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Landscape What is the name of the kind of trees in this picture?

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Presentation on theme: "Landscape What is the name of the kind of trees in this picture?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape What is the name of the kind of trees in this picture?

2 Birch Tree Landscape Background Middleground Foreground

3 Birch Tree Landscape Background Middleground Foreground

4 Birch Tree Landscape Day 1 Rip pieces of the “masking tape” and stick them onto your pants. Stick the the tape onto your paper to look like trees. Give your trees lots of branches! Write your name on the back Paint background, middleground, and foreground. Put the paper in the drying rack.

5 Birch Tree Landscape Day 2 Peel off the “masking tape” to reveal your white trees. When you are done go back and sit on the rug Crayons: - add birch tree lines - add mini “Y” branches - add side shadows - add leaves - add forest details

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