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Rights and Responsibilities in a Global Community

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1 Rights and Responsibilities in a Global Community
Digital Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities in a Global Community

2 Digital Citizenship Brain Pop
It seems that stories about technology in schools are starting to focus on misuse and abuse, rather than the benefits that come from effective use. We know that students are not prepared for the technology they use, but questions are now arising as to where the responsibility lies to create digital citizens. Gardner Video

3 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Access – participation in society
Digital Commerce – buy and sell online Digital Communication – exchange information Digital Literacy – when and how to use digital technology Digital Etiquette – standards of conduct Digital Law – legal rights and restrictions Digital Rights and Responsibilities – privileges and freedoms, and expectations Digital Health and Wellness – physical and psychological Digital Security – precautions for personal safety and network security

4 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Access – participation in a digital society Teachers and schools need to consider access to technology inside and outside the classroom. What do we consider to be technological staples? Do we have a basic level of access that should be guaranteed? Issues: Equitable access; accommodations for special needs; increasing access outside of school; functional knowledge Examples of Inappropriate Approaches to Digital Access? How many kids in your class don’t have Internet access? How about high speed?

5 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Commerce – buy and sell online
While this doesn’t sound like an educational issue, we are talking about molding citizens for a capitalist society. Ages 8-24 spent $186 B in online spending in the US in 2006. Issues: Protecting credit ratings; managing media accounts; buying rights; identity theft Examples of Inappropriate Practices in Digital Commerce? Look at your credit card. Do you know what the guidelines are for online purchases? Explore ‘I’m Here’, how effective would this be?

6 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Communication – exchange information
We thought revolutionized communication, yet it is being replaced by IM, video conferencing, cell phones, and social networks. Issues: digital footprint; loss of composition skills; distractions in class; inappropriate communication Examples of Inappropriate Digital Communication? Pick someone in class that you don’t know much about. Start with the information you can access in Moodle to find out all you can in five minutes.

7 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Literacy – when and how to use digital technology As we discussed …

8 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Etiquette – standards of conduct
The way we use technology is often overlooked, as we spend much time just trying to keep up with how we use it. Issues: use in context; respecting others; empathy; Examples of Inappropriate Digital Communication? Look through etiquette 101 with a partner. What do you see as the most annoying occurrence in workplace communication?

9 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Law – legal rights and restrictions
Copyright, defamation and other issues are gaining recognition in law. Bill 32 and high-profile court cases will push these issues in the education system. Issues: fair use; piracy; criminal harassment; privacy Examples of Inappropriate Behaviour in Digital Law? What will inclusion of fair use for education in Bill C-32 mean for classrooms?

10 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Rights and Responsibilities – privileges and freedoms, and expectations Acceptable use of technology and content is not just handled in legal terms. Ethics in technology can cover issues such as cyber-bullying and plagiarism. Issues: citing materials; responsibility inside and outside school Examples of Inappropriate Behaviour in Digital Rights and Responsibilities? Where is the acceptable use policy for AVRSB employees? What is missing or needs to be modified?

11 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Health and Wellness –physical and psychological We are starting to hear about the effects of Internet addiction and pressure to stay wired. There are also physical symptoms from improper ergonomics and repetitious movement. Issues: extended computer use; posture; lack of physical activity Examples of Inappropriate Digital Health and Wellness? Take the Internet Addiction survey. Is this a legitimate issue?

12 ISTE’s Nine Elements Digital Security – precautions for personal safety and network security Information is a commodity, and the ability to protect personal and school information/infrastructure is critical. Issues: network security; identity theft; stalking Examples of Inappropriate Behaviour in Digital Security? What have you found technology has done to bridge the home and work?

13 Digital Citizenship Citizenship is based on the idea that we share a set of values and beliefs on which our rights and responsibilities rest. Before you tackle the issue of digital citizenship it may be worth some time to explore these values and beliefs: Visit “Value Sort” in Moodle. Try organizing the values in the interactive chart. Discuss with a partner how you think that this type of activity could translate to initiating discussion towards an understanding of digital citizenship with students.

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