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Regional Summit. The Sequoias Planning Process The Certification of Eligibility Outlines 7 Objectives: Objective 1: Evaluation of existing AE programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Summit. The Sequoias Planning Process The Certification of Eligibility Outlines 7 Objectives: Objective 1: Evaluation of existing AE programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Summit

2 The Sequoias Planning Process The Certification of Eligibility Outlines 7 Objectives: Objective 1: Evaluation of existing AE programs. Objective 2: Evaluation of AE needs. Objective 3: Plans to integrate programs. Objective 4: Plans to address the gaps. Objective 5: Plans to accelerate a student’s progress. Objective 6: Plans to collaborate on provision of professional development. Objective 7: Plans to leverage existing regional structures.

3 Objective Sub Groups Objective Sub Groups for Objective 3-7 Sub Groups have been tasked with developing strategies to be included in the regional plan Sub Groups have been meeting since June Made up of faculty, counselors, and administrators from members as well as representatives from partner organizations

4 Plan for the Rest of the Day 3 Breakout Sessions, Lunch and Closing: 11:00 AMBreakout Session 1 - Objective Sessions 11:45 AMLunch and Q&A Panel with Superintendents and Taskforce 12:45 PMBreakout Session 2 - Objective Sessions 1:30 PMBreak 1:45 PMBreakout Session 3 - Cross system alignment and Peer-to-Peer Learning Participants should choose room by program area specialty 3:15 PMClosing and Raffle

5 Breakout Sessions 1 & 2 Objective Sessions 11:00 and 12:45 Participants should choose two Objective 3: Student Transitions - Cedar Objective 4: Addressing the Gaps - Maple Objective 5: Student Acceleration - Laurel Objective 6: Professional Development – Birch Feedback and Brainstorming on strategies developed for each of these objectives

6 Breakout Session 3 Cross System Alignment and Peer-to-Peer Learning A chance to meet and get to know colleagues from other organizations from your specialty area Take time to reflect on strategies discussed and how they will work in your program area/specialty Take time to learn more about what is happening in your program area/specialty

7 Set in Stone? The strategies you will learn about are NOT set in stone We need and want your feedback and ideas The regional plan development is an ongoing process Want to share your ideas? Talk to a consortium board member, task force member or email us at

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