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“World bank Law and Justice Development Week “ 20-24 October 2014 - Washington DC

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1 “World bank Law and Justice Development Week “ 20-24 October 2014 - Washington DC German Development Cooperation Session “Between Transformation and Integration – South-East Europe’s journey into the European Union” 22 October 2014, Room MC 13-121, World Bank Besim M. KAJTAZI Director of Legal Office - Office of the Prime Minister Republic of Kosova

2 Republic of Kosovo and EU-accession process Two important European Integration (EI) processes: 1. EU visa liberalization process Launched with Kosovo in 2012 End July 2014, European Commission prepared a second progress report: good progress 2. Negotiation of Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) Initialed in July 2014 in Brussel and marks the formal end of the negotiating process In the framework of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, Kosovo is focused in addressing key priorities such as the rule of law, judiciary, public administration etc. Next steps: adoption of the SAA by the Council of the European Union and the signing of the agreement 3. Instrument of Pre-Accession (IPA) I und II for the period 2007-2020

3 Key reform challenges in the field of rule of law Administrative Instruction No.03/2013 on standards and techniques for drafting normative acts:   Each piece of legislation has to be drafted with tables of Compliance with EU Acquis in order to show the level of compliance of domestic legislation with EU Acquis. Institutional and personnel capacity reasons   Aligning national legislation with EU Acquis requires strong knowledge of the EU Acquis, enhanced strategic planning and legislation drafting capacities in the line ministries The non-availability of a certified translated version of the EU Acquis

4 Key achievements towards transformation and integration Political achievements: Agreement on Stabilization and Association Agreement in July 2014 Progress with regard to EU visa liberalization process (EU progress report July 2014) and adoption of a plan for addressing the recommendations deriving from the Commission‘s latest report Agreement with the neighboring country, Serbia, which is complemented by a Comprehensive Implementation Plan Achievements with regard to RoL: Draft of primary legislation and secondary legislation mostly in line with EU Acquis and with the international best practices like for e.g. Law No. 03/L-215 on access to public documents Implementation of a thorough judicial reform with the purpose of strengthening institutional capacities in the rule of law -> Example: 2012 assessment of administrative capacities and strengthening the key central government structures for transposition of the acquis and policy coordination Draft Regulation on the process of translating the EU Acquis in the official languages of the Republic of Kosovo

5 EU integration process/negotiation as accelerator of transformation  Kosovo has profited from EU largely from technical assistance as well as from financial assistance Technically:  project for the assessment of the administrative capacities and strengthening the key central government structures for transposition of the acquis and policy coordination  Project ‘Young Cell Scheme’ Financially: From 2007-2013 Kosovo had a general budget of 565.1 million Euros from IPA funds IPA funds have been allocated to strengthen key areas such as rule of law, including in general law and order bodies, such as the police and courts, reform of public administration and economic development. From 2014-2020, EU will provide 500 million Euros of financial assistance to Kosovo

6 International organizations / development partner, which have been involved in the support of the country Donor and international missions who provide support in different areas: EU, GIZ on behalf of German Development Cooperation, USAID, OSCE, United Nations Implementing Agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNOPS, UNWOMEN etc.), IRZ, SWISS International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, SIDA, DIFID, ICITAP, WB, IFC, etc. Further international assistance is needed, primarily for improvement, advancement, and harmonization of policies and legislation, as well as further strengthening of institutional mechanisms in compliance with EU best practices. Further international assistance is needed, primarily for improvement, advancement, and harmonization of policies and legislation, as well as further strengthening of institutional mechanisms in compliance with EU best practices.

7 What are the next steps? National Strategy for European Integration Kosovo 2020, identifying five priority objectives to be reached: Governance effectiveness Fight against corruption and organized crime Economic development Engagement of stakeholders Advanced (contractual) relations with the European Union Stabilization and Association Process  After signature, the Kosovo Government in cooperation with the EU will adopt a comprehensive plan/strategy for the implementation of the SAA

8 THANK YOU Besim M. KAJTAZI Director of Legal Office - Office of the Prime Minister Adresa: Rruga Nënë Tereza, Ndërtesa e Qeverisë Zyra 507 10000 Prishtinë, Republic of Kosova Mobil: + 377 (0) 44 346 056 E-mail: E-mail:

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