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Participatory Action Plan Preparation through Work book exercise G. Jhansi Rani- WALAMTARI.

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Presentation on theme: "Participatory Action Plan Preparation through Work book exercise G. Jhansi Rani- WALAMTARI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participatory Action Plan Preparation through Work book exercise G. Jhansi Rani- WALAMTARI

2 Objectives Orienting all Farmers Organizations (WUA, DC & PC) on Current irrigation performance with respect to water Use Efficiency and productivity Users charges (water tax) demand assessment and collection, Review O&M works of 2008-09 and plan for improvements in 2009-10.

3 What is work book Work book is a tool, it contains process steps and sequential formats for action plan preparation for different levels Farmers Organizations ( WUA, DC& PC) Water indent Area irrigated assessment formats Water tax demand & collection Plough back funds Operation& Maintenance action plan Water Use Efficiency/Duty Productivity of crops

4 Participatory Action Plan Preparation Seasonal Participatory Action Plan through work book exercise WUA wise PAP preparation and consolidation at DC & PC Level Cleaning of the data, generation of analysis reports and spatial maps Sharing of PAP reports at PC & DC level with DCs and WUAs to identify the gaps and plan for the improvement measures For the next season review of the previous season & plan for the current year

5 Irrigation water indent Water Use Efficiency studies Water release Schedule Water tax assessment & Collection Operation & Maintenance plan preparation Implementation of O&M Plan Actual Area Irrigated assessment Crop water Requirement Irrigation Project Management Cycle WORK BOOK METHODOLGY

6 Irrigated Area Assessment: TC wise localized ayacut particulars shall be obtained from the concern Competent Authority /AEE Crop wise actual area irrigated particulars shall be obtained during the walk through survey WUA wise consolidate the crop wise area irrigated particulars. WUA wise area irrigated information shall be certified by the WUA Managing Committee & AEE. AEE has to furnish the information to the concerned the Executive Engineer, in turn the same will be furnished to the concerned MRO.

7 Demand Assessment Based on the actual area irrigated information, TC wise water tax demand assessment shall be calculated as per the prescribed rates This information will be consolidated at village level and shall furnish to the VRO and fix dates for water tax collection.

8 Demand Assessment Based on the actual area irrigated information, TC wise water tax demand assessment shall be calculated as per the prescribed rates This information will be consolidated at village level and shall furnish to the VRO and fix dates for water tax collection.

9 Demand Assessment Based on the actual area irrigated information, TC wise water tax demand assessment shall be calculated as per the prescribed rates This information will be consolidated at village level and shall furnish to the VRO and fix dates for water tax collection.

10 Water tax collection & plough back Mandal tahalsidar will send DCB statements to the WUA & EE. As per GOMS number 170 plough back proceedings will be getting from the concerned Tahasildar. Based on the Tahasildar proceedings concerned Executive Engineer will give indent for release of LOC to the Chief Engineer/ Commissioner CADA

11 Operation& Maintenance: During canal closure period WUA managing committee, works sub committee & AEE collectively conduct walk through survey for identification of O&M works and prioritization of works and accord administrative approval by WUA MC. O&M works shall execute with plough back funds received from the Government. Establishment of social audit boards at public places for transparency.

12 Water Indent: Proposed crops, extent area under the each distributaries/ canal/minor/sub minors of the WUA jurisdiction shall be considered for the water indent. Furnish water indent to the Distribute Committee, Project Committee for major irrigation and medium irrigation projects respectively. Based on the water availability in the reservoir, water release schedule shall be prepared by the department engineers in consultation with FO’s. Monitor the water release schedule by FO’s(WUAs, DCs & PCs) and Department Engineers After the crop season, distributory wise water discharged for irrigation, drinking particulars shall be obtained Duty will be calculated based on the water utilized and area irrigated




16 NSLC-PAP –Action Plan Item DC/WUA Numbers StatusAction Area Irrigated No irrigation to 18- 32 DCs irrigation in Tekulaplli circle No irrigation during Kharif Due to second zone no water release DC No 9,12 &13 NSLC MRLG circle 21-50% Area irrigated Water Release schedule preparation – Adopting on& off system DC-2,4,8,10 &1160-80% DC No-1,3,5,6,7&8 100% area irrigated Promotion of conjunctive use

17 Advantages of PSA It helps group members to keep a track of their own progress. It works as a facilitative tool for the group members. Members themselves can plan corrective actions. It can be integrated with regular meetings of WUA. It can be a building block for the entire M& E system. It increases awareness among all the members.

18 Category of IndicatorsList of indicators Continued Dialogue & Participation  No of management committee meetings held  % of WUA farmers participating in AGM  Transparency in Operations (wall writings updated) Performance  Area Irrigated per MCFT  Area under second crop  Water tax collection  Additional resources mobilization Self Management  Updation of records  Joint Azmoish (estimation) of water tax demand  Water Release schedule preparation  Warabandi Implementation  Adequacy of water receipt by tail end areas and farmers  Conflict resolution  O & M works implementation Innovations and Technology Adoption  Innovations in water management, Resource mobilization, water sharing, Collective action, Cropping practices(SRI, ID, Hortculture, Etc) & Conjunctive use



21 Performance is average in all the 3 themes Performance is good

22 Out comes Realization and importance of Participatory Action Plan (PAP) preparation Establishment of good coordination between the department & Farmers Organizations Identification of problems and measures for improvement Scope for action plan preparation for next crop season Development of data base at different levels Overall performance management and Water Duty Data base available at WUA, DC& PC level and section, Sub- Division, Division & Circle Project wise crop production and value of produce is known.

23 Thank You

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