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 Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений.  Целевое назначение: систематизация предметных умений, универсальных действий по теме "

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Presentation on theme: " Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений.  Целевое назначение: систематизация предметных умений, универсальных действий по теме ""— Presentation transcript:

1  Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений.  Целевое назначение: систематизация предметных умений, универсальных действий по теме " My visit card".  Задачи урока:  Образовательные: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков, навыков говорения, чтения, аудирования, письма.  Развивающие: развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствование внимания.  Воспитательные: воспитание умений работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.



4  1. What is the girl’s name?  2. How old is she?  3. When was she born?  4. How large is her family?  5. Does she have brothers or sisters?  6. What are her father and mother?  7. What is her favourite subject at the college?  8.What music does she like to listen to?

5  1. My, name, or, last, is, surname, Suvorova  2.Describe, my, let, appearance, me  3.Sister, my, help, I, her, always, and  4.Still, is, she, pupil, a  5.We, good, are, with, my, friends, sister  6.Relatives, come, many, us, to visit

6  Across  2. Aunt’s son  5. Mother’s brother  6. Child without parents  8. Daughter’s son  9. Father’s second wife  10. Mother and father  12. Brother’s daughter  Down  1. Woman whose husband died  3. Brother and sister  4. Mother’s mother  7. Sister’s son  11. Father’s sister 


8 61547 122863 101936 385287 25817 435986

9 a) b) c) 1. A few words about myself. I am Ann. I am 16. I am a student. I am rather slim. My hair is dark and long. I have brown eyes. I am a happy and an optimistic person. I like watching films, reading detective stories. When I have free time I usually go to the cinema or read. 2. Let me introduce myself. My name is Nick. I am 17. I am at 11-th grade. I have an elder brother and a younger sister. My mum is 40, she works for newspaper. My dad is 44, he is an engineer. I go in for sports. I play football and take part in different sports competitions. 3. Hello. I am Julia. I was born on the 22-nd of May. I am slim with curly blond hair. I am very kind and cheerful at all times. I like to listen to music. I prefer classical music and can play the piano. My favourite composer is Tchaikovsky.

10  The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Well done. Your marks are… Your hometask is: to translate the sentences from Russian into English. Задания найдете на моем сайте...  What have we done at the lesson today? Did you like our lesson? If the lesson was interesting for you, show me the red card, if not-the blue card.  Good bye.

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