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First Week of Advent Theme : A time of expectation and hope

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Presentation on theme: "First Week of Advent Theme : A time of expectation and hope"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Week of Advent Theme : A time of expectation and hope
Our life is a long vigil, waiting for the Lord to be revealed in all His glory. We long with joyful hope, for His Spirit is with us, and we know that God is always faithful to His promise. How much joy and hope do I have and live daily? Is this Advent season going to be different?

2 that our faith may be strengthened for the coming of the Lord.
Let us pray that our faith may be strengthened for the coming of the Lord. Father in Heaven, our hearts desire the warmth of Your love and our minds are searching for the light of Your Word. Increase our longing for Christ our Savior and give us the strength to grow in our faith so that the day of His coming may find us prepared and filled with joy.

3 “Be on your guard, stay awake,
Advent is not just a time when we recall and relive Israel’s waiting for the Messiah, Jesus. Advent is also a time when we recall that Jesus will return at the end of history – at a time we least expect. How prepared am I to meet Him? What if this is tomorrow? “Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come. …he must not find you asleep…” - Mk 13:33-37

4 and make disciples from all nations…
However, that does not mean we sit piously and stare at the sky, to recall Jesus’ first coming and anticipate His second coming. We are each called to continue His work; to spread God’s kingdom on earth. “Go, therefore, and make disciples from all nations… I am with you always until the end of this world.” (Mt 28:19) Advent is a time when we ask ourselves how well we are doing this. Advent is a time when we recall in a special way, that when Jesus returns, He will judge us individually. He will ask us, “How well did you carry out the task I gave you?

5 Daily Advent Prayer: 1st Week
Lord, give us your strength for sometimes things get tough, and we want to quit. Lord, give us your love for sometimes people reject us, and we are tempted to hate. Lord, give us your eyes for sometimes life gets cloudy and dark, and we lose our way. Lord, give us Yourself. Our hearts were made for you, and they will not rest until they rest in You

6 Our Second Week of Advent slide presentation will be
in our website at We also provide Gospel pointers in our website to help you find God in your daily life. If you are still not on our mailing list, us, with your name, address, gender, country (for our classification) at : You will then receive a daily Gospel e-message to inspire, guide and challenge you to deepen your love for God; written by Fr Philip Heng, SJ

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