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Where Has All The Antimatter Gone?

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Presentation on theme: "Where Has All The Antimatter Gone?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Has All The Antimatter Gone?
By Giovanni Maria Piacentino 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

2 Where Has All The Antimatter Gone?
A question that has worried scientists for about 50 years now The Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter So, there are wide-ranging implications Testing the Standard Model The physics of the primordial universe Why are we all here? 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

3 Theories, theories, theories…
Gamow – Original Big Bang model (1946) Hypothesised a matter universe only How to reconcile antimatter asymmetry? Goldhaber (1956): 2 proposals Statistical fluctuation in symmetrical universe favoured matter Two balanced matter/antimatter universes, created by the decay of the “universon”... 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

4 Theories, theories, theories…
Alpher & Herman (1958) Asserted statistical fluctuation could only occur on the scale of our solar system... Hoyle – Steady State model (1948) Since Hubble, the steady state model required some way of generating matter Hoyle proposed matter-antimatter creation as a form of generating the extra mass required for a steady state universe 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

5 Antigravity! Burbidge & Hoyle (1958) Both evolutionary and steady state models require locality of matter and antimatter Need a mechanism for separation Gravity governs the large-scale structure of the universe Suggests the necessity that matter and antimatter behave differently under gravity 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

6 Antigravity? Schiff (1959) Examined inertial and gravitational properties of antimatter separately Antigravity requires different inertial and gravitational masses for antimatter Einstein’s equivalence principle implies that matter has the same inertial and gravitational masses (verified in Eotvos’ experiments) Antigravity was proved untenable? 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

7 Antigravity? Schiff examined separately tre situations:
Positron behaves like electrons (no antigravity); Their mass is gravitationally negative; Their mass and kinetic energy are gravitationally negative. 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

8 Antigravity? Considering virtual couples electron-positron induced in the Electric field of a nucleus and their coupling to the electric field (second order~dipole)and first order to the gravitational Schiff computed a mass difference for the nuclei and concluded that there is no evidence for antigravity. BUT the calculations where not published and the effect should be very poor as can be evident in the following of this presentation. 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

9 Asymmetric Anxieties... Schiff’s results left the problem unresolved
The only remaining theory was that the universe began with an initial asymmetry However, physics suggests the existence of fundamental underlying symmetries Therefore, an initial asymmetry seems at odds with physics as a whole Even more outrageous theories resulted… 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

10 Asymmetric Anxieties... People clung to antigravity rather than accept an initial asymmetry This meant disregarding the Equivalence Principle, and thus General Relativity Alfvén and Klein suggested the uneasy coexistence of matter and antimatter in a symmetric universe A layer of “ambiplasma” would act as a boundary to different regions 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR

11 Antigravity? In the 1960 a stronger argument was put forward against the possible existence of antigravity; the so called Good argument: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

12 But then… Two major discoveries in the space of two years largely brought about the end of this period of speculation The discovery of CP violation in the neutral K meson system in 1964 The detection of the 3K Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in 1965 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

13 Back to the two major discoveries
The discovery of CP violation in the neutral K meson system in 1964 The detection of the 3K Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in 1965 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

14 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
Performed by Cronin & Fitch in 1964 Discovered that the combined symmetry CP is violated in the Kaon system This had major implications for cosmology, although not realised by Cronin & Fitch They had discovered the mechanism for producing dynamic asymmetry They were awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery in 1980 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

15 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
Kaons contain a strange and first family quark Kaons decay via the weak interaction The weak interaction does not see the kaon as the strong force does: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

16 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
Instead, the weak interaction sees the mass eigenstates, not the flavour eigenstates Mass eigenstates appear as a linear superposition of K0 and anti-K0 These eigenstates are called & , and also happen to be pure CP eigenstates: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

17 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
CP = +1 CP = -1 Mass eigenstates: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

18 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
The reason that the weak force sees the kaon as a linear superposition of K and anti-K is that they ‘mix’ W W At the quark level, this is done via a second- order weak interaction: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

19 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
& are easily distinguished by their different decay modes and lifetimes normally decays to π-π+ very quickly Decays in 9 x seconds π CP = CP = Conserved – This conserves CP since π-π+ have CP = +1 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

20 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
normally decays to π-π+π0 slowly Slower decay because of reduced phase space Decays in 5 x 10-8 seconds π π CP = CP = Conserved This also conserves CP since π-π+π0 have CP = -1 π 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

