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Producer responsibility for a circular economy – the experience of plastic packaging in the Netherlands Packaging Waste Fund Joris van der Meulen.

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Presentation on theme: "Producer responsibility for a circular economy – the experience of plastic packaging in the Netherlands Packaging Waste Fund Joris van der Meulen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Producer responsibility for a circular economy – the experience of plastic packaging in the Netherlands Packaging Waste Fund Joris van der Meulen

2 2 WHO ARE WE? PRODUCERS & IMPORTERS OF OBLIGED INDUSTRY Collecting the fees of the obliged companies (budget € 160 mio) Execute producer responsibility based on commitment of packaging agreement 2013 – 2022 € € €€ SLA Daily contact with municipalities Daily contact with waste management companies Collecting data for ‘off the market’ monitoring Foundation ‘keep the Netherlands clean of litter’

3 3 PACKAGING WASTE MANAGEMENT HOUSEHOLDS A PUBLIC SYSTEM Producer s/ Importers Recycling targets 2500 P/I’s (>50.000 kg) Producers/ Importers Recycling targets 393 municipalities Municipalitie s Collection and sorting (for plastic) Financing Remuneration

4 4 DUTCH PACKAGING AGREEMENT 2013 - 2022 Partners P/I’s Obliged Industry P/I’s Obliged Industry Association of municipalities Association of municipalities National Government National Government ++ Packaging agreement 2013 - 2022: Ambition Packaging Optimisation: by setting up sector plans (reduce, reuse, recycle, renew) Littering: social responsibility Monitoring: of the Agreement Circular Economy: Closing the loop of the material chains Recycling targets:  Glass, metal, paper > 80%  Plastics 2013 44% 202252% (our ambition: to be achieved in 2017)

5 5 RECYCLING TARGET FOR PLASTICS Goal: to achieve a target of 52% or more by 2017 2009: Introduction of Plastic Heroes Collection System ‘kerbside collection’ High quality sorting & recycling infrastructure Est. 40 transfer stations 5 Sorting plants (Netherlands 1, Germany 4) Mechanical and optical sorting in 5 different plastic material flows  PET  PP  PEdelivered to est. 70 certified recyclers in EU  PE- Foils  Mix plastics


7 Total cost in € MIO In 7 years: from € 60 mio to € 136 mio PLASTIC HEROES A SUCCESS…. BUT AT A COST

8 This progress shows that ……………. All partners involved should maximise there effort to optimise the plastic recycling scheme to an efficient and effective system in order to lower cost; The integration of the deposit system for large PET bottles into the Plastic Heroes recycling scheme is the next important step towards an efficient and effective system; To have one overall system is more consumer friendly, so that the recycling of more plastic packaging waste will be stimulated; Today a lot of recycled material is are already used into new products, however the usage of recycled material should be increased; Therefore we need to stimulate innovation.

9 This progress shows that ……………. We are on our way of achieving a circular economy for plastic packaging!

10 10 Thank you for your attention For more information: Stichting Afvalfonds Verpakkingen Postbus 1266 2260 BG Leidschendam +31 85 401 26 60 +31 6 222 401 64

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