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Sensation vs. Perception sensation: the experience of sensory perceptionsensation: the experience of sensory perception perception: the process of creating.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensation vs. Perception sensation: the experience of sensory perceptionsensation: the experience of sensory perception perception: the process of creating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensation vs. Perception sensation: the experience of sensory perceptionsensation: the experience of sensory perception perception: the process of creating meaningful patterns from raw sensory informationperception: the process of creating meaningful patterns from raw sensory information

2 Sensory Thresholds absolute threshold: minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time difference threshold (jnd): minimum difference between two stimuli that one can detect 50% of the time —increases with magnitude of stimulus

3 Weber’s Law The principle that the jnd for any given sense is a constant fraction or proportion of the stimulation being judged.The principle that the jnd for any given sense is a constant fraction or proportion of the stimulation being judged.

4 Approximate Absolute Thresholds Vision: a candle flame seen from 30 miles on a clear, dark nightVision: a candle flame seen from 30 miles on a clear, dark night Hearing: the tick of a watch from 20 feet in very quiet conditionsHearing: the tick of a watch from 20 feet in very quiet conditions Smell: 1 drop of perfume diffused throughout a three-room apartmentSmell: 1 drop of perfume diffused throughout a three-room apartment

5 Approximate Absolute Thresholds Taste:.0356 ounce of table salt in 529 quarts of waterTaste:.0356 ounce of table salt in 529 quarts of water Touch: a bee wing falling on your cheek from a height of 1 centimeterTouch: a bee wing falling on your cheek from a height of 1 centimeter

6 Subliminal Perception definition: below thresholddefinition: below threshold We can process some information from stimuli too weak to recognize.We can process some information from stimuli too weak to recognize. effect of subliminal stimulation: a subtle, fleeting effect on thinkingeffect of subliminal stimulation: a subtle, fleeting effect on thinking

7 Does subliminal advertising work? No. The goal of using subliminal advertising is to increase the likelihood that you will buy a particular product.No. The goal of using subliminal advertising is to increase the likelihood that you will buy a particular product. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that subliminal advertising cannot change an individual’s behavior.Research has repeatedly demonstrated that subliminal advertising cannot change an individual’s behavior.

8 Stimulus for Vision

9 wavelength amplitude The visible spectrum consists of:

10 Cross Section of the Eye

11 Rods Cones Rods Cones Receptors: rods and cones 120 million120 million peripheryperiphery sensitivitysensitivity night visionnight vision 8 million8 million centralcentral acuityacuity color visioncolor vision

12 Anatomical Pathway in the Retina

13 Path to Occipital Lobe

14 Path from Eye to Visual Cortex light photo- receptors bipolar cells ganglion cells LGN visual cortex

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