21 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
CP conserved This is what should happen: (CP = -1) (CP = +1) But occasionally (1 in 500 times), this happens: turns into & CP is violated! 4/15/2017

22 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
The weak interaction can (indirectly) violate the CP symmetry How does this happen? Clearly the definition of & is incorrect The weak interaction must ‘see’ something that is not a pure CP eigenstate for this to happen The kaons that the weak interaction can see were redefined as K-short and K-long These are a mixture of the original & 4/15/2017

23 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
Where α >> β Where γ >> δ The new weakly interacting Kaons: These are no longer pure CP eigenstates 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

24 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
Two theories were generated to explain this kaon mixing The first was Wolfenstein’s ‘superweak’ force (1964) This elegantly and simply explained observations However, it brought a new unknown force into play 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

25 The Neutral Kaon Experiments
The second proposition was from Kobayashi & Maskawa in 1973 Observed that CP could be violated in weak quark interactions if there were three families of quarks Only two families were known at the time This led to the CKM matrix, that uses a complex phase parameter to explain CP violation A more complex theory than Wolfenstein’s, but in terms of known forces 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

26 Superweak vs. CKM Matrix?
Which theory was correct? The superweak theory could only explain ‘indirect’ CP CP violation could only occur via the mixing of one particle into the other Kobayashi and Maskawa’s theory suggested that CP violation could occur directly at the decay stage 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

27 Superweak vs. CKM Matrix
KL ‘mixes’ to KS before decay INDIRECT Indirect CP: KL decays directly to a CP violating state DIRECT Direct CP: 4/15/2017

28 CKM Matrix Wins! Direct CP violation in the Kaon system has been confirmed This disproves the superweak model Direct CP is extremely unlikely. In the Kaon system it occurs about 6 times per 10,000,000 events 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

29 The Sakharov Conditions
In 1967, ‘dissident’ Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov outlined three conditions required to explain the matter asymmetry of the universe Baryon number violation CP violation Departure from themal equilibrium 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

30 Matter Asymmetry How great is the asymmetry?
Number of nucleons to number of CMB photons is approximately in the ratio 1:109 At high energy, annihilation will be balanced by pair production We expect equal numbers of photons and particles plus antiparticles in the primordial universe Implies very many annihilations in the early universe Therefore the asymmetry is a small effect compared to Big Bang number densities 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

31 Baryon Number Violation
Big bang Creates universe with net zero baryon number Should be no net baryon number at present day Since no large quantities of antimatter have been observed, this cannot be true Implies existence of baryon violating reactions OR Different physical laws in the past 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

32 Baryon Number Violation
Massive gauge particle, X p e- One possible explanation is... Massive gauge bosons However it is not quite this simple... 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

33 Baryon Number Violation
Massive gauge antiparticle, X p e+ Consider the CP conjugate reaction If this reaction occurs at the same rate, despite baryon number violation, its still leaves net zero baryons in the universe 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

34 CP Violation Particles and antiparticles have the same mass
We would expect that baryon number-violating reactions to produce antibaryons at the same rate as baryons For overall baryon production, we require that antibaryon-producing reactions are suppressed This implies different treatment of matter and antimatter, which is exactly what the mechanism of CP violation describes 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

35 The CPT Theorem All that is left is an operator called CPT, where “T” stands for time-reversal. Although the experimental tests of CPT are somewhat limited, the CPT theorem is part of the “theoretical bedrock” of field theory. If we assume that CPT is a good symmetry, then 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

36 What is antimatter? (Feynman~Stueckelberg) Definition:
Matter (Time reversal x Charges coniugation) Antimatter What kind of time reversal is the one to be used in GR? How antimatter affects Gravitation? 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

37 Taxonomy of matter in GR:
In GR. Matter can evolve, symmetrically, in the positive or negative time direction q+ τ- τ+ q- So we can classificate respect to a system of reference that is not In motion respect to the matter. If we define positive the proton with Positive charge, we have in principle four different type of matter: Where τ is the proper time 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

38 Taxonomy of matter in GR:
τ is the proper time so we have: Both signs are allowed to τ since 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

39 A change in the sign of  affects also:
So the mass is odd under proper time inversion 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

40 This is true also for the energy stress tensor infact:
4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

41 So we can introduce the time reversal in order to understand how antimatter behaves from the point of view of a matter made observer: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

42 So antimatter antigravitates
4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

43 curiosity Classical antimatter:
Extended special relativity allows both Superluminal transformations and superluminal particles, confined to superluminal speed and with negative energy 4/15/2017 43

