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LESSONS LEARNED 25 years of evaluation at the Federal Office of Public Health Kerralie Oeuvray.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSONS LEARNED 25 years of evaluation at the Federal Office of Public Health Kerralie Oeuvray."— Presentation transcript:

1 LESSONS LEARNED 25 years of evaluation at the Federal Office of Public Health Kerralie Oeuvray

2 Taking stock 25 years on… Objective Given the complexity of the programmes and the diversity of the approaches used, what lessons can be drawn from the evaluation reports conducted during the last 25 years?

3 Methodology 120 reports 276 lessons drawn from evaluators’ findings, conclusions and recommendations Focus on the implementation process Lessons classified and grouped into clusters Generalisations formulated in terms of 5 key dimensions

4 Methodology Limits Desk-based analysis restricted to written reports – no validation with evaluators themselves No follow up about how particular lessons were used or further developed

5 Focus on implementation processes Types of challenges faced by a wide diversity of actors when implementing programmes and projects in complex federalist settings Encompasses key criteria such as efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, sustainability Covers large scope of issues irrespective of frequency Allows looking at lessons from time perspective

6 Accumulated knowledge: 5 dimensions Coordinating & collaborating in a federalist setting Adopting an evaluation culture Relying on a personified OFPH Developing & clarifying theories Promoting public health values

7 Accumulated knowledge: 5 dimensions 1. Coordinating & collaborating in a federalist setting Adopting an evaluation culture 3. Relying on a personified OFPH 2. Developing & clarifying theories Promoting public health values

8 1. Coordinating & collaborating in a federalist setting Adoption of programmes/projects by partners Appropriate ways of collaborating & coordinating Assuring sustainability Challenges Networking over & beyond usual boundaries Investing in intermediate structures to assure top-down & bottom-up processes Producing & disseminating quality info Key skills

9 2. Developing & clarifying theories Coherence between theory & practice in a multidisciplinary setting Challenging established theories with practice based knowledge Challenges Consolidating knowledge from experience Multiplying knowledge sources Developing consensus amongst key actors Key skills

10 3. Relying on a personified FOPH Assuring on-going FOPH leadership & commitment Assuring accessibility between FOPH & its partners Challenges Exploiting FOPH prestige to further policy development at local & regional levels Interacting meaningfully with FOPH personnel Key skills

11 Lessons surfacing time and time again Links between socio-economic status and health issues Conditions for developing consensus amongst stakeholders Conditions for effective networking practices

12 Lessons learned from lessons drawn Accumulated know-how concerns: – knowledge – skills – contacts with stakeholders Expanding and sharing knowledge base between stakeholders, both internally (employees) and externally (key groups) is vital

13 Lessons learned from lessons drawn The FOPH relies on “others” for the implementation of public health programmes and projects Effective implementation practices depend on the cultural sensitivity and political acumen of all the key actors

14 Value added of research Creates a synthesis of key lessons drawn from 25 yrs of evaluations in one document Interprets lessons over time thus identifying lessons which resurface time and time again In line with an emerging trend to document, classify and maintain a register of ‘lessons learned’ Contributes to the history of public health in Switzerland

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