Nonlinear Spectroscopy: Diagrammatic Perturbation Theory Andrei Tokmakoff MIT Department of Chemistry 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonlinear Spectroscopy: Diagrammatic Perturbation Theory Andrei Tokmakoff MIT Department of Chemistry 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonlinear Spectroscopy: Diagrammatic Perturbation Theory Andrei Tokmakoff MIT Department of Chemistry 2009

2 Feynman and Ladder Diagrams

3 3 rd order diagrams for a two-level system

4 3 rd order diagrams: four-level vibronic system

5 Third order spectroscopies

6 3 rd -order spectroscopy in box geometry


8 Two-pulse photon echo

9 Transient grating

10 Population relaxation Acoustic waves Thermal diffusion

11 Pump-probe / transient-absorption

12 Coherence and wavepackets in pump-probe

13 CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering)

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