The Great Depression: Then and Now Project. Instructions: During the next two class periods students will work individually to master the Georgia Performance.

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1 The Great Depression: Then and Now Project

2 Instructions: During the next two class periods students will work individually to master the Georgia Performance Standard SS8H8 by completing the Great Depression: Then and Now Project. The objective of the project is for students to compare and contrast the Great Depression with the current economic crisis and create a booklet to demonstrate comprehension and mastery of the GPS (SS8H8).

3 Step 1 – Research : Research – Research each of the following topics so that they can be accurately compared and contrasted. During your research try to find similarities and differences between events that occurred during the Great Depression and the Current Economic Crisis. The Great Depression Current Economic Crisis Drought (1924)Drought (2007-2009) The Great Depression Recession (2007- Current) Franklin D. Roosevelt Barack Obama The New DealObama’s Economic Stimulus Plan Eugene TalmadgeSonny Perdue The Great Depression: Then and Now Project

4 Step 2 – Create Booklet: Once you have completed the research you will need to assemble a booklet, which will serve as the product for this performance task. –The booklet should be assembled using one (1) sheet of construction paper and three (3) sheets of typing paper. Each of the sheets should be folded in half with the construction serving as a cover for the booklet. –Once you have folded the paper you will need to bind the booklet together (you can use a stapler in class or you may use string or brass tabs if you choose to bring in the materials). The Great Depression: Then and Now Project

5 Step 3 – Create Final Product: Once your booklet has been assembled you will need to create your final product. Your booklet must include the following (*See the Rubric for more details!): –Creatively decorated booklet cover (with assignment title and your name) –Table of Contents (on the first page of the booklet). –A spread (2 Pages) dedicated to each of the five (5) topics. Each spread should also contain a Heading for each of the two topics, page numbers, a visual or illustration with captions, researched information about each topic, and a summarizing statement that compares and/or contrasts each topic. The Great Depression: Then and Now Project

6 Step 3 – Create Final Product (Cont): Example Spread: Drought of 1924 *Description of event or definition of topic. Drought of 2007-2009 *Description of event or definition of topic. Summarizing Statement The Drought of 1924 and the Drought of 2007-2009 both… Title of “old” topic Use information from notes, text, and readings to describe event or define topic. Summarizing Statement 1. 2. Title of “new” topic Use information from notes, text, and readings to describe event or define topic. Visual or Illustration The Great Depression: Then and Now Project

7 Rubric: The Great Depression: Then and Now Project

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