RtI Response to Intervention April 2, 2008 Board Presentation.

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1 RtI Response to Intervention April 2, 2008 Board Presentation

2 When Congress reauthorized IDEA, they changed the law about identifying children with specific learning disabilities. Schools will “not be required to take into consideration whether a child has a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability..." (Section 1414(b))

3 What is RtI? RtI is the practice of: 1. Providing high-quality instruction/intervention; 2. Matching student needs; 3. Frequent progress monitoring and formative evaluation; and 4. Applying to individual educational decisions. It is implemented by allocating resources to deliver effective interventions that produce improved child outcomes. (CDE, 2006)

4 RtI Core Principles National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE), 2006 We can effectively teach all children Intervene early Use a multi-tiered model of service Use researched-based, scientifically validated interventions / instruction Monitor student progress to inform instruction Use data to make decisions Use assessments for three different purposes: 1. Screening; 2. Diagnostics; and 3. progress monitoring

5 Tiered Levels of Instruction & Intervention

6 Basics of RTI Primary Prevention (Tier 1): – All student receive a research supported core curriculum – All students screened seasonally (Fall, Winter, & Spring) to determine which students are suspected to be at risk – Students suspected to be at risk remain in primary prevention and their progress is monitored for 4 to 8 weeks Progress monitoring in Tier 1 is used to: Disconfirm risk. These responsive students remain in primary prevention. Confirm risk. These unresponsive students move to secondary prevention.

7 Basics of RTI Secondary Prevention (Tier 2): – Supplemental intervention is provided in flexible groups for anywhere from 10-15 weeks – Student progress is monitored weekly – Student responsiveness is assessed continually : Students who are responsive to Tier 2 intervention return to Tier 1 Students who are under-responsive to Tier 2 intervention move to tertiary Tier 3 intervention

8 Basics of RTI Tertiary Prevention (Tier 3): – Intensified individualized intervention (may or may not involve special education services) – Student progress is monitored weekly Progress monitoring is used to: Set Individualized education program (IEP) goals. Design individualized instructional programs. Monitor student response. – When progress monitoring indicates that a student has met benchmark performance standards, student exits Tier 3 (or special education), and returns to primary (Tier 1) or secondary (Tier 2) prevention, with ongoing progress monitoring.

9 TIER 1: Primary Prevention - General education setting - Research-supported instruction - Screening to identify students suspected to be at risk - PM to (dis)confirm risk status TIER 2: Secondary Prevention - Supplemental researchedbased intervention - PM to assess responsiveness TIER 3: Tertiary Prevention - Intensified/Individualized intervention (special education) - PM to set IEP goals - PM to formulate individualized programs - PM to assess responsiveness AT RISK RESPONSIVE UNRESPONSIVE

10 Guiding Beliefs All students are part of the general education system. There is shared responsibility for student achievement across the entire school community. The best way to address student learning needs is to be proactive.

11 Guiding Beliefs Differentiated instruction is an essential part of an instructional program. Accurate reliable assessment data are essential to determine the instructional abilities of all students. Instructional decisions are based on multiple sources of data.

12 Guiding Principles The effectiveness of instruction is routinely monitored; on-going formative data are used to indicate when changes in instruction are needed. Parents are vital members of the team to support students. Administrators and teacher leadership teams are vital in the instructional leadership and data based decision making of a district and school.

13 Guiding Principles Teachers have adequate tools, strategies, support, and resources to meet the needs of all students. Quality professional development is essential to support implementation of a systemic effort to support RtI.

14 Guiding Principles A variety of research-based practices will be needed to address the needs of learners (not one size fits all). Each school has a unique culture,set of resources and needs requiring a tailored system of decision making. Individuals with skills in data-based decision making will be needed to support the process.

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