11/05/09 Slide 1 Workshop Summary: Accelerator Physics for Future Light Sources William A. Barletta Director, United States Particle Accelerator School.

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1 11/05/09 Slide 1 Workshop Summary: Accelerator Physics for Future Light Sources William A. Barletta Director, United States Particle Accelerator School Dept. of Physics, MIT John N. Corlett Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720 BESAC Meeting November 5 th, 2009

2 11/05/09 Slide 2 Purpose: Provide a technical basis for BES investment in accelerator R&D  Evaluate the state of readiness of machine architectures to building the next major X-ray science user facility  What will be ready in 5 years? In 10 years?  Provide peer-reviewable scientific manuscripts describing  Potential of approach (not wavelength specific)  Physics & technological challenges  Technical readiness of light source architectures  Describe research steps & directions toward a new generation of photon sources  Explicit R&D roadmap  Smaller-scale architectures were considered for context and long term potential

3 11/05/09 Slide 3 What was not part of the workshop  The workshop did not consider project-specific proposals  We did not consider the scientific justifications for various architectures / operating parameters  Areas of interest were guided by, but not limited to, the those described  In the BESAC (Crabtree) report  In CMMP 2010

4 11/05/09 Slide 4 Workshop structure & areas of interest  Opening plenary session presentations ( 1 / 2 day)  FELs, ERLs, Ultimate Storage Rings, Laser-driven sources  Working group meetings (1 1 / 2 day)  5 groups (we added an Instrumentation & Detector group)  Focus on drafting detailed outline of paper & writing assignments  Close-out preparation ( 1 / 2 day)  Limited to ~50 participants (machine experts only)  Balance participation in each working group  Balance institutional participation  Add group in instrumentation & detectors  Papers to be submitted to Nuclear Instruments & Methods -A in mid-December

5 11/05/09 Slide 5 Readiness of Architectures: FELs  FELs now proven from IR to hard X-ray range  Success of LCLS commissioning and early operations  High brightness injector  < 1 mm-mrad @ ~1 nC  Saturation in 60 m  Peak brightness ~1x10 33 @ 1.5 Å  ~2x10 12 photons/pulse  Average brightness ~2x10 22 @ 1.5 Å  Ultrashort pulse ~5 fs (low charge mode, 20 pC)  Laser heater tames microbunching  Experiment verifies theory and simulations  Advances in R&D  Velocity bunching, HGHG, HHG seeding

6 11/05/09 Slide 6 Directions for FEL Developments  Increase average flux & brightness  High repetition rate photocathode gun  High repetition rate RF or CW SCRF systems  Enhance temporal coherence  Seeding, self-seeding  X-ray oscillators  Control pulse duration and pulse energy  Laser manipulations and seeding  Ultrashort electron bunches  Extend photon energy range  Short-period undulators  High-gradient RF  Novel acceleration schemes

7 11/05/09 Slide 7 FEL: Peak Brightness 1010 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 LCLS FLASH

8 11/05/09 Slide 8 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 LCLS FLASH single bunch ~10 16 –10 17 FEL: Average Brightness

9 11/05/09 Slide 9 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 FEL: BW & Pulse Length

10 11/05/09 Slide 10 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 FEL: Photons per Pulse & Pulse Length

11 11/05/09 Slide 11 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 FEL: Rep Rate & Pulse Length

12 11/05/09 Slide 12 FEL Physics & Technology: R&D Priorities  Photocathodes  High efficiency  Low intrinsic emittance  High current  Robust  Injectors  High brightness  Flexibility to incorporate beam manipulations  High repetition rate (10s kHz – MHz and beyond)  Laser manipulations & seeding techniques  High harmonic upshift efficiency  X-ray oscillators and self-seeding  High average power laser systems  High repetition rate  Short wavelength for seeding (HHG)  Dependent on developments in photocathodes and seeding techniques Cross-cutting technologies Cross-cutting technology

13 11/05/09 Slide 13 FEL Physics & Technology: RD&D Needs  Medium risk  RF structures & power Optimized CW SCRF Optimized high frequency, high gradient in pulsed mode (≤1 kHz)  Undulators Short-period for resonance at lower energy / extended photon wavelength reach  Collective effects  Compression & transport  Diagnostics & Instrumentation  X-ray optics  Fast kickers  Simulation tools  Detectors  Beam stability Cross-cutting technology

14 11/05/09 Slide 14 FEL Physics & Technology: Test Beds  Make full use of existing facilities  BNL SDL, SPARC, LCLS, FLASH, FERMI@elettra, SCSS, …  Ready now to build dedicated test beds to develop critical concepts: ☀ Low repetition-rate ☞ Test coherent emission from laser manipulations, seeding, self-seeding, and oscillator, and short bunch techniques Beam energy ~2 GeV to reach soft X-ray range Low emittance gun, ≤1 mm-mrad, ≤1 nC ☀ High repetition-rate ☞ Test high-brightness photocathode, gun, and injector designs Flexibility in bunch parameters Repetition rate kHz to MHz Beam energy ~100 MeV (set by emittance freezing)

