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Walking Together: FNMI Worldviews with Carla Badger Developed by ERLC/ARPDC as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Walking Together: FNMI Worldviews with Carla Badger Developed by ERLC/ARPDC as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walking Together: FNMI Worldviews with Carla Badger Developed by ERLC/ARPDC as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation

2 Walking Together First Nations, Métis and Inuit Perspectives in Curriculum FNMI Worldviews

3 15 Our Goals: 1.Define and explore FNMI Worldview 2.Explore the importance of following community protocol 3.Broaden our understanding of what contributes to Worldview

4 A Professional Development Resource







11 Please place a clip art piece to show everyone where you reside you

12 Everyone has wisdom We need everyone’s wisdom for the wisest result There are no wrong answers The whole is greater than the sum of its parts Everyone will hear others and be heard You can always change your mind

13 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 $1 Million $500,000 $250,000 $125,000 $64,000 $32,000 $16,000 $8,000 $4,000 $2,000 $1,000 $500 $300 $200 $100 Welcome to Who Wants to be a Millionaire 50:50

14 What does the acronym FNMI stand for in Education? 50:50 $100 B: First Nations, Métis and Inuit D: First Name Middle Initial A: Fig Newton’s Mint Icing C: First Nations Menu Index

15 50:50 $200 B: A clear look at an anatomically correct globe D: A Global Morning Talk show from CBC A: The view from the elusive Astronautical Pigeon B: A Collection of beliefs and life held by an individual or group What is Worldview?

16 What is FNMI Worldview? 50:50 $300 B: A Global Scan of where the FNMI population reside D: A collection of FNMI landscape photography A: A collection of beliefs about life and the Universe, held by FNMI people C: The First FNMI owned and operated airline

17 Who would be the best resource of FNMI Worldview? 50:50 $500 B: National Geographic D: An FNMI Elder from the territory in which you reside A: Wikipedia C: Your superintendant

18 What is protocol? 50:50 $1000 B: The newest social media website for contacting professional athletes D:The newest anti-aging line from Proactive Laboratories A: Proper attire guidelines C: Procedure for interaction that communicates respect and tradition between two or more people

19 Lets Take A Guided Tour and Explore The Importance of Protocol, Using the Beginning Together Interactive Section

20 _words_our_ways _words_our_ways Chapter 2 (2:30–6:40)

21 Please join by sharing: What parts of Wilton’s perspective of Worldview resonated the most with you?

22 “Our language is a big part of our Worldview, when we understand the language we begin to understand all of life and that to us is literacy.” -William Goodstriker Open Mic: Why do you think language is so closely connected with Worldview?

23 FNMI WorldviewsEuro-Canadian Worldview -Verb based language -Holistic (Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental -Focus on connections, relationships -View life as a cyclical renewal -Literacy is reading and connecting with the land as well as oral tradition

24 East Spring Infancy/Childhood Spiritual South Summer Youth Physical West Fall Adulthood Emotional North Winter Senior hood Mental

25 15 Our Goals: 1.Define and explore FNMI Worldview 2.Explore the importance of following community protocol 3.Broaden our understanding of what contributes to Worldview

26 Reflections

27 THANK YOU! Next sessions: Indigenous Pedagogy April 25 4-5 pm We are all Treaty People May 2 4-5 pm

28 First Nations, Métis and Inuit Cultures Phone: 780-422-8810 Fax: 780-422-3745 Email:

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