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Topology-Invariant Similarity and Diffusion Geometry

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1 Topology-Invariant Similarity and Diffusion Geometry
Lecture 7 © Alexander & Michael Bronstein Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Stanford University, Winter 2009 1

2 Intrinsic similarity – limitations
Intrinsically similar Intrinsically dissimilar Suitable for near-isometric shape deformations Unsuitable for deformations modifying shape topology

3 THIS IS THE SAME SHAPE! Extrinsically similar Intrinsically dissimilar
Extrinsically dissimilar Intrinsically similar Extrinsically dissimilar Intrinsically dissimilar Desired result: THIS IS THE SAME SHAPE! A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

Joint extrinsic/intrinsic similarity ? DEFORM X TO MATCH Y EXTRINSICALLY CONSTRAIN THE DEFORMATION TO BE AS ISOMETRIC AS POSSIBLE A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

5 Extrinsic dissimilarity Intrinsic dissimilarity
Glove fitting example Misfit = Extrinsic dissimilarity Stretching = Intrinsic dissimilarity A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

6 ? Extrinsic dissimilarity Intrinsic dissimilarity
A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

7 Computation of the joint similarity
Optimization variable: the deformed shape vertex coordinates Assuming has the connectivity of Split into computation of and Gradients w.r.t are required for optimization A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

8 Computation of the extrinsic term
Find and fix correspondence between current and Can be e.g. the closest points Compute an L2 variant of a one-sided Hausdorff distance and its gradient Similar in spirit to ICP A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

9 Computation of the intrinsic term
Fix trivial correspondence between and Compute L2 distortion of geodesic distances and gradient is a fixed matrix of all pair-wise geodesic distances on Can be precomputed using Dijkstra’s algorithm or fast marching A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

10 Computation of the intrinsic term
is function of the optimization variables and needs to be recomputed First option: modify the Dijkstra’s algorithm or fast marching to compute the gradient in addition to the distance itself Second option: compute and fix the path of the geodesic is a matrix of Euclidean distances between adjacent vertices is a linear operator integrating the path length along fixed path A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

11 Computation of the joint similarity
Alternating minimization algorithm Compute corresponding points Compute shortest paths and assemble Update to sufficiently decrease If change is small, stop; otherwise, go to Step 1 2 3 4 1 A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, ICCV 2007

12 Numerical example – dataset
Data: = topology change

13 no topological changes
Numerical example – intrinsic similarity no topological changes

14 Numerical example – intrinsic similarity
Insensitive to strong deformations Sensitive to topological changes = topology-preserving = topology change

15 Numerical example – extrinsic similarity
Sensitive to strong deformations Insensitive to topological changes = topology-preserving = topology change

16 Numerical example – joint similarity
Insensitive to topological changes... …and to strong deformations = topology-preserving = topology change

17 Numerical example – ROC curves
100 Extrinsic EER=10.3% Joint Intrinsic 10 EER=1.6% EER=7.7% False rejection rate (FRR), % 1 Intrinsic, no topological changes EER=1.1% 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 False acceptance rate (FAR), %

18 Shape morphing Stronger intrinsic similarity (larger λ)
Stronger extrinsic similarity (smaller λ)

19 Other intrinsic geometries
Geodesic distance is sensitive to topology changes Possible more robust alternatives “Average path length” “Density of paths” Transition probability A. Bronstein, M. Bronstein, R. Kimmel, M. Mahmoudi, G. Sapiro, submitted to IJCV

20 Diffusion on manifolds
Kernel (aka affinity function) Non-negative Symmetric Positive semi-definite: for any Discrete case: symmetric positive semi-definite matrix Examples: Adjacency matrix Heat kernel R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

21 Diffusion on manifolds
Normalized kernel where Because of normalization is no more symmetric Symmetrized kernel = probability of step from to by random walk Discrete case: Markovian matrix (each row sums to 1) R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

22 Diffusion on manifolds
Diffusion operator Discrete case: matrix Spectral theorem: the kernel of operator admits the spectral decomposition where and are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Discrete case: where are eigenvectors of R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

23 Diffusion on manifolds
Power of the diffusion operator where the kernel is Discrete case: matrix power = transition probability from to in m steps R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

24 Diffusion distance “Connectivity rate” from to by paths of length m
Small if there are many paths connecting and Large if there are few paths connecting and R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

25 Diffusion distance A mathematical exercise: find the kernel of
Discrete case: R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

26 Diffusion distance Substitute into diffusion distance
R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

27 Diffusion distance = bump centered at Becomes wider as m increases
= distance between two bumps Small if there is “cross-talk” between bumps Large if bumps do not overlap R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

28 Kernels

29 Diffusion distance Substitute into diffusion distance where
R.R. Coifman, S. Lafon, A.B. Lee, M. Maggioni, F. Warner, S.W. Zucker, PNAS 2005

30 Canonical forms, bis is a metric on
is isometrically embeddable into by means of Infinitely dimensional canonical form (“diffusion map”) Truncated gives good convergence rate

31 Diffusion maps No topology change Topology change Canonical form

32 MATLAB® intermezzo Diffusion maps 32

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