15 11/05/09 Slide 15 Readiness of Architectures: Timescales for FEL Developments  Increase average flux & brightness ➙ Injector and RF developments  1 kHz soft X-ray ready to build today  10–100 kHz soft X-ray facility ready to build within 3–5 years  Enhance temporal coherence  Control pulse duration (<1 fs to 100s fs) and pulse energy  Ultra-short bunches ~coherence length (~1 fs) ready today  Laser manipulations for soft X-ray, 10+ kHz within 3–5 years  Self-seeding and oscillators for hard X-rays ~5–10 years  Extend photon energy (to 10s keV)  Undulator technology, factors of few in 3 years  High-frequency, high-gradient RF structures ~3–5 years  Novel acceleration methods available 10+ years

16 11/05/09 Slide 16 Energy Recovery Linac X-ray Source Multi-GeV Superconducting Linac High-brightness, high average current 10 MeV injector Multi-GeV output beam Multi-GeV return beam ~10 MeV energy- recovered beam Turn-around arc with undulator beamlines “Merger” ID

17 11/05/09 Slide 17 Readiness of Architectures: ERLs  Today’s status  Demonstrated 9 mA CW two-pass at 30 MeV (BINP)  Demonstrated 9 mA CW at 150 MeV (Jlab FEL)  Demonstrated 70 µA CW at 1 GeV (JLab CEBAF)  Promise of high spectral brightness in hard X-ray range  Goal is for ~100 mA, and with beam emittance ~10–100 smaller than demonstrated  Multi-GeV  ~100 MW beam power

18 11/05/09 Slide 18 Directions for ERL Developments  High peak brightness for hard X-rays  Approach diffraction limit for hard X-rays  High brightness, high energy beam (several GeV)  Small energy spread  High average flux & brightness  High brightness, high repetition rate photocathode gun and injector  Optimized CW SCRF systems  Energy recovery physics  High beam power  Reduce bandwidth  Maintain small energy spread in single-pass machine  Reduce pulse duration  High brightness injector

19 11/05/09 Slide 19 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 ERL: Spatial Coherence

20 11/05/09 Slide 20 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 ERL: Average Brightness

21 11/05/09 Slide 21 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 ERL: BW & Pulse Length

22 11/05/09 Slide 22 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 ERL: Photons per Pulse & Pulse Length

23 11/05/09 Slide 23 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 ERL: Rep Rate & Pulse Length

24 11/05/09 Slide 24  Photocathodes  High efficiency  Low intrinsic emittance  Robust  Injectors  High brightness  Flexibility to incorporate beam manipulations  High repetition rate (GHz) ✺ Drive laser  Recirculation and energy recovery  Multi-pass physics, halo, collimation, wakefields  ~100 mA, 7 GeV = 700 MW  RF structures & power Optimized CW SCRF ERL Physics & Technology: R&D Priorities Cross-cutting technologies

25 11/05/09 Slide 25  Medium risk  Simulation tools  Undulators Short-period for resonance at lower energy / extended photon wavelength reach  Collective effects  Compression & transport  Diagnostics and Instrumentation  X-ray optics  Beam stability  Detectors ERL Physics & Technology: RD&D Needs Cross-cutting technology

26 11/05/09 Slide 26  Make full use of existing facilities  CEBAF, Jab FEL, Cornell R&D ERL, BNL R&D ERL ☀ Injector test facility ☞ Test photocathode, gun, and injector designs, drive laser, beam merger Very high repetition-rate, up to GHz Beam energy ~100 MeV (set by emittance freezing) ☀ Multi-pass ERL with characteristics of a full scale facility ☞ Test multi-bunch instabilities, emittance preservation in arcs, halo & collimation, hardware 600 MeV, 2-pass acceleration/deceleration 200 pC, 1 mm-mrad injector, ~ 5 MHz CW repetition rate Incorporates recirculation & energy recovery (600 kW) ERL Physics & Technology: Test Beds

27 11/05/09 Slide 27 Readiness of Architectures: Timescales for ERL Developments  High brightness injector ready ~3–5 years  ERL test facility demonstrates critical hardware and physics ~10 years

28 11/05/09 Slide 28  Well developed & understood technology  High average brightness & flux  High average current: ~0.5A  High repetition rate  High average brightness & lower peak brightness desirable for many experiments  Very stable  Position, angle, beam size, current, energy  Easily & rapid tunable  Wide photon spectrum from IR to hard X-rays  Polarization control  Simultaneously serves many users with multiple requirements  High reliability (>90%)  Cost shared by many beamlines Readiness of Architectures: Storage Rings