44 curiosity Classical antimatter: the superlorentz transformation being:
4/15/2017 44

45 curiosity Classical antimatter: complementary light cones 4/15/2017 45

46 curiosity Classical antimatter: Reinterpretation principle:
the trajectory of a tachyon is seen inverted in time from the point of view of an infraluminal observer so the time simmetry should be violated by gravitational interaction 4/15/2017 46

47 curiosity Classical antimatter: Reinterpretation principle:
the trajettory of a tachyon is seen inverted in time from the point of view of an infraluminal observer so the time simmetry should be violated by gravitational interaction 4/15/2017 47

48 curiosity Classical antimatter: Reinterpretation principle:
the trajettory of a tachyon is seen inverted in time from the point of view of an infraluminal observer so the time simmetry should be violated by gravitational interaction 4/15/2017 48

49 This is very good in fact:
An equal mix of matter and antimatter will give a net repulsive force, this could generate inflaction; Antigravity generated CPV could explain “missing” antimatter; Antigravity could explain dark energy. 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

50 Let us restrict to CPV in the Ks-Kl system
Consider an indirect CPV: KL ‘mixes’ to KS before decay INDIRECT Indirect CP: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

51 The gravitational field is described by the acceleration g so the components of antimatter and matter of a meson are divided by a distance growing with the time that can be written as: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

52 Where τs is the life time of Ks
The time useful for the phenomenon is a fraction Ω-½ of the mixing time Δτ where: Where τs is the life time of Ks 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

53 The dimension of a K meson is about 0.5 fm or:
The ratio: Is the adimensional constant that characterizes the phenomenon 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

54 So we have: 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

55 And obtain the CPV parameter as:
4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

56 That means that the work made by the gravitational field in Δζ is of the order of the energyΔmc2 involved in the CPV and that we can look for CPV in principle in any mixing in particular those were Δζ is function of the position of the signal in the detector. 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

57 A more accurate formula is due to Cabibbo and Ber
An experiment in free fall is not conclusive An experiment could be performed in the International Space Station where the gravity is 10% less than on the Earth or even in geostationary orbit where the gravity is only 3% 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

58 simplicity Stop in a hydrogen gas target
⇒ formation of atomic state (B = S = 0) at rest ⇒ annihilation (strong process), conservation of symmetries. For the first time study (with high statistics) the decay properties of particles and their antiparticles and compare them. Any particle-antiparticle difference signals violation of symmetry Select equally abundant final states use K± for tagging the strangeness of the neutral Kaon. transmutation rate of antiK to K is larger. 4/15/2017 58

59 simplicity To be operate in orbit with antiprotons produced on the earth 4/15/2017 59

60 Simplicity Picture of the NASA HiPAT Penning trap This magnetic bottle was designed for the storage and transportation of 1012 antiprotons. 4/15/2017 60

61 In Summary Perhaps instead of “Where has all the antimatter gone?”, the question should be “Where did all the matter come from?” We don’t yet know for certain, although we do have several good theories that together can account for the Sakharov conditions 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

62 In Summary The Universe began with an equal amount of matter and antimatter Electroweak baryogenesis satisfies the Sakharov conditions to explain how the asymmetry formed in the early universe An experiment can be performed in orbit Matter and antimatter annihilated en masse to form the Cosmic Microwave Background The surplus matter formed the universe as we know it today 4/15/2017 CP Violation and GR

63 Backup Slides

64 Time Reversal In non-relativistic QM, the time-reversal operator is such that: thus left-mover right-mover As one would expect, the T operator reverses momenta (but not positions). 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 64

65 Time Reversal The expectation value of an operator transformed by T is
Operators with complex phases (e.g., p and L), are not T invariant (and therefore are not CP invariant). 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 65

66 Quark Mixing Experimentally we know that the eigenstates of the weak Hamiltonian and the mass eigenstates are different. For simplicity we start with a two-quark-doublet version of nature, i.e., If the quarks acted like leptons, then only vertical transitions would be allowed and the s quark would be stable. However, the kaon decays in 12 ns. It appears that there are generation-crossing transitions. 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 66

67 Quark Mixing Rather than saying that the strange quark is decaying directly to an up quark, we write the following Cabibbo mixing And say that the s-quark in the kaon has a component that can decay into a u-quark. Q: What does this have to do with CP violation? Weak eigenstate Mass eigenstate 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 67

