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CS 599: Social Media Analysis University of Southern California1 Sentiment Analysis Kristina Lerman University of Southern California.

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1 CS 599: Social Media Analysis University of Southern California1 Sentiment Analysis Kristina Lerman University of Southern California

2 How do people feel about movies? Estimate this… …using only this!

3 Huge interest, but why? Help consumers and brands understand the opinions being expressed about –Events Court decisions, protests, acts of congress –Products Movies, consumer electronics –People Political candidates, Dictators –Locations Restaurants, hotels, vacation destinations

4 Mood and emotion Moods are physiological in origin –Influenced by levels of neurotransmitters, hormones, … Moods also depend on external factors –Daily routing, work, commuting, eating, … –Products used by a person Two dimensions of mood –Positive affect Enthusiasm, delight, activeness, alertness, happiness, … –Negative affect Distress, fear, anger, guilt, disgust, sadness, … Can we accurately measure mood from text?

5 Main ideas Text messages (tweets, blog posts) use distinctive words to convey emotions –Identify features (words, linguistic features) that are highly indicative of emotions Train classifier to recognize emotion in text –Supervised machine learning Need labeled data to train classifier Features are noisy. How to filter them to improve classifier performance? What classifier to use? –Automatically classify the emotion of a new text message using only the features of the message

6 Recognizing blog moods “ESSE: Exploring mood on the Web” by Sood and Vasserman Main idea –Current search engines are able to find content on the web efficiently but do little to connect the user and content with emotion. Searching for a blog post based on keywords simply returns the posts most associated with those words, but the emotional nature of the posts is not considered. –Train a classifier to recognize the emotion in texts Contributions –Training data collected from LiveJournal, with user-labeled emotions –Handling challenges: noisy labels

7 Google Blog Search

8 ESSE: Emotional State Search Engine Searches an index of blogs for key terms Allows the user to search based on one or more emotions as well as choose a source of indexed blogs

9 Components Mood classifier generates a set of scores for different moods (happy, sad, or angry) for each given blog entry Search engine backend uses an index of 44 million blogs from spinn3r Web interface

10 Classification Train classifier to recognize the mood of LiveJournal posts –Training phase More than 600,000 posts, each represented as a feature vector Each post labeled by author with one of 130 different moods Naïve Bayes classifier relates post with its label (user indicated mood) –Test phase Classifier labels a new post with a mood

11 Training data: LiveJournal

12 Mood distribution

13 Classification (cont) But, classifier is prone to overfitting –Too many noisy labels, not enough generalization –Solution: use clustering to reduce the number of labels by collapsing related labels into one of 4 (happy, sad, angry, other) K Means clustering was used to cluster the posts into 3 groups (happy, sad, or angry), removing the outliers and reducing the data set to 31 moods, or ~130,000 posts

14 K Means clustering Each mood represented as a feature vector –Component of the vector is the number of times that feature occurred in all posts tagged with that mood –Moods “happy”, “sad” and “angry” are initial cluster centroids happy sad angry hyper giddy gloomy irate

15 K Means clustering Iterate until no further change –Moods closest to cluster centroid are assigned to that cluster –Recalculate cluster centroid happy sad angry hyper giddy gloomy irate

16 Reduced labels

17 Naïve Bayes classifier The probability of a post being classified as class c, given a set of feature f is equal to the prior (P(c)) times the product of all possibilities of all features, given class c. Post classified as most likely class, i.e., class c with highest conditional probability

18 ESSE query After training, the ESSE system is able to search different given indexes Index scores higher for words used frequently in a document but less so for words that are used frequently in many documents Mood classification and filtering is performed on the fly

19 Evaluation R = posts relevant to C P = posts labeled with C

20 Evaluation TP = true positives TP FP TN FN FP = false positives TN = true negatives FN = false negatives

21 Evaluation

22 Sentiment of Twitter posts “Twitter as a Corpus for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining” by Pak & Paroubek Main idea –People widely use microblogging platforms (e.g., Twitter) to express opinions. Understanding opiniosns would be useful for marketing and social sciences –But, it is challenging to extract sentiment from microblog posts, because they are very short (e.g., 140 characters) Contributions –Automatically collect training data from Twitter –Use linguistic features to automatically recognize the sentiment of posts Positive, negative, objective

23 Twitter sentiment Twitter posts often express opinions –Which posts express positive sentiment? Negative sentiment? Posts are short: few words to go by to recognize an opinion

