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Presentation on theme: "Brendan Krueger CEA Saclay 2013 October 18 THE ONSET OF NEUTRINO- DRIVEN CONVECTION IN CORE-COLLAPSE SUPERNOVAE."— Presentation transcript:


2  Background  Structure of CC SNe in the stalled-shock phase  Instabilities in CC SNe  Convective instability  Standing accretion shock instability  Research at CEA  The big picture  A simple model  Predictions  Hydrodynamics  Were do we go from here?  Summary & Conclusions Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 2 OUTLINE

3 Convection vs. SASI in CC SNe 3 Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay BACKGROUND

4  Above the proto-neutron star matter is cooling from neutrino emission  Neutrino emission weakens farther out until the gain radius  Above the gain radius is the gain region, where a fraction of the neutrinos are re-absorbed  Gain region is bounded by the stalled shock  Outward of the shock matter is infalling supersonically Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 4 POST-BOUNCE CC SNE STRUCTURE gain region cooling region PNS shock gain radius supersonic infall

5 gain region cooling region neutrinosphere shock gain radius supersonic infall gain region cooling region PNS shock gain radius supersonic infall  Neutrino heating mechanism  Reabsorb sufficient neutrinos in the gain region  Re-energize the shock  Wilson (1985), Bethe & Wilson (1985), Bethe (1990), Janka et al. (2007)  Magnetorotational  Rapid rotator  Burrows et al. (2007) Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 5 POST-BOUNCE CC SNE STRUCTURE

6  Several may exist  Not mutually exclusive (e.g., Guilet et al. 2010)  Two very important:  Convective instability  Standing Accretion Shock Instability (SASI)  Generally believed that one of these two will dominate dynamics of the gain region Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 6 INSTABILITIES IN THE GAIN REGION

7  Discovered by Blondin et al. (2003) in a simplified context  Since observed in variety of simulations: e.g., Blondin & Mezzacappa (2006, 2007), Ohnishi et al. (2006), Scheck et al. (2008), Iwakami et al. (2008, 2009), Fernández & Thompson (2009), Fernández (2010), Müller et al. (2012), Hanke et al. (2013)  Studied analytically: Foglizzo et al. (2006, 2007), Blondin & Mezzacappa (2006), Yamasaki & Yamada (2007), Fernández & Thompson (2009)  Blondin & Mezzacappa (2006) suggest SASI is purely-acoustic  Sato et al. (2009) and Guilet & Foglizzo (2012) provide evidence for an advective-acoustic cycle  Demonstrated experimentally in a shallow-water analogue of CC SNe: Foglizzo et al. (2012) Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 7 SASI I: BACKGROUND

8  Perturbations in the shock front create perturbations of entropy and vorticity in the flow  Perturbations advect downward  Deceleration of perturbations generates acoustic wave  Acoustic wave perturbs shock front Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 8 SASI II: ADVECTIVE-ACOUSTIC CYCLE acoustic wave entropy-vorticity wave

9  Generally dominated by low-order ( l =1,2) modes  l =1, m=0: sloshing  l =1, m=±1: spiral  Increase dwell time  Increases energy gain from neutrino absorption  Push shock outward  May give neutron star a “kick”  Spiral modes may redistribute angular momentum and “spin up” neutron star Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 9 SASI III: PROPERTIES

10  Seen in numerous CC SN simulations: e.g. Herant et al. (1992, 1994), Burrows et al. (1995), Janka & Müller (1995, 1996), Fryer & Heger (2000), Ott et al. (2013), Murphy et al. (2013)  Studied analytically: Foglizzo et al. (2006)  Generally higher-order modes ( l ~5-7)  Convection may cause low-order modes (especially in 2D): Burrows et al. (2012), Dolence et al. (2013)  Difficult to distinguish SASI from convection in nonlinear regime using naïve spherical-harmonic decomposition Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 10 CONVECTION I: BACKGROUND

11  Due to negative entropy gradient, the gain region is unstable to convection  May be stabilized through advection: Foglizzo et al. (2006)  Compare the advection time across the gain region and the growth rate of convective modes  Foglizzo’s χ parameter:  χ > 3 is unstable to convection Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 11 CONVECTION II: STABILIZATION

12  Different behavior results from these two instabilities  SASI has the potential to generate high-velocity and/or fast- rotating neutron stars (through sloshing and spiral modes)  Convection requires much more focus on heating (i.e., neutrino transport) to capture the driving physics  SASI can lead to gravitational wave emission: Marek et al. (2009), Murphy et al. (2009)  Neutrino emission from CC SNe could depend on flow dynamics  Different shock evolution (asymmetry)  Dimensionality of simulations could be significant for different reasons  Convection: inverse cascade in 2D vs. forward cascade in 3D  SASI: tendency towards sloshing in 2D vs. spiral in 3D Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 12 SASI VS. CONVECTION

13 Research from CEA Saclay 13 Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay NONLINEAR BEHAVIOR OF CONVECTION

14  What can we learn about instabilities in the gain region of a collapsing massive star?  Can we use this information to develop criteria for when a particular instability will dominate the post-shock dynamics?  We have started with convection  We also have a study of nonlinear effects relating to SASI in progress, currently being led by a graduate student, and we hope to be seeing new results soon Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 14 THE BIG QUESTIONS