68 Quark Mixing However, even before the discovery of the c-quark (and two decades before the observation of the t-quark) Kobayashi and Maskawa proposed a three-generation scheme Weak eigenstates Mass eigenstates 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 68

69 Quark Mixing KM Mixing Both Cabibbo (2x2) and KM (3x3) mixing are described by unitary transformations. In general where 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 69

70 Quark Mixing Cabibbo KM Case Parameter(s)
The essential contribution of Kobayashi and Maskawa was the observation that only a 3x3 scheme would provide the phase needed for T violation (and hence CP violation). 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 70

71 Quark Mixing Original Kobayashi-Maskawa parameterization. & where
This parameterization is valid, but it is not especially intuitive. 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 71

72 Quark Mixing A more popular choice is the Wolfenstein parameterization: This approximation ( ) reflects the theoretical prejudice (and experimental reality) that the elements get smaller as one moves off the diagonal. Allowed suppressed doubly suppressed 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 72

73 Quark Mixing The appearance of the KM phase offers a natural explanation for standard-model CP violation. Moreover, there is a wealth of other (non-CP) experimental data that supports the KM picture. And quantitative tests of its predictions regarding CP violation. 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 73

74 The Unitarity Triangle
Unitarity implies In particular, the “d b” unitarity relation yields 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 74

75 The Unitarity Triangle
Like any sum of complex numbers can be plotted as a triangle in the complex plane. The Bjorken Triangle 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 75

76 Direct CP Violation Consider the CP mirror processes:
The CP asymmetry is defined as The decay amplitudes are Note that the KM phase changes sign. 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 76

77 Direct CP Violation However,
We see no effect! This is so even though the weak interaction is in a sense maximally CP violating. We need some sort of interference, two amplitudes (i.e., two Feynman diagrams). Consider add amplitudes 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 77

78 Direct CP Violation The resulting amplitudes are:
Note that there is one more slight complication: the addition of a strong phase (but this is a good thing). 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 78

79 Direct CP Violation Despite its conceptual and experimental “simplicity”, there are two problems with direct CP violation: Cases where there are two comparable amplitudes that are large are (probably) rare. The strong phases are poorly understood, making it difficult to extract the weak (KM) phases that are of greatest interest. We need a better way. Such a way, which goes by the name of “Indirect CP Violation,” has been found and will be the topic of all that follows. 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 79

80 Matter-Antimatter Oscillations
First observed in the neutral kaon (strange quark) system, neutral meson mixing represents an oscillation between matter and anti-matter. In the neutral B system, the reaction proceeds by the following Feynman diagram: 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 80

81 Matter-Antimatter Oscillations
As a consequence, an initially pure develops in time according to the expression given below. mixing where the KM matrix element determines 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 81

82 Indirect CP Violation Thus for a decay where is a CP eigenstate, we have two “indistinguishable” decay paths Working through the algebra, yields a time-dependent CP asymmetry Where and are the weak phases for the mixing and decay diagrams, respectively and 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 82

83 Indirect CP Violation One complication is that since CP eigenstates are neutral, they give no information as to whether the decaying meson was a Fortunately there is a solution in the form of . . . 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 83

84 Quantum Weirdness One way to make is to produce pairs at an collider. In practice this means making using of resonant production, i.e., Where the is a radial excitation of a “quarkonium” bound state. The important point is that the pair is produced in a coherent state. 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 84

85 Quantum Weirdness Tagging side CP eigenstate side
This particle must have decayed as a Tags this particle as a If then the particle on the CP eigenstate must be a Note that the tagging information is communicated across space instantaneously despite the fact that the B’s could be separated by a finite distance (a few hundred microns). This is an instance of the EPR paradox. 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 85

86 The Measurement tag The times involved are too short (~1 ps) to measure directly, instead we measure the decay positions and convert these positions to times. CP 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 86

87 Thermal non-equilibrium
In principle, baryon number violation and CP violation should allow for the dynamic creation of the required asymmetry Baryon number violation creates baryons and antibaryons from other particles CP violation suppresses antibaryon production However, thermodynamics dictates that in equilibrium any particle reaction is reversible 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 87

88 Thermal non-equilibrium
In equilibrium, if a baryon producing reaction is favoured, then the complementary baryon decay process will be equally likely Thus, no net baryon production will occur Need a period of thermal non-equilibrium during which baryon production is favoured in order to generate a matter asymmetry Before equilibrium is restored, baryon number violating reactions must have turned off, otherwise the asymmetry will be ‘washed out’ 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 88

