The PLASTIC UML to Performance Model Transformation Tool -MOSQUITO- (Tutorial) (MOdel driven conStruction of QUeuIng neTwOrks) UDA.

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Presentation on theme: "The PLASTIC UML to Performance Model Transformation Tool -MOSQUITO- (Tutorial) (MOdel driven conStruction of QUeuIng neTwOrks) UDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The PLASTIC UML to Performance Model Transformation Tool -MOSQUITO- (Tutorial) (MOdel driven conStruction of QUeuIng neTwOrks) UDA

2 - 2 PLASTIC Development Environment

3 - 3 Contents This tutorial shows how it is possible to use the “PLASTIC UML to Performance Model Transformation Tool” (i.e. MOSQUITO) to generate Queuing Networks (QNs) and Execution Graphs (EGs) of the PLASTIC services modeled by means of the PLASTIC service editor (i.e. MagicDraw)

4 - 4 MagicDraw ® (Service Model Editor) DSL Engine ® Customization Custom Diagrams Customized GUI UML PLASTIC Profile Eclipse UML Export Non Functional Analysis Tools UML to Performance Model Transformation Tool Eclipse UML Import Model2Code Transformation Tools UML2WSDL Eclipse UML Import UML2HUTN Overview of the UML to QN Transformation Tool (1/2)

5 - 5 Overview of the UML to QN Transformation Tool (2/2)

6 - 6 Roadmap Install MagicDraw 14.0; Install Eclipse platform with MOSQUITO client plugin Export the UML model of the PLASTIC service from MagicDraw Import the exported model in an Eclipse Project Invoke the UML to Performance Model Transformation Tool (Mosquito Web Service) from Eclipse. See the resulting models in the Eclipse Editor.

7 - 7 Install MagicDraw 14.0 Please refer to Service Model Editor User Guide. material/service_model_editor_user_guide_2008-02- 08.pdf/download

8 - 8 Install the Eclipse platform with MOSQUITO client plugin (1/2) Download and uncompress the MOSQUITO client within the eclipse/plugins directory. Shutdown and restart the eclipse platform with the –clean option (for windows users >eclipse.exe –clean from the DOS prompt)

9 - 9 Install the Eclipse platform with MOSQUITO client plugin (2/2)

10 - 10 Export the eHealth Service Model in Eclipse.uml2 file format (1/2)

11 - 11 Export the eHealth Service Model in Eclipse.uml2 file format (2/2)

12 - 12 Import the exported model in an Eclipse Project

13 - 13 Import the exported model in an Eclipse Project

14 - 14 Import the exported model in an Eclipse Project

15 - 15 Invoke the UML to Queuing Network Transformation Tool

16 - 16 Invoke the UML to Queuing Network Transformation Tool - SAPONE The resulting models are sent back by the server to the Eclipse (client) platform

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