24 Sentiment classification Train classifier to recognize positive and negative sentiment positivenegativeobjectiveBut, need lots of training data containing posts expressing positive and negative opinions, as well as objective posts not expressing an opinion Training data collection Query Twitter for posts containing –Happy emoticons… :-), :), =), :D, …  positive posts –Sad emoticons… :-(, :(, =(, ;(, …  negative posts –Links to news articles  objective posts

25 Zipf law Distribution of word counts in the data set is a power-law

26 Do linguistic features help?

27 Subjective vs objective posts Relative prevalence of POS tags across subjective posts (positive or negative) and objective posts “Wow”, “OMG” “I”, “he” “I found”, “you saw” person, place or thing “most”, “best” P obj sub

28 Negative vs Positive Relative prevalence of POS tags across negative and positive posts Prevalence has less discriminative power than for objective vs subjective posts P +ve -ve “whose” “most”, “best” “missed”, “bored”

29 Supervised Machine Learning Trojans Rule! Positive inputoutput Sentiment Classifier Labeled messages

30 Classifying the sentiment of tweets Train the classifier –Features Remove stop words, URLs n-gram: sequence of n consecutive words from a post binary (0,1) feature reflecting presence or absence of an n-gram –Filtering Discard common n-grams, which are uniformly distributed across all data set. These don’t allow to discriminate between sentiments Entropy of an n-gram g across different sentiments S. High entropy  g is evenly distributed across all sentiments

31 Given a message M, what is its sentiment s?

32 Unigram (1-gram) Positive Message Count Negative Message Count Objective Message Count trojans655 rule22625 great4012 home10 bad2302 news3744 Total count 5000

33 Example of calculating P(s|M) P(+|”trojans rule”) = P(+)* product of probabilities P(unigrams|+) = P(+) * P(“trojans”|+) * P(“rule”|+) =0.333 * 6/5000 * 22/5000 Similarly for P(-|”trojans rule”) and P(obj|”trojans rule”) Sentiment with the largest probability wins.

34 Results Classify the sentiment of 200 messages. Ground truth: messages were manually annotated for their sentiment recall precision F-measure # training samples

35 Summary Authors of Twitter messages use linguistic features to describe emotions (positive or negative sentiment messages) or state facts (objective messages) –Some part-of-speech tags may be strong indicators of emotional text Use examples of positive, negative, and objective messages collected from Twitter to train a classifier –Recognize sentiment of a new message based on its words and POS tags

36 Global mood patterns “Diurnal and seasonal moods vary with work, sleep and daylength across diverse cultures” by Golder and Macy Can automated sentiment analysis be applied to social media data to provide a global picture of human mood? Do moods have a time scale: diurnal, seasonal?

37 Corpus of Twitter tweets Up to 400 public messages from each user 2.4 million individuals worldwide 509 million messages between 2/08-1/10 84 identified countries English only Date, Time, and country latitude

38 LIWC Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count James W. Pennabaker, U. Texas @ Austin –“Virtually no one in psychology has realized that low-level words can give clues to large-scale behaviors” –Recent book: The Secret Life of Pronouns (2011) 4,500 words and word stems –Each in one or more word categories “cried” in sadness, negative emotion, overall affect, verb, past tense verb. 0.88 sensitivity and 0.97 specificity

39 Testing LIWC Online

40 Methodology Examined within-individual Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) independently, –E.g., fraction of PA words appearing in an individual’s messages every hour –To eliminate between-individual variation, subtract the mean: PA u *(h) = PA u (h) - Additional analysis on 4 English-speaking regions: Africa, India, UK/Aus, US/Can

41 Two peaks in PA daily; PA is higher on weekends

42 Mood governed by diurnal cycles, not culture

43 PA is higher when days are growing longer No significant correlation Small correlation

44 Digression: significance testing “PA is higher when change in daylength is positive … (r=0.00121, p<0.001)” Is there a trend? (measure correlation) –Calculate correlation: y vs x Is the trend significant? Or can it be observed purely by chance? –Null-hypothesis: there is no trend –Calculate p-value

45 P-value "reject the null hypothesis" when the p-value turns out to be less than a predetermined significance level –Significance level often set to 0.05 or 0.01 Correlation values are normally distributed –P-value is the probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis

46 Summary Confirm findings from psychological studies –Psychology studies are small scale, on homogeneous population vs Twitter study on large, heterogeneous population –Mood changes are associated with diurnal (sleep-wake) cycles PA highest in the morning and before midnight PA highest on weekends Universal and independent of culture –Seasonal mood changes PA decreases as days grow shorter  “winter blues” Possible to do psychology through text analysis of social media data

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