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Managing Conflict Channelling Anger Katie Jump 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Conflict Channelling Anger Katie Jump 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Conflict Channelling Anger Katie Jump 2004

2 Using anger in a positive way The Scream by Edvard Munch

3 Using anger in a positive way Corridor in the Asylum By Vincent van Gogh

4 What things make you angry? Unfairness? Bullying? Stealing? Losing? Other people fighting? Brothers and Sisters?

5 What do these words mean? Racism Sexism Ageism Ignorance

6 Describe how you feel when you are angry. See “red”? want to hurt someone? want to hurt yourself? want to break things? want to get away?

7 What could you do when you are angry to calm down? Listen to music Count to ten Walk away Tell someone else Write it down Play with a stress ball

8 Relax… Listen to some calming music and describe how it makes you feel.

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