89 Baryogenesis The process of dynamic baryon production is called “baryogenesis” Unfortunately, the Standard Model doesn’t allow such baryon no. violating reactions Implies new physics The primary candidates for this “baryogenesis” used to be Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) This is because they would allow reactions such as those just shown 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 89

90 GUTs There are many Grand Unification Theories
Frankly, we don’t understand any of them... The basic idea is that all forces begin unite at some energy, where their coupling strengths converge, called the ‘GUT scale’ 102 1016 Energy/GeV Coupling Constant 0.1 0.01 α 1 α 2 α 3 Coupling constants meet at GUT scale 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 90

91 GUTs The simplest theories group the quarks and leptons together into larger families This implies transformations from between quarks and leptons These transformations are allowed by the introduction of new bosons, with fractional charges These new bosons are predicted to have masses of at least 1016 GeV 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 91

92 GUT Baryogenesis Propagator factors for such heavy bosons would be extremely small q ↔ l transformations are extremely rare Except in extremely hot environments such as that found at the Big Bang This type of GUT suggests that the proton should decay, possibly via p → e+ π0 e+ d u π0 p X 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 92

93 GUT Baryogenesis The possibility of proton decay has motivated experiments to validate GUTs E.g. Super-Kamiokande looks for proton decay as well as neutrinos The simplest models suggest a proton lifetime of approximately 1032 years Current estimates put a lower limit on the lifetime of the proton ~ years Several of the simplest GUTs have thus been disproved 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 93

94 Problems with GUT Baryogenesis
GUTs naturally seem to contain too little CP violation to account for asymmetry seen Required to suppress anti-baryon generating reactions However, CP violation can be built in to a certain extent in such a theory Symmetry breaking in the GUT may produce magnetic monopoles These are not observed 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 94

95 Problems with GUT Baryogenesis
Many of the problems can be overcome by employing Guth’s ‘inflation’ This would mean that there should be about one magnetic monopole per causally connected region of the ‘universe’... Inflation also tends to drive the density parameter Ω towards its critical value of 1 Further, inflation explains the strong correlation in the CMB over apparently causally unconnected regions 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 95

96 Electroweak Theory Currently thinking suggests that the answer lies a step down the unification ladder Electroweak theory (1967) was proposed by Glashow, Salam and Weinberg It successfully predicted the mass of the weak bosons and the existence of the Z0 boson Glashow et al. were awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery in 1979, before the observation of the charged W± bosons 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 96

97 Electroweak Theory An interesting property of the electroweak interaction is that its vacuum fluctuations allow baryon number non-conservation This is a so-called “sphaleron process”, allowed above the electroweak unification temperature Tew Beneath this temperature the process must be almost non-existent, by observation This is the case, due to the extreme masses of the weak bosons – the rate of such processes is proportional to exp(-Mw/αwkBT) 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 97

98 Electroweak Baryogenesis
Above Tew, the EM and weak interactions are unified, and are mediated by four massless bosons Above Tew, the rate now goes as αwT4 However, as with the GUTs, there is insufficient CP violation to match the observed asymmetry of the universe Extensions to the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry, may provide the answer This still remains the best baryogenesis model 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 98

99 Baryon non-conservation expts.
Soudan II Searching for proton decays. Also studying neutrinos and high-energy muons Approximately 800m beneath ground to shield detectors from high-energy cosmic rays 960 tons of iron, honeycombed with gas ionisation detectors Contains approximately 6  1032 protons Running since 1993, but becoming outdated as estimates of the proton lifetime increase 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 99

100 Soudan II The first of the 224, 4.3 ton iron/detector modules
4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 100

101 Baryon non-conservation expts.
Super-Kamiokande Searching for proton decay, and also involved in neutrino experiments Water Čerenkov detector Around 50,000 tons of pure water Approximately 1034 protons 1000m underground to shield detector 11,146 Photomultiplier tubes look for scintillations So far, no proton decays have been observed 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 101

102 Super-Kamiokande 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 102

103 Super-Kamiokande 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 103

104 Super-Kamiokande 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 104

105 Super-Kamiokande 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 105

106 Super-Kamiokande On Novemer 12, one PM tube imploded on base of tank
It set up a chain reaction that destroyed 7000 tubes and cracked the tank doing ~ $20 million of damage It was blamed on maintenance persons standing on PM tubes It may not be back online until 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 106

