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Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 1 to the Maxto the Maxto the Maxto the Max How to do better searches using your favorite search engine.

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Presentation on theme: "Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 1 to the Maxto the Maxto the Maxto the Max How to do better searches using your favorite search engine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 1 to the Maxto the Maxto the Maxto the Max How to do better searches using your favorite search engine. GooglingGooglingGooglingGoogling

2 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 2 Today’s Goals – To learn  How Google really works.  How to construct better searches.  How to use Google’s advanced searching feature  And to explore some of the newest Google features

3 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 3 Google Corporate Background  “Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.”  Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed Google in a Stanford University dorm room and it is currently the world's largest search engine.  "Googol" is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. Source:

4 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 4 How Google Finds New Pages Google has special programs called spiders (a.k.a. “Google bots”) that constantly search the Internet looking for new or updated Web pages. When a spider finds a new or updated page, it reads that entire page, reports back to Google, and then visits all of the other pages to which that new page links. Image source:

5 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 5 Paging Miss Muffet  When the spider reports back to Google, it doesn’t just tell Google the new or updated page’s URL.  The spider also sends Google a complete copy of the entire Web page – HTML, text, images, etc.  Google then adds that page and all of its content to Google’s cache.

6 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 6 So What?  When you search Google, you’re actually searching Google’s cache of Web pages.  And because of this, you can search for more than text or phrases in the body of a Web page.  Google has some secret, advanced search operators that let you search specific parts of Web pages or specific types of information. Source: Google Hacks, p. 5

7 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 7 How Google works  When you search for multiple keywords, Google first searches for all of your keywords as a phrase.  So, if your keywords are disney fantasyland pirates, any pages on which those words appear as a phrase receive a score of X.

8 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 8 How Google Works - Adjacency  Google then measures the adjacency between your keywords and gives those pages a score of Y.  What does this mean in English? Well … Image source: Google Source: Google Hacks, p. 21

9 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 9 How Adjacency Works A page that says “My favorite Disney attraction, outside of Fantasyland, is Pirates of the Caribbean” will receive a higher adjacency score than a page that says “Walt Disney was a both a genius and a taskmaster. The team at WDI spent many sleepless nights designing Fantasyland. But nothing could compare to the amount of Imagineering work required to create Pirates of the Caribbean.”

10 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 10 How Google Works - Weights  Then, Google measures the number of times your keywords appear on the page (the keywords’ “weights”) and gives those pages a score of Z.  A page that has the word disney four times, fantasyland three times, and pirates seven times would receive a higher weights score than a page that only has those words once. Source: Google Hacks, p. 21

11 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 11 Putting it All Together  Google takes The phrase hits (the Xs), The adjacency hits (the Ys), The weights hits (the Zs), and About 100 other secret variables  Throws out everything but the top 2,000  Multiplies each remaining page’s individual score by it’s “PageRank”  And, finally, displays the top 1,000 in order.

12 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 12 PageRank?  There is a premise in higher education that the importance of a research article can be judged by the number of citations to it from subsequent articles in the same field.  Google applies this premise to the Web: the importance of a Web page can be judged by the number of hyperlinks pointing to it from other pages.  Google Toolbar’s PageRank icon indicates the relative importance of the page. Source: Google Hacks, p. 294 PageRank

13 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 13 All Search Engines use Boolean Search Strategy b a d c c b a AND b c OR d b NOT d disney AND pirates fantasyland OR adventureland pirates NOT fantasyland pirates NOT fantasyland

14 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 14 Google’s Boolean Default is AND  If you search for more than one keyword at a time, Google will automatically search for pages that contain ALL of your keywords.  A search for disney fantasyland pirates is the same as searching for disney AND fantasyland AND pirates  But, if you try to use AND on your own, Google yells at you:yells at you “The "AND" operator is unnecessary -- we include all search terms by default.” Source:

15 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 15 Phrases  To search for a phrase, put it in quotes.  For example, disney fantasyland “pirates of the caribbean” This would show you all the pages in Google’s index that contain the word disney AND the word fantasyland AND the phrase pirates of the caribbean (without the quotes)  By the way, while this search is technically perfect, the choice of keywords contains a (deliberate) factual mistake. Can you spot it? Source:

16 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 16 Tharr, She Blows!  Pirates of the Caribbean isn’t in Fantasyland, it’s in Adventureland in Orlando and New Orleans Square in Anaheim.  So searching for disney AND fantasyland AND “pirates of the caribbean” probably isn’t a good idea. Image source:

17 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 17 Boolean OR  Sometimes the default AND gets in the way. That’s where OR comes in.  The Boolean operator OR is always in all caps and goes between keywords.  For example, an improvement over our earlier search would be disney fantasyland OR “pirates of the caribbean” This would show you all the pages in Google’s index that contain the word disney AND the word fantasyland OR the phrase pirates of the caribbean (without the quotes) Source:

18 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 18 Three Ways to OR at Google  Just type OR between keywords disney fantasyland OR “pirates of the caribbean”  Put your OR statement in parentheses disney (fantasyland OR “pirates of the caribbean”)  Use the | (“pipe”) character in place of the word OR disney (fantasyland | “pirates of the caribbean”)  All three methods yield the exact same results. Source: Google Hacks, p. 3

19 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 19 OR, She Blows!  Just remember, Google’s Boolean default is AND  Sometimes the default AND gets in the way. That’s where OR comes in. Image source:

20 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 20 Other Google searching  Google won’t accept more than 10 keywords at a time.  Searching is not case sensitive.  Google doesn’t support stemming. (stem*) or truncation. Source: Google Hacks, p. 19

21 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 21 How Google Works  When you conduct a search at Google, it searches for Phrases, then Adjacency, then Weights.  Because Google searches for phrases first, the order of your keywords matters. Image source: Google Source: Google Hacks, p. 20-22

22 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 22 For Example A search for disney fantasyland pirates yields the same number of hits as a search for fantasyland disney pirates, but the order of those hits – especially the first 10 – is noticeably different.

23 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 23 Knowledge is Power  Those who understand how Google works can manipulate the end results.  Type “miserable failure” and hit “I’m feeling lucky” button.  This is called Google bombing.

24 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 24 Part Two: In Summary  Google’s Boolean default is AND.  Capitalization does not matter.  Google has a hard limit of 10 keywords.  Google doesn’t support truncation or stemming.  The order of your keywords matters.

25 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 25 Part Three: Advanced Searching Using Advanced Search Google Services and Google Tools

26 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 26

27 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 27 Google Tools

28 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 28 Google Services

29 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 29 Google Web Search Features

30 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 30 Google Print  Google has made deals with publishers to make new books searchable online.  Search link to books containing your search terms, as well as other information about the title.  Click one of the links under "Buy this Book" and you'll go straight to a bookstore selling that book online. Source:

31 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 31 Google’s Digital Library  Google has made a deal with large libraries to scan thousands of out of print library books to put them online.  Association of American Publishers (AAP), has sued in federal court to stop Google.  Publishers charge that by making electronic copies, the search giant is committing massive copyright infringement.  We still recommend using real books! Source:

32 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 32 So let’s give it a try  Open http://google.com

33 Linda J. Goff - Fall 2005 - 33 This presentation made by Linda J. Goff, Fall 2005 Much of the content of this presentation was borrowed and modified with permission from a presentation by Patrick Douglas Crispen “Google 201:Advanced Googolgy.” which can be viewed at:

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