Chapter 22. Central Powers Were chiefly made up of the nations of German, Austria Hungary and The Ottoman Empire. They were seen as responsible for start.

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1 Chapter 22

2 Central Powers Were chiefly made up of the nations of German, Austria Hungary and The Ottoman Empire. They were seen as responsible for start of the war.

3 Allied Powers Consisted of France, Russia, Great Britain and later the United States. The allies used propaganda to gain world favor.

4 U-boat Were called an undersea boat and used to combat allied shipping and supplies. They created fear and interrupted supplies from The United States.

5 Lusitania Was a British ship that sailed from America carrying people and supplies. It was sank off the coast of Ireland and the deaths of the passengers turned American opinion about the Germans.

6 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Was when the Germans sank Allied shipping without warning off the coast of Europe. It caused American opinion to turn against the Central Powers.

7 Sussex Pledge Agreed to by Germany and The United States to stop the sneak attacks by the U-boats. It was not adhered to because England would not stop the blockade of Germany.

8 Preparedness movement Was an effort to prepare the United states for its entry into WWI. It was supported by Theodore Roosevelt and later endorsed by President Wilson as a campaign tactic.

9 Zimmerman note Was a communication between Germany and Mexico offering them parts of the United States if they joined the war. It was used to turn Am,erican opinion against the Germans.

10 1 A system of alliances caused European Nations to immediately choose sides. Nationalism, militarism and imperialism created an atmosphere of competition and conflict among European nations. Countries put national interests and glory above other concerns, regardless of the consequences.

11 2 The advantages of neutrality: Politically the United States avoided what it thought was a European conflict, at home many immigrants had strong ties to their homeland which included countries on both sides. There was a vocal peace movement against the war and the United States could make a profit making loans and selling supplies. The disadvantage of neutrality is that the United States could have broken the stalemate saving lives.

12 3 Unrestricted submarine warfare violated international law and custom. German U- boats sank enemy ships without warning. Because British ships sometimes disguised themselves as neutral nations, Americans ships were at risk. The sinking of the Lusitania cost the lives of 128 Americans, enraging the American Public.

13 4 Preparedness advocates led by Theodore Roosevelt, believed that being ready for war not talk of neutrality was the best way to keep the peace. Wilson at first resisted calls to strengthen the army but during his reelection campaign embraced the idea of doubling the army and creating the worlds navy.

14 5 The Russian Revolution removed a barrier to the United States entering the war on the side of the allies. Wilson did not want to be allied with a dictator, so with Czar Nicholas gone Russia could be an ally.

15 6 The reasons President Wilson gave for entering the war were ideological. The most significant reason was to make the world safe for Democracy. The United States could not remain neutral with world peace at stake and the Germans taking American lives and impeding free trade.

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