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1 Northeast Area Mailing Industry Focus Group Presentation 10/14/2014.

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1 1 Northeast Area Mailing Industry Focus Group Presentation 10/14/2014

2 2  Periodicals  PS Form 3526 Update  Marked Copies  Other PAG discussion items  DMM Changes – Streamlining  Booklet Self Mailers – Revision  Folded Self-Mailer Information  Mailpieces With Sample Packets - update Agenda

3 PS Form 3526 Why file PS Form 3526  Required by Statute  Determine continued eligibility  Record of ownership and management  Distribution and circulation Statement of Ownership Management and Circulation

4 PS Form 3526 Who must file - All Periodicals publications, including Foreign must file

5 PS Form 3526 When and where to file  Once each year  “On or before” October 1 st  At the original entry Post Office

6 PS Form 3526 Publishing Standards  General and Requester only  Publisher must publish information from PS Form 3526  Must publish timely according to the frequency of the publication

7 PS Form 3526 Publishing Standards  More frequently than weekly (e.g., Daily) - Not later than October 10  Weekly or less frequently, but more frequently than monthly (e.g., Biweekly) - Not later than October 31

8 PS Form 3526 Publishing Standards  All other publications – in the first issue whose primary mailed distribution is produced after October 1

9 9 PS Form 3526 PS FORM 3526  File using the latest version of PS Form 3526 (July 2014)  Publishers with Electronic copies must complete page 3

10 10 PAG Proposals Other Periodicals Advisory Group (PAG) related items:  Specific products that are used for reply purposes would be allowed even if they display a price  Increased weight of automation flats that are in a comail pool to 24 oz  Product samples on full sheet attachments that are in poly  Clarify standards for “Catalogs”

11 11 PAG Proposals Eligibility of Products :  Allow a product in a Periodicals publication (e.g. Greeting Card) if the product will be a reply or “re-mailed” mailpiece  If publishers want to do this they would submit the proposal to the PCSC for determination  USPS will then review and approve on a case-by- case basis.  The number of incidents that are filed with the PCSC and determine need to change standards

12 12 PAG Proposals  Currently we are looking to test these flat-size mailpieces over 20 oz up to 24 oz Allow up to 24 oz Flats to be comailed with Auto Flats

13 13 PAG Proposals 3.4.2 Prohibited Material  Material that contains any one of the following printed items or that is referred to in a component of the Periodicals mailpiece (by the use of one of these items) is ineligible to be mailed at Periodicals prices: b. The word “catalog.” Make it clear that enclosure is identified as a “Catalog” Clarifying the Verbiage for the Catalog

14 14 PAG Proposals  Currently product samples cannot be on the cover of the pub or supplement  Now allowing product samples on the card stock cover if polywrapped piece is still flat and product sample is not facing outward  Example – tipped on a full size sheet with sample facing inward Product Sample on Insert

15 15 DMM Streamlining

16 16 DMM Streamling  In case you haven’t noticed the DMM has a new look.  To eliminate redundancy many sections were eliminated/consolidated  For example, DMM 200 deals with letters, flats, parcels, and Periodicals.  Some hyper-links still not functional DMM Streamlining / Reduction

17 DMM Streamlining Reduce the size of the DMM without changes to content to make it quicker, easier, and more convenient to use. 17 Ultimate Goal:

18 18 BOOKLET SELF-MAILERS Step Down Pages

19 19  Currently, the cover-to-cover format is the only format that allows for shorter inner pages.  Cover can be no longer than ⅝” from the inner pages. Step Down Booklets Booklet Mailpieces with Step Down Pages

20 20 Step Down Booklets Booklet Mailpieces with Step Down Pages Cover-to-CoverCover extends no more than 5/8 inch beyond inner pages. Seal with a continuous glue line as described in 3.11h.3.11h

21 21  As a result of testing, certain formats with inner pages shorter than ⅝” may be approved for automation letter prices on a case by case basis.  The key is overall streamline design.  No bulge at the center of the mailpiece.  Submit step down designs to the PCSC, via your local BMEU. Step Down Booklets Booklet Mailpieces with Step Down Pages

22 Folded Self-Mailer Information 22

23 23  Originally, only perforated pull open strips and pop out panes are permitted for automation prices  Now permitted on address or non-address side of mailpiece if:  Host piece made of cardstock  Perforations have a cut to tie ratio of 1:1  If perforation extends to edge of mailpiece, or an a fold, it has to end with a tie  If perforation is on address side, at least 1” clearance from any address element FSMs / FAQs Mailpieces with Perforations

24 24  Originally, attachments must have 1” clearance from any edge  If attachment is made from same paper stock as host piece, and is attached to an inside panel it could be defined as a panel if:  Same size as the other panels on three side and no more than 1” away from the other  Referred to as a “secured” panel FSMs / FAQs Attachments

25 25  Originally, tri-folds must be addressed on the center panel, with final folded panel creating the non- addressed side of the mailpiece  New – Address allowed on any panel if an additional seal (tab, wafer seal, glue) id added to the lower right edge, ½” from the bottom of the mailpiece  Tab/Wafer seal preferred method, if glue, must be adhered to the inside panel from the address panel  Open edge is always at top of mailpiece FSMs / FAQs Tri-folds

26 26  Alternate sealing methods for oblong pieces instead of 3 glue spots on trailing edge is permitted if two glue spots are placed on the trailing edge and a third is placed at the center of the top edge. FSMs / FAQs Sealing

27 27  Reference material on RIBBS shows intermediary fold must be on right edge.  DMM does not address the intermediary fold.  Until a Federal Register Notice is published addressing this issue, the intermediary fold can be on either the right or the left edge and be eligible for automation letter prices. FSMs / FAQs Quarter Fold FSM

28 28 For the full list of FAQs visit FSM home page at RIBBS: ntations/documents/tech_guides/FoldedSel fMailersFAQs.pdf

29 29 Similar allowances for booklet self- mailers. Provides booklet mailers an opportunity to have perforations, die-cuts, etc on the outside cover. Booklets

30 30  Testing was completed, however, publication of standards still pending.  Approvals are based on Sample Packet Matrix  Applies to letter and flat-size mail containing sample packets  Does not apply to the Simple Sample Packet incentive program, which are parcels Sample Packet Mailpieces

31 31  Classified as small volume (up to 0.20 fl. oz.) or large volume (up to 0.35 fl oz.) packets  Packet Size  Packet Orientation  Clearances from edges of mailpiece – 1” lead edge, ½” from all other edges  Opening device facing the top edge  Change in burst strength for letters - 22 psi as per ASTM-F1140  PSI for flats remains at 3,000 Sample Packet Mailpieces

32 32  Currently, all sample packet mailers must be sent to PCSC for approval  Local office cannot approve Sample Packet Mailpieces

33 33 ??? Questions ??? ????

34 Peter Pagano Classification Specialist 212-330-5321 34

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