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Discussing Conflict Resolution Anger Management

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1 Discussing Conflict Resolution Anger Management
PPL 20 Unit #3 Discussing Conflict Resolution Anger Management

2 OBJECTIVES Demonstrate understanding of the varied dynamics of conflict (eg. Context, escalators, perception) Describe different strategies to handle conflict Describe the impact of non-verbal (eg. Body language) and verbal responses Benefits of developing anger management strategies Techniques for dealing with angry disputants

3 Video: Argument C:\Documents and Settings\John Cowan\My Documents\Downloads\Free YouTube Downloader\Argument Clinic.wmv

4 Conflict In your own words define the term conflict.
n a fight; a contest; strife, quarrel; emotional disturbance A perceived incompatibility of actions, is an almost [unavoidable] part of social relations.

5 Types of Conflict Internal – conflict with oneself
Inter personal – conflict with another person Intra group – conflict in a group Inter group – conflict with another group For each type of conflict give one example for each.

6 Causes of Conflict Elements of conflict are much the same involving individuals, groups or nations. Social traps – self serving behaviour when both parties pursue self-interest and mistrust one another Misperceptions – see one’s own group as moral and one’s opposition different which fully justify whatever one does to retaliate

7 Response to Conflict Avoidance
denial, attempts to please others at his/her expense, postpone, chance, humour, reject, non-communication, change the subject

8 Response to Conflict Confrontation
aggression, win at all costs, criticism, manipulation, bullying, distortion, pressure


10 Response to Conflict Resolution
share, compromise, get help, apologize, discussion, humour, problem solve, I-messages, active listening

11 What is conflict resolution?
Characterized by cooperation, communication and conciliation [healing]

12 Cooperation Parties that used isolation and competition strategies to make strangers into enemies Cooperative efforts to achieve goals that override differences break down barriers between people when presented with a shared predicament Positive attitudes towards one another

13 Communication People unable to communicate with one another become distrustful Communication to discuss the dilemna to negotiate a commitment to cooperate and facilitates understanding

14 Conciliation One side announces its intent to reduce tensions and initiates one or small appeasing act which opens the door for the enemy to reciprocate Increasing trust and cooperation Examples – smile, a small apology maybe all that is needed for both people to reduce the tension

15 Behaviour Which Helps Diffuse Conflict
Eye contact Positive choice of words Effective listening I- messages Calm demeanor

16 Eye Contact Culturally sensitive
Eye contact connects with the other person

17 Effective Listening Listen to the full message without interrupting
Paraphrase Look for signs of understanding – nod of the head, smile

18 I - Message F – Feelings – take ownership of your feelings by using I – nobody can disagree that you’re disappointed, mad, happy B – Behaviour – the behaviour of the other person that has made you feel the way you are feeling O – Outcome – from the person’s behaviour it has impacted on you

19 Calm Demeanor Breathing technique – deep breathing to help relax the body Cool down period prior to communication Collect your thoughts

20 Anger Management Strategies
Physical activity Sense of humour Deep breathing Planning – pro-active vs reactive

21 Class Discussion Students will identify and discuss the benefits of anger management.

22 Handling Angry Disputants
Ignore Laugh Apologize Count to ten Deep breathing technique Reframe the situation Self talk Body language Self worth is intact

23 Mediator A neutral third party who helps the participants works things out

24 Adjudicator A neutral party listens to both sides then makes a judgment on the information presented

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