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How do you know what conjugation a verb belongs to?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you know what conjugation a verb belongs to?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you know what conjugation a verb belongs to?

2 Look at the 2 nd PP! 1 st -āre 2 nd -ēre 3 rd /3 rd -io -ere 4 th -īre

3 What are the present tense vowels for 3 rd and 4 th conjugation?

4 I O UI O U petōpetimus petispetitis petitpetunt

5 What are the future tense vowels for 3 rd and 4 th conjugation?

6 hAm & Eggs petampetēmus petēspetētis petetpetent

7 How do you form the future tense for 1 st and 2 nd conjugation?

8 BO, BIS, BIT amābōamābimus amābisamābitis amābitamābunt

9 How do you form a Present Active Participle (PAP?)

10 Drop the -re off the 2 nd PP and add -ns, -ntis petere → pete- → petens

11 How do you translate a PAP?

12 (while) verb-ing

13 How do you find the Perfect Passive Participle (PPP)?

14 4 th PP! petō, petere, petīvī, petitum

15 How do you translate a PPP?

16 verb-ed having been verb-ed

17 How do you recognize an Ablative Absolute?

18 2 or 3 ablative words set off from the rest of the sentence ● (adjective) noun and PPP ● (adjective) noun and PAP ● (adjective) noun and noun

19 How do you translate an Ablative Absolute with a noun and PPP?

20 With the noun having been verb-ed Signō dātō With the signal having been given

21 How do you translate an Ablative Absolute with a noun and PAP?

22 With the noun verbing Puerō clamānte With the boy shouting

23 How do you translate an Ablative Absolute with a noun and another noun?

24 With noun as noun Caesare duce With the Caesar as leader

25 How do you form comparative adjectives from positive ones?

26 Add -ior (m/f) or -ius (n) to the base clāra → clār- → clārior

27 How do you form superlative adjectives from positive ones?

28 Add -issimus, a, um to the base clāra → clār- → clārissimus

29 EXCEPT when?

30 When the masculine nominative singular form ends in -er Then what?

31 Add -rimus, a, um to the -er form pulcher → pulcherrimus

32 How do you form adverbs from 1 st /2 nd declension adjectives?

33 Add -ē to the base clāra → clār- → clārē

34 How do you form adverbs from 3 rd declension adjectives?

35 Add -(i)ter to the base fortis → fort- → fortiter

36 How do you form comparative adverbs?

37 Use the neuter nominative singular adjective. celerior, celerius → celerius

38 What country is Troy in?

39 Asia

40 What mountains are north of Italy?

41 Alps

42 What mountains are the “spine” of Italy?

43 Appenines

44 What is the port city to Rome?

45 Ostia

46 What sea is north of Italy?

47 (H)Adriaticum

48 What is the major city in Africa?

49 Carthage

50 Where is Athens?

51 Graecia

52 What port would you use to get to Graecia?

53 Brundisium

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