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Formula for AMAZING paragraphs...

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Presentation on theme: "Formula for AMAZING paragraphs..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formula for AMAZING paragraphs...

2 Why I'm here... Ladies and gentlemen...
Writing is essential to every class you will ever take Writing is a SKILL that you learn with practice ...and I know a shortcut :)

3 The 3 Parts to a Paragraph
Writing is like math, there's a formula! Main Point Supporting Details This is where things can get a little confusing... Conclusion

4 Start at the top : ME M - Main Point E - Explain
What are you going to say...? E - Explain Why should your reader care about what you have to say...?

5 ME + LE L - Link E - Explain
Support your main point with some sort of concrete evidence... E - Explain Explain how this link supports your main point.

6 ME + LE + LE L - Link E - Explain
Support your main point with ANOTHER sort of concrete evidence... E - Explain Explain how this NEW link supports your main point.

7 ME + LE + LE + C C - Conclusion "Restate" your main point
Show the reader how you made your point Remind the reader how much the main point matters.

8 The Final Step Take what you've outlined and put it into proper paragraph format... Don't forget to indent the first line. Check out my example on the back! This MELELEC paragraph is about the dangers of online communication and why face-to-face communication is BETTER!

9 Now, you try! Find a question from your homework that you could write a perfect paragraph about... Use the outline on the third page to organize your paragraph. Then write your beautiful, comprehensive answer on a piece of paper to hand in :)

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