29 11/05/09 Slide 29 Directions for Ultimate Storage Rings Developments  Approach diffraction limit for hard X-rays  8 pm-rad at 1 Å  High average flux & brightness  High energy beam Several GeV  Large ring with very small emittance (horizontal & vertical) Few km cirmumference  Frequent injection Off-axis accumulation On-axis (swap out / replacement)  Partial lasing at longer wavelengths

30 11/05/09 Slide 30 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 Ultimate Rings: Spatial Coherence

31 11/05/09 Slide 31 ANL-08/39 BNL-81895-2008 LBNL-1090E-2009 SLAC-R-917 Ultimate Rings: Average Brightness

32 11/05/09 Slide 32 Ultimate Rings Physics & Technology: RD&D Needs  Medium risk  Code development and simulation  Dynamic Aperture Lifetime  Injection Ring with larger dynamic aperture allows for accumulation –Pulsed multipole kickers Ring with smaller dynamic aperture requires on axis injection –Fast dipole kickers  Bunch manipulations Crab cavities Tailored time structure  Instrumentation & Diagnostics  Short-period undulators  RF cavities and power  Detectors Cross-cutting technology

33 11/05/09 Slide 33 Readiness of Architectures: Timescales for Ultimate Rings Developments  RD&D to reduce costs and optimize performance  Almost all required accelerator physics & technologies to realize an ultimate storage ring are in hand  Complete an integrated design that optimizes the performance  Design mature in ~5 years

34 11/05/09 Slide 34  Lasers generating EUV/XUV radiation  HHG Ultrafast pulses extending into XUV, ~mW level Potential use as seed for SXR FEL  Lasers as alternates to “conventional” technologies  Laser-plasma accelerators Compact electron source and extremely high fields of 10–100 GVm -1 Electron beams demonstrated 10 pC, <50 fs, few % energy spread, <1 mrad divergence, ~1 GeV  Laser-driven vacuum structures All-optical accelerator and undulator Up to 1 GVm -1 accelerating gradient Intrinsic ultrafast timescales, TW peak power  Inverse Compton sources  Compact integration of laser/accelerator technologies Broadband incoherent hard X-ray source 1-100 keV Readiness of Architectures: Other Sources

35 11/05/09 Slide 35 Other Sources: RD&D Priority  High power lasers  ~100 W in IR  Enable unique HHG based XUV sources  Stand alone source or for FEL seed E.g. seed pulse ~5 nJ in ~25 fs, ~30 nm  Source for testing equipment & preparation for measurements at FELs  Essential for laser plasma acceleration and laser-driven vacuum structures  Experimental lasers to match FEL rep-rate Diode pumped amplifier performance Ceramics New crystals Fiber multiplexing Optical cooling & damage issues Cross-cutting technology

36 11/05/09 Slide 36 Other Sources: R&D Needs  Laser-plasma accelerators  Tailored plasma channels  Injection and acceleration schemes  Diagnostics  3D simulation codes  Short period undulators  Laser-driven vacuum structures  Basic proof-of-principle experiments for key concepts  Sub-fs synchronization, materials damage, charging of structures, diagnostics for as beams  Inverse Compton sources  High brightness, high beam power injectors  Laser build-up cavity  Integration of laser and CW SCRF accelerator

37 11/05/09 Slide 37 Readiness of Architectures: Timescales for Other Sources Developments ✺ HHG ➙ Optimize laser/gas interaction, extraction, transport, tunability, establish theoretical limits of HHG efficiency and approach them, characterize HHG beam ➙ Reliable (95% up time) drive laser with ~2 mJ, 5–20 fs, ➙ 1–10 kHz within 5 years ➙ Extend rep rate to MHz over 10 years  Laser-plasma accelerators  Demonstration of soft X-ray production pursued by several groups  LPA-driven SXR FEL user facility expected within ~10 years  Laser-driven vacuum structures  R&D required for 10+ years to realize potential capabilities  Inverse Compton scattering ➙ Laser and accelerator R&D ~5 years, systems integration ~5 years ➙ 10 year horizon

38 11/05/09 Slide 38 Enabling Instrumentation & Technology  Cathodes  Photocathode, thermionic, advanced materials  Photocathode, drive laser shaping (3D)  Ultrafast beam instrumentation  Timing and synchronization  Electron/photon bunch length  Electron/photon arrival time  Photon optics bandwidth  Optics damage issues  Photon detectors  Smart detectors  Improved readout rates, radiation hardness  Time resolved (streak cameras,etc.)  Insertion Devices  High power lasers Cross-cutting technologies

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