107 Observing CP Violation
There are currently two major experiments that are trying to observe CP violation in the B meson system PEP-II at SLAC, with the BABAR detector Located at Stanford in California Bristol University is affiliated with BABAR The BELLE experiment at KEK-B Located in Japan 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 107

108 PEP-II & BABAR 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 108

109 PEP-II & BABAR Built specifically to create and study B mesons
It is called a ‘B Factory’ because of this Has been operational for about 3 years now Collides positrons and electrons asymmetrically 9 GeV electrons, and 3.1 GeV positrons This creates the Upsilon (4s) resonance which decays % of the time to a pair Accelerator asymmetry is required so that pair are not produced at rest – this allows them to separate BABAR has been a great success. Around 30,000, million B mesons have been produced per year 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 109

110 KEK-B and BELLE The BELLE experiment is along the same lines as BABAR
Have recently claimed that they have observed CP violation in the B meson system 4/15/2017 CP Violation an GR 110

111 curiosity Classical antimatter:
Extended special relativity allows both Superluminal transformations and superluminal particles, confined to superluminal speed and with negative energy 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 111

112 curiosity Classical antimatter: the superlorentz transformation being:
4/15/2017 gm piacentino 112

113 curiosity Classical antimatter: complementary light cones 4/15/2017
gm piacentino 113

114 curiosity Classical antimatter: Reinterpretation principle:
the trajectory of a tachyon is seen inverted in time from the point of view of an infraluminal observer so the time simmetry should be violated by gravitational interaction 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 114

115 curiosity Classical antimatter: Reinterpretation principle:
the trajettory of a tachyon is seen inverted in time from the point of view of an infraluminal observer so the time simmetry should be violated by gravitational interaction 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 115

116 curiosity Classical antimatter: Reinterpretation principle:
the trajettory of a tachyon is seen inverted in time from the point of view of an infraluminal observer so the time simmetry should be violated by gravitational interaction 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 116

117 opportunity is it a good choice to look at antigravity?
several opinions against the job Morrison Feynman Good But 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 117

118 opportunity calculation of the instability of vacuum for the earth field: 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 118

119 opportunity the argument is symmetrical:
we can estimate the typical energy of a photon produced by the virtual creation/annihilation of a particle of mass m in a gravitational field g. From Heisenberg we can probe the space at the length scale: 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 119

120 opportunity so the typical photon energy should be:
that is an approximate expression of the Unruh Hawking temperature 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 120

121 opportunity so the typical photon energy should be:
that is an approximate expression of the Unruh Hawking temperature 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 121

122 opportunity Antigravity to mimic the CP violation in the Kaon system:
Mass eigenstates: 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 122

123 opportunity Antigravity to mimic the CP violation in the Kaon system: The reason that the weak force sees the kaon as a linear superposition of K and anti-K is that they ‘mix’ d s W W 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 123

124 opportunity & are easily distinguished by their different decay modes and lifetimes normally decays to p-p+ very quickly Decays in 9 x seconds p CP = CP = \ Conserved – This conserves CP since p-p+ have CP = +1 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 124

125 opportunity normally decays to p-p+p0 slowly
Slower decay because of reduced phase space Decays in 5 x 10-8 seconds p p p CP = CP = \ Conserved This also conserves CP since p+p-p0 have CP = -1 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 125

126 opportunity This is what should happen:
CP conserved This is what should happen: (CP = -1) (CP = +1) But occasionally (1 in 500 times), this happens: turns into & CP is violated! 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 126

127 opportunity The new weakly interacting Kaons:
Where a >> b Where g >> d The new weakly interacting Kaons: These are no longer pure CP eigenstates 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 127

128 opportunity Indirect CP Wolfenstein’s : Direct CP :
KL ‘mixes’ to KS before decay \ INDIRECT Indirect CP Wolfenstein’s : KL decays directly to a CP violating state \ DIRECT Direct CP : 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 128

129 opportunity Indirect CP Wolfenstein’s :
KL ‘mixes’ to KS before decay \ INDIRECT Indirect CP Wolfenstein’s : the answer could be again antigravity 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 129

130 opportunity the answer could antigravity 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 130

131 simplicity 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 131

132 simplicity 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 132

133 simplicity To be operate in orbit with antiprotons produced on the earth 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 133

134 Simplicity Picture of the NASA HiPAT Penning trap This magnetic bottle was designed for the storage and transportation of 1012 antiprotons. 4/15/2017 gm piacentino 134

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