logistics of the process, rather than why.

28 questions, comments and ideas Danyel: What are some of the best ways to help our students grasp a new word and remember it years down the road? Marylou: using words more as a description rather than a definition

29 Vocabulary Building / Vocabulary should be a key consideration in looking at Enduring Understanding… What is the vocabulary we want them to retain and comfortably use 10 years from now

30 Word Walls / Dollar Words / Word of the day/week / Dollar Words / Word of the day/week

31 vocabulary Direct instruction vs. content based shanty

32 an old run-down house or shack

33 shanty

34 inertia

35 cat

36 tree aspen ginkgo

37 tree juniper ???How many senses am I stimulating???

38 questions, comments and ideas You can’t do different strategies in one day- but as you’re planning a unit plan different activities to appeal to different styles of learning (this seems really good- but how do I apply it? I want to. It’s perfect, but how?) Stars in the night sky lesson

39 Powerful Learning / Build Background Knowledge / Enduring Understanding / Mix it up – art, music, movement, fun / Backward Design / Build Background Knowledge / Enduring Understanding / Mix it up – art, music, movement, fun / Backward Design

40 Backward Design Covey: “Begin with the end in mind.”

41 Backward Design What do you want the students to learn? (Enduring Understanding)

42 Backward Design 1)What do you want the students to learn? (Enduring Understanding) 2)How are you going to assess what the students have learned?

43 Backward Design 1)What do you want the students to learn? (Enduring Understanding) 2)How are you going to assess what the students have learned? 3)What are the lessons and activities you are going to use to lead the students through the learning process?

44 Textbook Science Students read the chapter answer the questions and do a worksheet. “Hands-on” Science Teachers demonstrate or students do labs with known outcomes. (“gee-whiz science”) “Real-world” Practical Science Students have the opportunity to conduct real experiments with no known outcome. (Students are the scientists.) “Real-world” Integrated Science Students see that science does not exist in isolation. Science is taught in conjunction with English, history, art, math, technology, music, reading, etc. (Science becomes part of the students other school work and their everyday world.) Powerful Learning

45 Project Based Learning ( Constructivist Learning / I-Search ) How good an insulator is your coat? Moldy bread Brine shrimp Bird watching Sun dial Nature area Butterfly garden

46 Classroom Setup Bulletin boards Displays Whole class

47 Instructional Model Objective (macro) Logical-Mathematical How can I bring in numbers, calculations, logic, classifications, or critical thinking skills? Spatial Mechanical How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art, or metaphor? Verbal Linguistic How can I use the spoken or written word? Naturalist How can I incorporate living things, natural phenomena, or ecological awareness? Musical How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythmic or melodic framework? Interpersonal How can I engage students in peer sharing, cooperative learning, or large group simulation? Intrapersonal How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices? Bodily-Kinesthetic How can I involve the whole body or use hands- on experiences?

48 Instructional Model Objective (micro) Logical-Mathematical How can I bring in numbers, calculations, logic, classifications, or critical thinking skills? Spatial Mechanical How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art, or metaphor? Verbal Linguistic How can I use the spoken or written word? Naturalist How can I incorporate living things, natural phenomena, or ecological awareness? Musical How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythmic or melodic framework? Interpersonal How can I engage students in peer sharing, cooperative learning, or large group simulation? Intrapersonal How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices? Bodily-Kinesthetic How can I involve the whole body or use hands- on experiences?

49 Scientific Method / Science is a way of looking at the world… / and figuring stuff out. / Science is a way of looking at the world… / and figuring stuff out.

50 Scientific Method 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?”

51 Scientific Method 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – (more than just an educated guess) 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – (more than just an educated guess)

52 Scientific Method 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – IF (I do this...) THEN (I think this will happen) 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – IF (I do this...) THEN (I think this will happen)

53 Scientific Method 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – if… then… 3) Set up an experiment (recipe) 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – if… then… 3) Set up an experiment (recipe)

54 Scientific Method 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – if… then… 3) Set up an experiment (recipe) 4) Collect data 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – if… then… 3) Set up an experiment (recipe) 4) Collect data

55 Scientific Method 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – if… then… 3) Set up an experiment (recipe) 4) Collect data 5) Conclusion – What did we learn? 1) Question – “I wonder why…?” “I wonder what would happen if…?” 2) Hypothesis – if… then… 3) Set up an experiment (recipe) 4) Collect data 5) Conclusion – What did we learn?

56 A Crack in the Night A Crack in the Night by Marcy Skinner

57 vocabulary inquiry safe classroom multiple intelligences enduring understanding ? background knowledge backward design Bloom’s Taxonomy Putting the Pieces Together

58 vocabulary inquiry safe classroom multiple intelligences enduring understanding integration background knowledge backward design Bloom’s Taxonomy Putting the Pieces Together

59 4 th Grade Integrated Lesson  Worth 100 points  Develop a 4 th grade (Utah) science lesson  Specify what your enduring understanding is  Show at least 3 integration components (art, music, reading, writing, math, social studies etc.)

60 Phases of the Moon

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