University Office Space Survey. 67 Buildings surveyed Includes MHMP, IBC, South Campus, RCC, RGA, RVA 3,144 offices confirmed 566,119 total assignable.

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1 University Office Space Survey

2 67 Buildings surveyed Includes MHMP, IBC, South Campus, RCC, RGA, RVA 3,144 offices confirmed 566,119 total assignable square feet (ASF) 47,147 ASF of offices vacant = 8.33% 12,000+ ASF is indicated “to be occupied” Process

3 Of the 3,144 offices evaluated: Average overall room condition rating is 2.08 528 offices rated below average(1.00-1.66) 1,898 offices rated average(1.67-2.33) 718 offices rated above average(2.34-3.00) General Condition of Office Space

4 Building Number of Rooms Overall Room Factor Average MEDIA CENTER91.69 RYON ENGINEERING LAB241.70 MECHANICAL LAB311.77 MD ANDERSON HALL361.77 HERZSTEIN HALL361.81 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING311.83 GEORGE R. BROWN HALL611.83 SEWALL HALL961.83 MD ANDERSON BIOLOGICAL LAB911.84 ALICE PRATT BROWN HALL801.84 Lowest Overall Room Ratings by Building

5 Average utilization (using Rice standards) = 86.7% Position type weighted averages that are 10% over or under an average utilization of 100% are considered to be in a reasonable range. Position Type Rice Guideline Low ASF Rice Guideline High ASF QtyTotal ASF Average Size Utilization Weighted Average Tenure-Track Faculty150165558103,08318591.90% Graduate Assistant35501,84185,5834693.68% Staff60100859120,23414072.73% Campus-Wide Utilization by Position Type

6 Building Total Office ASF Occupied Office ASF Vacant Office ASF Percent Vacant Utilization Weighted Average MD ANDERSON HALL 6,836 00.00%61.04% SPACE SCIENCE 12,88010,8072,07316.09%61.63% ALLEN CENTER 29,81426,8772,9379.85%67.15% FONDREN LIBRARY 23,22820,5842,64411.38%71.44% RMC/LEY STUDENT CENTER 10,2429,6435995.85%71.96% LOVETT HALL 12,84512,2376084.73%74.15% DELL BUTCHER HALL 6,9856,7961892.71%74.87% RYON ENGINEERING LAB 6,7926,5182744.03%75.09% HERZSTEIN HALL 7,5286,76276610.18%75.90% JAMES A. BAKER III HALL 17,62116,5151,1066.28%76.66% Average utilization (using Rice standards) = 82.9% Lowest Office Utilization by Building

7 Building Total Office ASF Occupied Office ASF Vacant Office ASF Percent Vacant BRC64,05655,2418,81513.76% MCNAIR HALL40,33936,6993,6409.02% GREENBRIAR11,8088,4313,37728.60% MD ANDERSON BIOLOGICAL LAB14,92511,5573,36822.57% TUDOR FIELDHOUSE14,71011,5393,17121.56% ALLEN CENTER29,81426,8772,9379.85% FONDREN LIBRARY23,22820,5842,64411.38% SPACE SCIENCE12,88010,8072,07316.09% SEWALL HALL14,94413,2891,65511.07% GEORGE R. BROWN HALL10,4288,8491,57915.14% Vacant Office Space by Building

8 Academic/Administrative Unit Total Office ASF Occupied Office ASF Vacant Office ASF Percent Vacant NATURAL SCIENCES105,239100,8864,3534.14% HATRC8,4614,2614,20049.64% JONES GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS39,75336,1133,6409.16% RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT15,59211,9603,63223.29% ADMINISTRATION42,24938,7043,5458.34% ATHLETICS22,93019,6393,29114.35% SOCIAL SCIENCES33,57030,9142,6567.91% RESEARCH18,99017,0391,95110.27% ENGINEERING75,43473,5601,8742.48% LIBRARY15,31913,5091,81011.82% Most Vacant Office Space by Organization

9 Multiple Offices 45 people assigned 2 offices 2 people assigned 3 offices Total area = 18,211 ASF Emeritus Offices 35 offices assigned to Emeritus Faculty = 5,680 ASF Multiple & Emeritus Offices

10 Target buildings with lowest utilization rates for focused renovation to improve efficiency Incentive program for departments/units to compete for annual capital funds to renovate their office areas bringing them into alignment with space guidelines Next Steps

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