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2015Federal Accounting Staff Federal Accounting Update.

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Presentation on theme: "2015Federal Accounting Staff Federal Accounting Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015Federal Accounting Staff Federal Accounting Update

2 Department of Natural Resources Agenda OMB Uniform Guidance (Super Circular) Tracking your grants Reporting Labor Distribution

3 Department of Natural Resources Dept of Audits speakers Jessica Parent currently serves as the director for the Professional Standards and Practices Division of the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts (DOAA). Jessica has over 20 years of experience in conducting financial, operational, single audit and IT audits. Prior to joining DOAA, she served as a principal auditor for Auditors of Public Accounts, State of Connecticut overseeing the audit of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and serving on the audit manual committee. Jessica is a CPA, certified information systems auditor and has a B.S. degree in accounting from Central Connecticut State University and a M.S. in information systems from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Hartford campus.

4 Department of Natural Resources Dept of Audits speakers Roger Boyd currently serves as the director of Information Technology Services for the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts. Roger has over 20 years of experience in conducting operational, compliance and IT audits. Prior to joining DOAA, he served as a senior manager for Ernst & Young responsible for leading IT external and internal audit engagements including multiple IT effectiveness and governance projects. Roger is a certified information systems auditor and has a B.S. degree in management and information systems from Florida State University. Pete Sheffield currently serves as an audit supervisor for the State Government Division for the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts. Pete has over 13 years of experience in conducting financial and single audits and currently oversees the Department of Human Services audit. Pete is a CPA, Certified Government Financial Manager and has a B.S. degree in economics from Emory University and a M.S.A. from Georgia Southwestern State University.

5 Department of Natural Resources Tracking Your Grants

6 Department of Natural Resources Grant Setup PO setup – need to split correctly from beginning oChange chartfields to new project if same PO is being used on different grants

7 Department of Natural Resources Federal Accounting’s process GG  Federal reviews and notes needed chartfield adjustments Outstanding encumbrance query PBCR  Can’t use to accurately track grants  Only current budget year activity included

8 Department of Natural Resources Grants Management System Quickbase program Centralized location for all grant information Expense and revenue data updated after the GG is generated We will not update years prior to FY’12 Improvements are on-going

9 Department of Natural Resources Reporting

10 Department of Natural Resources Closeout Uniform Guidance enforces the 90 day closeout – i.e., all financial, performance, and other reports as required by terms and conditions Divisions must be conscious of this closeout period  Project work should end at the grant period end date. Therefore, the final 90 days are just for administrative purposes. Purchases made within the last 60-90 days of an award should receive additional scrutiny  Contracts should allow for time to receive final invoices prior to final report due dates. Federal Accounting must draw/invoice awards in full within 90 days of award end date

11 Department of Natural Resources Closeout Grants should be tracked throughout the grant period to avoid multiple adjustments at grant’s end. What are the issues with receiving final invoices timely?

12 Department of Natural Resources Labor Distribution

13 Department of Natural Resources Thank you! Update projects/fund sources timely by notifying Megan to change the default. Actually review the spreadsheet when Conrad emails it. Any questions or issues you want to discuss? Labor Distribution

14 Department of Natural Resources What can you do ? What can the divisions do to help? Review the GG monthly for coding errors Submit Form 85s monthly Track grant expenses, including match, throughout the life of the grant  This will minimize over/under-spent grants Partner with Federal Acctg to resolve grant issues

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