15  The linear theory provides a good prediction  There is evidence that nonlinear effects could be important under some circumstances (e.g., Scheck et al. 2008)  Can we determine a criterion for the non-linear triggering of buoyancy-induced turbulence?  Step 1: When is the flow unstable? For example: When is a bubble buoyant against advection?  Step 2: When does a buoyant bubble lead to convective instability and/or turbulence? Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 15 BREAK DOWN THE PROBLEM

16  Simplify to the minimal physics necessary to capture buoyant instabilities analogous to what is seen in the gain region of CC SNe  Cartesian geometry  Ideal ϒ -law equation of state  ϒ = 4/3  Define a buoyant layer  Shape function s(x)  Analytic heating function  H = H 0 (ρ/ρ 0 ) s(x)  Gravitational acceleration  g = g 0 s(x) Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 16 SIMPLIFIED MODEL

17  Small perturbations grow (unstable) or decay (stable) exponentially  Unstable modes bounded by k min = 0 and hk max ~ χ  k max (χ=2) = k min = 0 : no unstable modes for χ < 2  Fastest-growing mode: k peak = k peak (χ)  Confirmed using hydrodynamic simulations Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 17 LINEAR THEORY

18 Scheck et al. (2008)  Change in velocity due to buoyancy: (~0.2%)  No mention of heating  Adiabatic bubble  No reference to the background entropy gradient  No mention of drag from rising against accretion flow Fernández et al. (2013)  Balance of gravitational, buoyant, and drag forces:  No mention of heating  Adiabatic bubble  No reference to the background entropy gradient  No mention of the size of the gain region  Criterion on constant velocity, not buoyancy Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 18 CURRENT CRITERIA Neither details the relationship between a rising bubble and the development of turbulent convection

19  Attempt to improve the physics of previous estimates  Numerically integrate the equations of motion  Begin with an adiabatic bubble and no drag force  Approximates the inputs to the Scheck et al. (2008) criterion  Add drag force and heating of the bubble  Results  Heating had very minimal effect  Drag force caused the bubble to reach an equilibrium position instead of escaping to infinity and is thus more physical, but changed the critical value very little  Net result is a critical value within an order of magnitude of the Scheck et al. (2008) and Fernández et al. (2013) predictions for our model Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 19 MODIFIED CRITERION

20  Same model as previously described  RAMSES fluid dynamics code  Parallel (MPI)  AMR  We are using a uniform-grid version to avoid overhead  MHD algorithm based on the MUSCL method  No magnetic field yet; that is on the to-do list Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 20 HYDRODYNAMIC SIMULATIONS

21  Add a bubble to the upstream flow  Low-density/high-entropy, pressure equilibrium  Varied the density contrast to explore (in)stability limit  Result:  Density contrast must be approximately 100 times what was given by the bubble trajectory models Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 21 BUBBLE TEST

22  Why?  Appears to be largely due to multidimensional effects that a simple trajectory will not capture  Upon entering the buoyant region, the bubble flattens, then splits into two counter-rotating bubbles (would be a ring in 3D)  This splitting lowers the density contrast  The rotating flows will dissipate, further lowering the density contrast  For an isolated bubble, multidimensional effects appear to modify the situation sufficiently that a simple trajectory is not predictive Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 22 BUBBLE TEST

23  Critical density contrast depends on χ  Lower value of χ is more stable  Resolution  Dissipation is partly physical, partly numerical  Some increase in the buoyancy of bubbles is seen at higher resolution  A large number of grid cells may be required to capture small perturbations, meaning they would be artificially dissipated in many simulations Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 23 BUBBLE TEST

24  Are small, localized perturbations the expectation?  Consider, as an example, a SASI-like oscillation in the shock front  Result would not be a single, localized bubble  The rotating flows resulting from a single bubble would likely not occur  Potentially will behave more in line with the predictions from the bubble trajectory models Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 24 OTHER PERTURBATIONS

25  Continue refining the study of a buoyancy criterion  Determine whether a buoyant bubble is sufficient to initiate convection and turbulence  If not: Is there a stronger criterion we can determine that will initiate turbulence?  Three dimensions  Convection is known to be difference in 2D and 3D due to the inverse cascade. 2D simulations can explore more effectively due to the lower computing cost, but 3D simulations will be necessary to confirm any conclusions  “Missing” physics  Are any of the physical ingredients we removed important? Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 25 NEXT STEPS

26  We are exploring the nonlinear behavior of convection in CC SNe  A simple bubble trajectory seems to miss multidimensional effects that are important to the buoyancy of bubbles  Critical density contrasts as predicted by bubble trajectories tend to overestimate the capacity of bubbles to become nonlinearly unstable  Still a work in progress  We hope to tie in similar work on the SASI in order to develop a coherent picture of the instabilities that govern dynamics in the gain region Brendan Krueger | CEA Saclay 26 CONCLUSIONS


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